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Posts posted by Dood

  1. I'll sling my MultiComp in the bag.. I wouldn't mind trying a Sansamp BDDI again, or one of the other bass versions, like the Para for example...

    [edit] ...^^^^^ I would had I have not sold it ;o)

  2. I met up with Smash the other day (Hi Ash!) and now own his other Aguilar GS112. If I could have, I would have bought both! They are absolutely new!

    I really love the tone and am pointing a big thumbs up in Ash's direction. Cheers mate!

  3. [quote name='bnt' post='151044' date='Mar 4 2008, 01:35 PM']I'm looking at a way of getting there, partly with a slightly ulterior motive: I have a Chapman Stick (10-string) I would like to sell. I've concluded that selling it will mean a trip to the UK anyway, since shipping from Ireland is expensive and risky. I'd like a trip to the UK anyway, and if I stay in Northampton I'll get a Saturday in London too.

    Would anyone be interested in taking a serious look at the Stick, if I bring it across? I'll post a note in the For Sale forum too, with photos (later). I'd prefer to carry it one-way only. :)[/quote]

    I'm in no position to be spending money on new instruments, other than those on the way already, but I would love to have a play on your Chapman Stick!


  4. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='150560' date='Mar 3 2008, 06:47 PM']Looks interesting, but I'm afraid I didn't get as far as signing up.

    I couldn't work out why they need my phone no and whether they going to sell my email address to spammers. :huh:

    Yes I'm a cynical old barstool :)[/quote]

    One of the benefits of owning a domain name or three lol, you can set up specific email filters for unlimited addresses. You then know who sent your email address off to the spammers lol!

  5. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='150700' date='Mar 3 2008, 10:05 PM']please explain that in lay mans terms, im confused[/quote]

    Hmmm.. well, you know when you plug in a compressor and you get all your signal peaks limited and all your quiet stuff amplified to make your signal more consistent?

    Well, Imagine that your peaks aren't limited, but all your quiet stuff (signal) is brought up in volume to meet the louder parts of your playing. Your peaks (ie Slapping and popping) are not limted, but when you reach over to tap up the neck, the notes ring out far louder.

    If you get the mix just right it sounds really PHAT but natural at the same time. Some people also like to mix a multiband compressor with the direct signal, as there are some phases differences that make for some wierd bass tones as the bands of compression kick in and out.

  6. if you can find one ma man, I would honestly recommend the EV sba 760.

    Its an active sub, that is a little pricey new, but it honestly does chew up and spit out other powered subs in its class. We tried it against a Mackie (he he) and the DB and some other subs too.. Peavey or something. Easily the best of the lot.

    No, sure it's not a folded horn yahdee yahdee yahdee, but I was seriously impressed. It was actually too much when I paired it with an accugroove TRI210L lol lol

  7. [quote name='cheddatom' post='150183' date='Mar 3 2008, 09:41 AM']what does parallel compression mean? As in stereo compression? Multi-band?[/quote]

    In it's simplest form, it means mixing a direct signal with the compressed signal. The technique is often used in studios to fatten up drum tracks and adding the breathy loveliness to vocals.. especially those sexay ladies!

    Usually, in th ecase of drums it means routing out seperate groups on a desk to mix the compresed and direct signals.. but at last, someone has had the bright idea of adding the control direct on the compressor.

    I have been using parallel comp for..well, ever really. I first started using seperate channels of a rack compressor to set up 2 different compressions, then routed them (in parrallel) to the front end of my effects loop. I really want to go back to doing that again, so it was a bit of a revelation to see a mulit band / full band compressor offering the ability on one knob, as opposed to me having to route cables left right and centre!

    Therefore, there's a great possibility my EBS Mulitcomp will be coming up for sale soon!


  8. I know the Model One is / was originally modelled on the EBO anyway, but it would be worth checking if the string spacing on the poles have been shifted to suit the P bass spacing instead. Billy Sheehan had been using the Model One for years, so I am in no doubt that some rejigging has taken place.

    That aside, Billy's pickups are now known as the 'Will Power' range, so the Model One could well be different to the Will Power neck position as well!

