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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='matty589' post='177804' date='Apr 16 2008, 12:44 PM']I got a new 6B for £300 from them a couple of years ago.[/quote]

    Yeah, i remember SC sold off the B series Tobias stock a while back, that sounds about right. I think around the same time that the like of Hartke / Trace and Mesa got dropped from the stock list. Not sure what the state of play is these days, but our local branch doesn't have the varied selection it had a few years ago. I think SC have preferred manufacturers!!!

  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='176796' date='Apr 15 2008, 12:48 AM']Damn, just out of interest how much would my tobias toby pro5B custom be worth? (that's the bubinga model with the assym neck)[/quote]

    My guess that one in new condition would be around £250 or a bit more. I can't remember what SoundControl used to sell them for though.

  3. I'm using a UL-610 - not sure if it's a series 1 or 2 to be honest.. since it is still fairly new, I'd *guess* that it was a series 2!

    I'm pleased with it.. I took it up to the BassBash recently .. but I spent so much time talking to everyone, I didn't spend too much time 'showing' it!!!!!!

  4. [quote name='steve-norris' post='174993' date='Apr 12 2008, 08:11 AM']Bootsy indeed, i remember buying that album just on the strength of that bassline, sadly Bootsy's contribution was the only decent thing on it. BUT still worth it, what a funky track :)[/quote]

    Yeah I agree lol!

    Can't remember the name of the song that the bass line originally came from.. would have to look it up.. Was only playing on my MP3 player the other day, I think.

  5. [attachment=7539:DSC_0020.JPG][attachment=7540:DSC_0021.JPG][attachment=7541:DSC_0023.JPG][attachmen

    Some online reviews:-

    Yep! Time to move on a beloved. Not to be mistaken with the more recent (and of general opinion, inferior) bubinga bodied 6B Custom models sold in SoundControl; Here is my Tobias Pro 6 bass!

    It is a 34" scale 16mm spacing bass featuring a 5 piece laminate neckthru body build of Wenge and Maple, with a nice figured Maple wings. It also features upgrade EMG extended range P type active pups and a 2 band EQ preamp Vol/Pan/Bass/Treble. I will leave the Schaller locking buttons on too!

    The bass has seen gig action and has fret wear. However it doesn't have any playing issues. I guess a service and set up to suit your playing style maybe a good idea. ( I pretty much do that with all new basses that I buy!) .
    Of the pics above.. 4 shows a small ding in the fretboard, away from the strings.. probably under 1mm deep. Pic 5 shows a small ding in the centre of the pic.. Yes, you'll have to look closely! Pic 6 looks a bit like a bruise.It's under the lacquer and can not be 'felt' when you run a finger over, so doesnt affect playability.The last pic shows where I had moved the strap button down to the centre of the 'bum' end, so it was the same as my other basses. Probably helped against dingage too! The finish it self isn't bad. Over the years of playing, there are a few patches that have been 'shined' where my hands have rubbed. There is no discolouration though! T'is all good.

    As the bass has a bit of wear shown in the pics - t'is a looooow price! [b]£350 inc Hard case[/b].

    Would very much suggest pickup as couriers can't be trusted! - I can also ship the bass about a bit through friends as I do travel. Best to PM me with your location, as we may be able to sort something out and save some pennies!

    If you would like any specific pics, I am happy to mail some over.

  6. Oh wow! Someone who actually remembers them!!!!

    I played an amazing 6 string Minky bass at one of the Guitar Shows.. I am thinking it must have been the London Guitar show.. Infact, I recall Steve Lawson being there, playing. Chad Smith too.

    They were really great basses, very slick to play too! The facings of the body and headstock were all hand carved to look like stone. A real eye catcher!

  7. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='174196' date='Apr 10 2008, 10:30 PM']Well if all you sensitive types think it is so important that wacko's bass has been found why dont you get the OP pinned, or is that beyond the wit of admin?

    I was expecting some Jaco lover to update [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/vault:bass:fender:top_ten_fender_basses"]this[/url]. Oh well.[/quote]

    In reference to wit, You seem to be just taking pot shots at innocent folk now. Why?

