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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='155011' date='Mar 11 2008, 12:01 AM']Dammit! I've been after one of these used for ages, just gone rack-mount myself with a single channel T.C. Electronics, Triple C compressor :)

    If I don't like it and the pedal is still available (which I doubt), i'd be interested in taking this off your hands.[/quote]

    Ah yes! I had a Triple C!!! Awesome piece of kit! Not really sure why I sold mine! ha ha... I'm taking delivery of the new TC C300.. which is basically a multiband compressor as well but has sets of presets instead of the Triple's program menu. The Triple C is a really good unit, but what the EBS has over it, is absolute simplicity.

    I think you will really like the Triple C. It does take a short time to set it up.. have a look for the 'valve drive' function. A similar setting to the EBS 'tubeism' selector.

  2. Hey Alice! Welcome aboard! - I tried to play a couple of electric uprights recently.. I had all manner of problems! It just felt completely alien to me and not at all easy! So I have respect for you straight away!

    We have one or two upright players on the forum and they have me in awe!

    'av a good 'un!


  3. Close up! [url="http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/mc_close.htm"]http://www.ebs.bass.se/2007/mc_close.htm[/url]

    I hadn't seen previously but there are sound samples on the page below now, with all the specs etc...

  4. I'm expecting a new rack compressor in the next day or so.. this little baby has served me well and is now surplus to requirements.

    It comes boxed with original manual. The box is showing far more wear and tear than the pedal!!

    You all know what this little fellow can do and it's true Dual band compression and 'tubeism' modes are probably the best in any pedal!

    (Thats what they told me in the reviews anyway - and I give it the big thumbs up)

    Yours for ..well, lets give it away lol.. nearly! [b]£75[/b] delivered to your door (UK) (I'll waive the paypal fees)

    Cheque/Cash/bank transfer/paypal - Would swap for a BDDI if I had the opportunity to try one out.

  5. Actually, yeah the past bashes have been really good! Everyone seems to respect the level of noise and generally keeps it down so you can actually have a conversation. Anyone getting out of hand will probably have to answer to Nellie, who does like to gnaw on big chunks of wood!

  6. [quote name='finnbass' post='153478' date='Mar 8 2008, 03:28 AM']If you were a grammatician...we'd have to shoot you :)

    You simply cannot keep replacing a full stop with the acronym 'lol'.

    Pass that one on to Ped as well.. ;)

    lol haha etc


    lol (full stop) Shouldn't there have been a full stop after your words 'etc' and 'you'? (lol).


  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='153455' date='Mar 8 2008, 12:49 AM']I reckon a number of basses currently under construction are going to end up being 'birthed' simultaneously. :)[/quote]

    Yes, I suspect Jon will be doing sections together, so they all go in and out of the spray booth at the same time. That would probably make sense as he won't have to keep cleaning the guns out which can be a bit of a job I think. Especially as it looks like he has a minimum of 6 basses on the go from BC customers alone!

    Wow.. the excitement when they all turn up at the same time will surely be enough to bring BC to a standstill!!

  8. [quote name='crez5150' post='153194' date='Mar 7 2008, 04:13 PM']I was lucky enough to once strum Clapton's beloved Martin[/quote]

    There's some really nice instruments that I'd love to list, but your post reminded me of the single one guitar that made my heart miss a beat. I absolutely love Paul Gilbert's gnarly ole Ibanez 300 series with the blocked off trem. I grinned like a cheshire cat when I had the opportunity to play the very guitar that went round and round the world with him on tour.

    I'll get a goofy picture of me with it on the post at some point.

  9. Hey Murphy, sorry to hear about the predicament. Have you have a look at the ear plugs sticky? there's a lot of info there about great ear plugs and in ear monitoring.

    Should you pop a new pup in you gorgeous P bass, I maybe interested in having that SD quarter pounder off you, to help subsidise the new pup.


  10. [quote name='eude' post='152869' date='Mar 7 2008, 09:08 AM']Dood, you're gonna love the GS112!
    I frickin' love mine, can't wait till I can get another one to really beef things out.


    Oh I do Ewan!! oh I do! - Though my band mates will ridicule me for turning up with such a shrinky-dink rig! Had I have had the cash, I think I would have taken both of Smash's cabs!