  9. [quote name='obbm' post='150446' date='Mar 3 2008, 04:21 PM']Do you mean neck width? If so, there are some 70's Fender Ps that were made with jazz necks as does the Squier P-bass Special. Also the Mexico P Special. The Aerodyne Jazz has a jazz neck and a P pick-up. The Fender experts will chime in soon. Then of course there is the Lakland Duck Dunn which is a P with a jazz neck.[/quote]

    Beat me to it! lol - I was just gonna say my 70's CIJ has an 'A' neck that is so close to my Jazz Bass Special's neck it is almost indestinguishable. - I 'm not a massive fan of big chuknky necks either.. but I'd got it into my head that they sounded better/fatter/fuller... Though I can not quanitfy that with any fact I'm afraid, as they just hang on my wall looking pretty :wub:

  10. [quote name='owen' post='150438' date='Mar 3 2008, 04:17 PM']Whatever you get make sure you can live with the sound of the fans. Some amps have loud fans, some have quiet ones.[/quote]

    In general, but not all cases.. you will find that the higher powered poweramps will have noisier fans. The reason is simple. Higher power outputs create higher heat output from the poweramp sections. You either run small fans faster (and noisier) or you run larger fans, that by nature have more surface area and hence.. are noisier. They still have to dissipate more heat than a smaller amp.

    Look at D-Class amplification, as a 500W amp in comparison to an AB-Class 500W amp will need much less forced air cooling. Indeed my F1 has what appears to be a 5cm fan that is yet to come on lol lol

  11. Lookin' great there Steve!! I bet it sounds amazing! - It's a pleasure to furnish you with some great tone!

    Johnny - The SVP is only a preamplifier, it contains no power amp section - The SVT 3 has the SVT 2/SVP preamp section and a Mosfet (solid state) Power amp. The SVT 3 uses a valve circuit in it's poweramp section to make it behave more like a valve amp does, with ref to tone and dynamics. (Obviously without the additional weight you get with Valve power and output transformers!

  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='150148' date='Mar 3 2008, 08:19 AM']Was that the company where the guy died suddenly? If it is, it's caused supply problems for shiny gold hardware at Status-Graphite.[/quote]

    Really? - I thought Status had their parts manufactured in somewhere like Japan. Could be wrong i suppose! lol

  13. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='150335' date='Mar 3 2008, 02:14 PM']I'll be purchasing a Markbass SA450. talk about going 'round in circles :)[/quote]

    We learn the hard way don't we! I shudder to think how much bass gear has past through my hands on the way to where I am now.. I just hope the journey stops soon!!! lol.. I love the F1, very pleased with it. I took on 2 valve guitar heads (+ 4x12's) at the weekend.. and had masses of headroom spare. Quite a change from lugging an SVT2 Pro around!

  14. I saw a TC Electronic G Major on ebay the other day for 250 quid. I have the big brother the GForce and can tell you that both units are a pair of some of the best gigging multiFX on the market. The GMajor is slightly more guitar orientated, but both offer a full studio quality pile of effects, with NO loss of bottom or top end, NO delay between patch changes and are TRANSPARENT in sound.

    I strongly recommend them for pur multiFX alone. Hell, if the GForce was good enough for Vai for years, until the G System came out, then they're good enough for me!

    I have had mine a while now and it has never let me down. It would take me a week to describe what you can do with it as there is very little it cant do ;o)

    Sadly the MPX G2 by Lexicon isn't made any more.. they were rather good too.

  15. He everyone, just a quick update to those who said they would bring a 1x12 cab along for me to try out. I am sorted now thank yoU!

    Thanks to an absolute gent, by the moniker of 'Smash' I now own a pretty much unused Aguilar GS112. Smash lives just down the road, so striking up a deal was a breeze!

    Oh.. and Homer... I remember the the MarkBass / Aguilar match from the first bass bash and the F1 certainly comes up with the goods as well ;o)

    Would anyone lik eme to bring it along to the Bash?

  16. Hi! Welcome to the forum! The Cookes shop is just down the road from me.. you're not in Norwich per chance are you? I'm not really sure which of the two combos to go for, I'm sure we'll have some peeps who know these amps better than I.

    Just saw the Cookes website first!

    Good luck! I hope the reunion will relight that bass playing fire in you!


  17. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='149061' date='Feb 29 2008, 05:11 PM']Well I bit the bullet' and ordered some ER15s today from Boots in Cheltenham. I can change the filter within 3 months, so happy with that. I also had a hearing test; quite interesting really. Normal up to 4k then dropped off 20dB up to 8k.
    Apparently about right for my age and musical history![/quote]

    Good on ya mate!! You'll find that you will become acustomed to the new way of hearing, if you can call it that.. then I reckon you'll ask yourself why you didnt do it years ago! I know I do! ... mebbe just a tad too late for me as well!!!

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