  8. [quote name='kingforaday' post='173954' date='Apr 10 2008, 02:36 PM']not sure what model dood has but for that money with the EMG's in it (and a hard case), it sounds like a great buy to me[/quote]

    Mine indeed is the pre Bubinga type. It has Maple wings - I have A/B'd mine against the Bubinga models and have to agree. The older versions were waaaay better! I felt that the Bubinga bass neck was clubby and uncomfortable. No where near as slick, put it that way!

  9. [quote name='Bullet-Rule' post='172585' date='Apr 8 2008, 08:55 PM']As for albums:

    'Snow' by Spock's Beard[/quote]

    Hell yeah and especially 'V' by Spock's Beard! Dave Meros is an awesome bass player with a super sexy bass tone. He's also a really nice approachable guy too.

    I will of course have to give props to my band mates and suggest listening to Sikth and James Leach's awesome bass playing. Tone, punch and some wicked bass lines!

  10. [quote name='largo' post='171693' date='Apr 7 2008, 07:17 PM']Anyone know why MB don't put mute switches on their amps ?[/quote]

    The new F500 on the way, (the same size as the F1 with the inclusion of a parametric EQ) does include a mute switch.

    Why they didn't do it previously? Gawd knows!!!!

  11. Thanks for the posts guys! I feel slightly guilty for not putting a proper ad up in the for sale section! I'll do some pics and spec list for all interest parties!

  12. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='169708' date='Apr 4 2008, 11:45 AM']I'd suggest a Tobias Toby Pro 6, you can pick them up for about £400-ish second hand. The pickups and electronics are a bit crap but the woodworking is fine and the bass is really easy to play.[/quote]

    As it happens, I am thinking of selling my Tobias Pro 6, with hard case for around £350. It has been upgraded with EMG active pups. I'd invite any PMs in the meantime.

  13. If you bought the amp from a shop, why don't you just take it back again and explain the situation. You are perfectly entitled to do so within 14 days without any quibble. Even if you bought from the internet.

  14. [quote name='truegeminis' post='169683' date='Apr 4 2008, 10:48 AM']All these rack compression units seem to have 2 channels, is there any reason for this? And what effect does running the two chains in series have (as mentioned by Dood)?[/quote]

    Some are 2 mono compressors in one box, so you could use them as one stereo channel or use one each for different applications. In a studio you could use one for a Bass Drum track and the other for a Snare Drum track for example.

    Running chains in series is purely to taste. Sometimes having 2 compressors subtely acting on the signal results in a nicer less compressed sounding signal than one unit compressing hard thus eating all your lovely tone. I image the effect to be similar to having a valve preamp, where each valve has a little effect on the signal, but by the end of the chain the overall effect is a nicely controlled tone.

    [quote name='bremen' post='169876' date='Apr 4 2008, 03:59 PM']That'd be less of an issue with bass than stuff like vocals/acoustic instruments I'd have thought.[/quote]

    Well, it's actually the power of the bass signal that can cause those clicks as the compressor struggles to control the velocity of the signal. You'll hear these artifacts, especially on cheaper compressors at higher threshold and ratio settings. If the compressor features a side chain filter, or allows you to insert a side chain filter in a loop, this can greatly relieve the clicking effect. The side chain filter attenuates bass frequencies from the control signal to the compressor (*NOT* the input/output signal) so that less of those frequencies have an effect on the compressor clamping down so hard on the bass signal. The overall effect is that you suffer less from 'pumping' and loss of top end. (sometimes you see compressors with enhancers on, to add the top back in). Multiband compressors are less likely to suffer from these noises, unless they aren't a particularly good design!!

  15. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='165740' date='Mar 29 2008, 10:55 AM']dood, how do you link it with the head - do you play bass straight into the compressor, or do you use the eff. loop?[/quote]

    Bizarre! I was sure I had replied to this thread!

    Well, As I have a pretty high output bass with active electronics, I get very good results going straight into the compressor chain.. Out of that into my GForce, then out of that straight into my F1.

    I just like having the least amount of EQ and signal path before the compressor, so if I crank it hard, I am less likely to pick up any noise. To be honest though, the C300 is very quiet indeed. I'm really impressed, even when chaining the 2 stereo compressors in series!

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