  11. [quote name='dood' post='124931' date='Jan 21 2008, 07:13 PM']*FANFARE* Just taken delivery of a Mark Bass F1 ;o) . I have a rack mount kit on its way, so will be putting it in a rack case with my TC Gforce. Nothing else! The amp, as you can see is sat upon an Epifani UL-610.

    Now, can I just take a few moments to dispell any myths. INCLUDING some preconceived views (yeh, mine too) on what this amp may sound like. I am the first to admit that MarkBass and I did not start off on the right foot. I tried a few MB rigs and just couldnt get on with the sound. I later found, much like Ampeg, all MB cabs have a 'tone' to them.. Sadly a tone I don't like. Now the Epifani does have it's own tone too.. infact, most cabs do in one way or another.. maybe the Epi is just less intrusive.

    So, anyway.. I thought there is NO WAY that such a small box can keep up with a LOUD band in a studio live room (yep.. a noisey environment). I can catagorically confirm this amp is tastefully LOUD LOUD LOUD.. and very HiFi clean too ;o)

    [edit] for info, it's 500W RMS into 4 Ohms

    I discovered the VLE andd VPF controls to be uber useful. I have renamed them to 'The Ampeg Control' - sounds a bit like a Sansamp when you go too far with them.. I suspect that was the idea!

    I may keep the 2k powersoft amp to use should I need to play the odd stadium with a set of 8x10's, but I am surprised and excited to say I may have finally arrived wih my gear. I shudder to think how much I have spent over the years, I really do.

    Oh.. and the F1 has a pair of purpley blue LEDs ;o)


    I must just say a big thankx to ma man Deano at The Bass Centre for being bl**dy brilliant and sorting me out with new toys AGAIN. I'll write a decent review when I get round to it![/quote]

    Just remembered I had this UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL pic to include! I'll post a pic of the new Agggie GS112 with it soon..


  12. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='152591' date='Mar 6 2008, 06:59 PM']I've seen various locum doctors who have tried to tell me I just have wax that is causing the constant ringing in my ears.[/quote]

    I find that so hard to believe too... Never heard of wax causing ringing ears. Infection and tinnitus I do know causes ringy ears!

  13. [quote name='andrewrx7' post='152275' date='Mar 6 2008, 11:37 AM']What surprises me, is that the other 2 still don't use any ear denfenders, and just rely on their natural ability to repeatedly recover after rehearsal/gigs.[/quote]

    I guess if they knew that their ears [i]aren't[/i] actually recovering, then maybe they would think differently? The ringing may have died down, but the damage has already been done. Hearing damage is cumulative, so everytime you get ringing ears, that's [i]more[/i] damage on top of the last time. I think mebbe a lot of musicians don't know that until it is too late.

    My right ear is really ringing tonight.

  14. As soon as my Shuker is built I will have a Tobias Pro 6 with EMGs up for sale. Hopefully wont be too long to wait now. They have a nice slim string spacing, at 16mm. Very easy to play. It's defintely in your price range too. I'll keep you posted and am happy to give you more details.

  15. [quote name='Forcemaster' post='152110' date='Mar 5 2008, 11:38 PM']Thanks for the advice everyone. Has really helped.

    Though now to choose a midi board!

    Many people seem to use the behringer one, but i'm a bit (read: hugely) concerned about behringers lack of reliability with other products, any advice?[/quote]

    My good friends, and now band mates have taken the Behrngers round the world on tour with them. Some bits had fallen off, but they still work lol!!

    Take a look at the Roland FC200, The Rocktron errr.. thingy majig.. I think Rolls as a company still mate controllers, such as the MidiMate/Buddy - If you can find one, the ART Ultrafoot X-15 is excellent.. the newer black model, as opposed to the pink and gret 80's colour scheme one!

    If you go for the TC G System, it comes as a floor unit that can be seperated into foot controller and rack unit. My guitarist has one, its great! Check out the videos for it on the TC website. Saves having to buy a seperate unit.. but then, the whole thing is a bit more expensive!!!

    I use the Roland FC200 - had it for years and it wont break! ;o)

  16. [quote name='cheddatom' post='151523' date='Mar 5 2008, 09:15 AM']I do parrallel compression all the time! It's an integral part of my sound but I've never heard it's name before.[/quote]

    Cool! I'd never really been a fan of the more 'normal' method. I like what I can do with parallel. Just really wanna give this comp a go, to see if I get the same results. Then the multicomp will go lol!!

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