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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='165600' date='Mar 28 2008, 10:06 PM']I had pretty much everything set to around 12 (asin in the middle/top, not the amp goes to 12!), apart from the VLE, which was all the way down, and I cut through fine (via my Warwick WCA 211 Pro).[/quote]

    That sounds pretty much the same as me! I leave the VLE off and start at 12 o'clock. A little on the bass, so 1pm and sometimes back the treble off a bit on my bass as EMGs have an extended top end, as well as bottom.

    Speaking of the Warwick cabs.. saw ma mate playin through a complete warwick set up the other day.. and It was an awesome AWESOME sound. Not really what I want, but even through his 2x10 it punched right through the venue!

  2. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='165597' date='Mar 28 2008, 09:59 PM']Yeah, I love the thing, it's awesome![/quote]

    I was really surprised at the clarity of the amp, even with driving the bottom end hard, but if need be I could wind the VPF round and scoop those middles right out whilst adding rumble and clank! and STILL remain strong in the mix. I will admit that originally I didnt get on with the MB heads and cabs, but using the F1 with my current set up has really impressed me.

    I'd be the first to put my hands up and say, ok..so I was wrong! - Mebbe it was the cabs I didnt get on with all along?

  3. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='165589' date='Mar 28 2008, 09:43 PM']Used my F1 tonight at practice, my drummer said "it sounds much better, usually when you buy things, I can't actually notice any difference".[/quote]

    Dude! Thats good to hear!!!! I think my guys were impressed despite it's diminuitive stature!

  4. [quote name='pjbass' post='165425' date='Mar 28 2008, 05:29 PM']thanks Dood, im going to check it out.

    Re SC - the guys always mark up their price -get them to price match![/quote]

    heh heh, no probs! I got a bit carried away! I picked up my comp 'ex-demo' from a shop. So pretty much brand new, only a few marks on the outside. Bargain!

    Yep SC should be able to do a good price for you! Let us know how you get on!

  5. [quote name='OldGit' post='165051' date='Mar 28 2008, 09:05 AM']Don't you have to let it hang for a week to let the finish harden?

    Good news :)
    I owe him several beers ..[/quote]

    Let's hope he's not driving.. as I think he'll probably have a bar full of pint glasses to get through! I'll drop him a message see if he can bring some logo'd T-Shirts!

  6. [quote name='pjbass' post='165368' date='Mar 28 2008, 04:10 PM']Cool, i'm considering the DBX 166XL for my rack.
    Dood, what were the features that you were looking for in the C300 that the dbx didnt do?
    Was it purely the parallel compression (is this also called NY compression?)?[/quote]

    I think the 166XL is pretty cool. Like the rest of the DBX range they are well known for their quality all the way down the range.
    The C300 differs greatly from the DBX units. Firstly and foremost, its a multiband compressor. Compression can be applied to seperate frequency bands, as opposed to one compressor to cover the full range. This is especially useful in the composite modes, when used with mastering a complete mix for example. For bass it is ideal, as you wont suffer from 'pumping' or softening of upper frequencies under hard compression. The C300 has also been set up with a set of program modes. Really childs play! For example, the frequency ranges and envelopes of say a Bass Drum Vs a Bass Guitar Vs a choir of vocals are so very very different and would require different forms of compression with varied settings, including attack / release / crossover points / side chain filtering and then expansion and gating. TC have taken the guess work out with a whole set of programs. You just select the type of signal going in.. say, Acoustic Guitar or drums, then set the threshold and make up gain. So easy! ;o) - The program decides what type of compressor to use (full or multi) and what settings should be applied

    Finally, what pretty much every other compressor lacks on the market is the parallel mode. I think you are correct, it is also known as NY compression. In short, it's the ability to mix the orginal clean signal back into (in addition to) the compressors own signal.

    Describing the result is difficult, but there are loads of articles on the net. I find I get to keep my accents and louder dynamics. However if I play lightly (say in fast passages) the compressor takes care of levels and brings the level up accordingly. Actually, harmonics and tapping sounds just ping out of my speakers, but doesnt sound all squishy! Oh and is VERY handy for not eating the velocity of my low F# that needs a certain amount of volume to be heard!

