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Posts posted by Dood

  1. Like anything James, it would depend on your wallet ;o)

    I find it hard to see how an effects rack with 20 pedals worth of effects for the price of a single good pedal CAN be as good as those 20 pedals individually.

    There are some really excellent racks out there. Tone to behold.. and don't believe all the guff about digital sterility lol. Though it's horses for courses. Some people prefer 20 pedals on the floor, or just one. Some like to use a single patch on their multieffects... some hate effects altogether!

    My personal view is the right unit is perfect for me. Everything is safe in one box, my signal chain is short and unlikely to get knocked, trodden on or damaged by flying audiences! lol

  2. I haven't read all the posts so far, so I apologise if I repeat anything you guys have said already.

    The one thing that really winds me up, is posts with meaningless titles for videos. Posts called 'check this out' deserve to be deleted lol... The same goes for creating links in posts as well. I would like to see informative titles, such as 'Dan Veall, Licklibrary contributor, intro video' for example.

    Bnt wrote this excellent sticky on how to create your Your Tube video posts:-


  3. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='143658' date='Feb 20 2008, 01:23 PM']A transmission line is a quarter-wave device, so anything less than three feet or so is more likely a reflex duct.[/quote]

    I assume this method works similar to a tuned port? (ie attenuating upper frequencies, so that the bass sounds more prominent?)

  4. [quote name='Buzz' post='143314' date='Feb 19 2008, 07:25 PM']He means because you've done it upside down by the looks of it, you've got:


    when accepted tab form is E (or B, or F#) is lowest, ala:


    (It isn't lovecats, but 5 points and an e-cookie to anyone who can name song for theriff)[/quote]

    My sherona, dude ;o) Is that how you spell it?

  5. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='143240' date='Feb 19 2008, 05:30 PM']Not sensitive as far as I was concerned but he did say some harsh things about the Sandberg distributor. The general consensus was that he had been a bit naive and did not understand his side of the bargain when he slagged off the uk prices and said to buy them off the internet.[/quote]

    mmmm ... I see!

  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='143067' date='Feb 19 2008, 02:06 PM']I've got no idea what you are talking about. Check these "mega stars"


    ...soon to be joined by our very own ian.[/quote]

    Well, I'll hold my hands up.. I dunno who the majority of those people are. Maybe endorsements are handed out to any one these days lol lol.

    I'm endorsed by my local police force, how cool is that? lol lol

  7. [quote name='Toasted' post='142985' date='Feb 19 2008, 12:21 PM']I know a few Warwick endorsee's and most of them are definitely not "mega stars" :)[/quote]

    well maybe 'mega' wasn't the best choice of word. But do they have lots of gear thrown at them for free all the time? That was the point I was making.

  8. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='143030' date='Feb 19 2008, 01:20 PM']Nick Smith (person with tonnes of basses from Peterborough and posts as bassdoctor or something on here) said before to me that he was in a high paid IT job but gave that up to play bass full time.[/quote]

    Those musicians who worked in IT know why LOL LOL...

  9. I remember reading a story on the forum, how a chap was talking to Laurence Cottle about a guy he knew who gave up a high flying IT job to become a full time session bass player. He'd said that the guy earned £9k that year.

    Apparently Laurence turned round and said somethin like "Nine grand??? He must be good!"

  10. [quote name='dood' post='143019' date='Feb 19 2008, 01:01 PM']Hmmm.. yeah, this gets discussed a lot, but I would really love to here from some of the big [b]manufatcurers[/b] to hear about not just the financial and manufacturing implications, but their take on the design itself.

    I have spoken at length with one of the head tech guys at Eminence. He was really helpful and had some interesting views on cab design.. which I would expect him too, of course!


    I think I just invented a new word!

  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='143009' date='Feb 19 2008, 12:43 PM']... and I cant help but wonder why.[/quote]

    Hmmm.. yeah, this gets discussed a lot, but I would really love to here from some of the big manufatcurers to hear about not just the financial and manufacturing implications, but their take on the design itself.

    I have spoken at length with one of the head tech guys at Eminence. He was really helpful and had some interesting views on cab design.. which I would expect him too, of course!


  12. [quote name='ian' post='142848' date='Feb 19 2008, 12:16 AM']hi as anyone ever had a endorsment with warwick and can you put your thoughts on the process please mine seems to be a long winded thing anyway thanks in advance ian ps cant wait for the rig

    warwick tube path 10.1 1000 watts
    4x10 600 watts
    2x10 ?

    as anyone used this set up :)[/quote]

    Are you in a signed band / touring with management? Or are you in a position of high profile that would be beneficial to Warwick? Have you a huge following with thousands of MySpace friends? Are you a professional (and well known) teacher? Do you have a recognised press pack?