    [edit] The C300 allows full stereo or dual mono functionality, as well as chaining 2 stereo parallel/multiband compressors together for some crazy compression in one box!

  7. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='163935' date='Mar 26 2008, 05:22 PM']I think it sounds awesome, I've owned tonnes of amps now and this is my favourite so far, lots of thump and not muddy, nice and tight sounding, the 2 tone controls are very good too, especially the VPF for me.[/quote]

    Abso'bloomin'lutely! - I have also owned some really nice amps over a lot of years and this one really does make me smile! As I have said in other threads, it keeps up with my 2 guitarists quite easily and I play metal! Yeah, I love those 2 extra tone shaping controls too. There's a wide range of tones available and I can get a really good old skool tone out of it as well.. nice and warm with a roundness to it that sounds funky!

    For a super mini rig I take the amp off my 6x10 and plug it into an Aguilar GS-112. I can carry my 4u rack in one hand and cab in the other. I reckon if I had a soft case I could pop that on my back too. One journey from the car!!

    p.s. Rack ears for the F1 are available seperately for rack mounting. (I'll do a pic later)

  8. [quote name='Tee' post='163115' date='Mar 25 2008, 01:16 PM']I've always been attracted by the size and weight of Markbass heads, but i'm put off my the supposedly [b]'sterile'[/b] sound. I hate carting equipment around though, so these would be so cool.[/quote]

    I wonder who writes those reviews, certainly not the case with the F1 and that is meant to be the least coloured of the MB range.

  9. The box on mine says 'CAUTION OVER 25KG' ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I think even if they put a decimal point between the 2 and 5 they'd still be wrong!

    [edit] ah, yes... infact they would.. it's only 2.1Kg . Gaaawd I love it! Sounded great last night on stage!

  10. I was going to buy the 166XL as the 'contour' function, which is a side chain filter, is perfect for bass guitar. The 266XL would be awesome if it had the same function.

    Out of all the compressors I looked at for my rack, the choice was down to the DBX 166XL and the TC Electronic C300. I decided the C300's functionality suited me better, but as I'm sure you have found out already, The DBX is also a fantastic compressor!

    Good purchase!!! ;o)

  11. Hmm, sounds like the li'l fella needs some attention to screening and earthing. I was reading a really good article on the net the other day, but I can't find it anywhere! Tell ya what Ash, bring the bass round.. leave it with me... um completely forget about it... ummm.. I'll change my address he he ;o)

    If I find said article I'll post a link!


  12. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='162245' date='Mar 23 2008, 04:01 PM']hang on dood, your not making a whole lotta sense...

    'one of'...'best signature [b]7[/b]strings'...'for the price'

    how many other 7 string signature basses are out there for that price???


    Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Nooooo not what I meant lol. I should have said, "Considering it's a signature bass (and a seven string) you are unlikely to find another as good at that price.

  13. [quote name='Jase' post='161948' date='Mar 22 2008, 08:04 PM']So no sounds on the site yet dood? Looking forward to hearing some new prog stuff :)[/quote]

    Not just yet ma man! ;o) We are in the midst of writing material at the moment. We have a few demos, but we keep improving bits, so they are never [i]quite[/i] ready!

  14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the F1. It was only a matter of time before I had to chime in!

    I LOVE mine! Bit of info here from me and PopTart [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9639"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9639[/url]

    I agree with the reviews about the F1 Vs the LMII. However I will very quickly jump in and say this amp, although being 'immediate' sounding and a bit more clean than the LMII it's definitely not sterile or cold sounding. The VLE and VPF controls, i expected to be a bit of a gimmick, but it IS really good to see 2 controls that can alther the voicing of an amp so usuefully. I call them the Ampeg control lol!!

    I have gigged my F1 with my Epifani 610 and there is no problem with volume. I think I'm yet to go over '4' lol!

    oh and the fact that it is tiny is fantastic!! - Mine lives in a 4u rack now, but being so small, it will be ideal for taking on tour, should I need to travel light!

    My only warning is this. Expect your band mates to ridicule you relentlessly about your gear right up to the point where they hear the F1 keeping up with 2 valve guitar heads and 4x12's. ;o)

    They still take the mic about me and my obsession with light gear.. F1 has proved itself ;o)

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