    Have you contacted Warwick directly? (My Warwick contact has now left the company). FWIW, Warwick are selective with ref to their endorsement program. Just buying their gear isn't enough to warrant a deal lol.

    The other thing you have to ask yourself is whether or not you actually NEED an endorsement deal anyway. It's one thing to say you have an endorsement, but it's a two way thing.. you have to work for it too! - it's not just free stuff... oh unless you are a mega star!

    I hope this helps.

  13. [quote name='Matty' post='142239' date='Feb 18 2008, 12:23 AM']d'oh!
    Well, its just the ampeg sound on the POD im wanting really.
    Meanwhile, this is the Ampeg sound.
    will contact you on Weds with a yes/no :)[/quote]

    heh heh.. yes, wasn't the word I said when the POD left me!!! I may have another in the future, but for now I'm good to go ;o) .

    Okie Doke, thanks.


  14. [quote name='Matty' post='142073' date='Feb 17 2008, 07:52 PM']Very interested, and its pay day on Weds....

    Will you be selling your POD as well?
    Or is that staying regardless?


    Hi Matty, Just the SVP for sale. Unfortunately I had to sell the POD a little while back. A big mistake.. but on the flipside, had I have not done that then I guess I wouldnt have landed where I am now, gear wise, which is a positive thing.

  15. I was talking to Peter from MarkBass, they stopped making the SD head with the 2 500W amps in, as there wasn't enough interest in them

    I think one of the problems with the idea for both MB and Ashdown, is that it's 2x parallel mono amps. There's no stereo / bi-amp capability... oh yeah .. and the afore mentioned lack of bridge facility.. so, not really a usefull 1k.. more like a possibile 2x500W.

    I've got a greeeat idea for an amp... no one seems to have built one in the UK yet... the next time I've got some spare cash, I do actually think a 'weekends' project will be in the making! - It has been a while since I put my electronic skills in to action.

    oh.. and personally, I think amps should stick to the 'u' standard for heghts, to make it easier to rack mount with other gear. ;o)

  16. Bumparjjjjjj ;o) I won't be dropping the price folks, I'm afraid. These preamps are no longer available from Ampeg. Last opportunities to get the SVT 2 Pro tone, with forking out £mega on a full head. This one I believe is an awesome price, with the valve upgrade on board.

    Ebay hopefully before they hike their costs.... get in there quick my friends!

  17. [quote name='Finbar' post='141367' date='Feb 15 2008, 09:05 PM']So what would this actually do in an effects loop? It wouldn't just have no effect, surely?[/quote]

    By the wildest stretch of my imagination, there's a passive tone network inside the box that changes the eq as you wind the control round whilst at the same time bringing down the volume, thus doing an interesting emulation of what a valve amp sounds like cranked up.

    Even in dreamland I don't buy it. - I reckon it is something similar, but essentially just a passive (variable resistor) olume control in a metal box.

    I am happy to be proved otherwise, but you'll never emulate a cranked valve power amp with a simple box in the effects loop. Oh.. unless it is connected with leads dipped in snake oil lol!

  18. how ridiculous lol.. you could do better sticking an EQ pedal in your effects loop and just turning down the level on that. The idea of the Marshall powerbreak and the Palmer speaker emulator, for example is for the poweramp valves to be cranked so that they ooze all their lovely compression and drive. The latter tools allow you to wind the output down so the amp is still maxing, but the level is a lot lower at the speakers.

    This tool appears to just be another volume control for dropping the level into the poweramp. I guess it could find a use if you are bizarrely using a non 'master volume' head, like an old marshall.. but they didnt have an effects loop anyway.. so again.. completely pointless with ref to their marketing spiel.

    For the guy who said it enabled him to sell his powerbrake, obviously wasn't aware of what it was there for in the first place, or didnt need it.

    I'm off to build a gadget that goes in a bass that actually improves the signal in the mains cable! *guh*

  19. [quote name='umph' post='140745' date='Feb 15 2008, 12:34 AM']make someone buy my amp and i'll help you ;> do want this preamp[/quote]

    Ladies and gentleman, Umph's Warwick Protube amp is for sale currently on page 3 of this fine for sale forum. I used to own a Warwick Quadruplet preamp amd it was just great. I can't make you buy it, but I'm sure it's jolly good, as is the Ampeg SVP you see before your eyes.

    How's that? I'm pretty good eh!

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