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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='138456' date='Feb 11 2008, 08:31 PM']It usually means connect in the direction of the arrow, e.g. bass ---> amp ---> send ---> return ---> cab etc. Sometimes in hifi world it is indicated by the writing on the cable.[/quote]

    I mark my cables with arrows so I can tell which is a send and which is a return, if the cables are the same colour. Handy for mid gig fixes on a dark stage. Faiiling that, it's red for send and black for return lol...

  2. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='138317' date='Feb 11 2008, 05:13 PM']Next time, just to be sure, look away from the amp and get someone else to switch back and forth randomly between the cables four or five times, making you guess each time which one it is (or even better, which one you prefer). Then have him tell you whether you could consistently tell them apart, and if so which one you prefered. You might be right! You might be over-thinking! Who knows...?

    This goes back to the placebo effect I guess...[/quote]

    I think with the instrument cable it would be worth doing again, but I do expect the same results, as it wasn't a particularly good one, certainly not a name brand. The speaker cables was a noticeable difference though. You have had to have a prblem with your ears to have not noticed it, especially in the top end. This was the case with both pairs of cables, as I used to run stereo. My preference was the clearer sound out of the 2.

    Dunno if I would notice the difference at the moment though, I've had a cough/cold for a few days and I don't think my lugs are working right lol lol!!!

  3. I'm another 'dabbler', though I havent played for years now. I think it is very..no, VERY important for all bass players to know as much as possible about drums/drummers and all things rhythm!

    I find it very useful if I am writing a groove in say guitar pro / cubase.. it can be handy to know what a drummer can be capable of, before giving him a groove that requires a third arm!

    It has helped me appreciate time sigs etc too, it's usually the drum part that i 'visualise mentally' first and that helps me to piece together the groove. for example where any syncopated accents/pushes appear.

  4. I'm going to make a suggestion, that may not fit your budget, but may be of interest, especially if you want to gig later on for example.

    If you were looking for an amp that you can chuck in a small bag, and carry a cab with one hand, I have just grabbed a Mark Bass F1 amp from the Bass Centre. [url="http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua=en&cat=1&vedi=82"]http://www.markbass.it/products.php?lingua...t=1&vedi=82[/url]. There are a few manufacturers that have started making little brutes like this. Eden, EA, Genz Benz. I think they are fantastic and the way forward! lol.

    You could then select a cab that fits your needs better than 'just grabbing the nearest combo' for example. As for cabs, Mark Bass, Aguilar, Epifani, Peavey, Trace Elliot.. well.. pretty much all the well known names do a range of smaller cabs, all the way up to big gig rigs... I'm sure Bill Fitzmaurice will get a mention and Schroeder. OH! There's also Dr Bass cabinets, that Robbie from Rimm Basses has available through his sponsored forum on this site.

    for a small practice amp solution.. I reckon the Roland Cube 30 and it's big brothers are excellent.

  5. [apologies for not reading the rest of the posts] Interestingly, at the last bass bash, OBBM handed me one of his instrument cables and we (I) a/b'd it against the lead I was using. My lead was a bog standard lead and may have been a different length to that of Dave's. I remember that I was convinced that even with the dull rumble of basses being played around me, Dave's cable had a clearer top end. I don't think it's something you'd notice in a band situation.. up loud, on stage, as it would be the same as notching up a treble control a few dB's.. but the fact that there was a difference, for what ever reason, remains.

    On the subject of speaker cables, I swapped from using two metre x two mm2 cable to (once again, OBBM's) one metre x four mm2 cable and I am absolutely positive there was an improvement in tone. I switched back and forth several times too. I don't care what the reasons were.. There certainly wasn't any percieved improvement due to the cost of the products.. as the cable isn't exactly breaking the bank lol.

    - i'd like to point out though, I am still using my original instrument cable, cos I'm a skinflint. Maybe one day I'll buy a better one! lol

  6. I was shown these vids of a fantastic drummer playing along to those good ole Mario tunes. If you enjoy watching some great drum chops, I think you'll like these. Right up my street!



  7. [quote name='ped' post='136640' date='Feb 8 2008, 03:44 PM']I don't want to annoy anyone but I literally don't sweat. Strings last me ages (Elixirs up to 6 months)

    *the room goes quiet and ped slips out*[/quote]

    I have heard that sweaty palms can also be controlled by hypnosis too. Though I suspect thats more to do with anxiety control than thrashing out under hot lights!

  8. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='136612' date='Feb 8 2008, 03:17 PM']Apparently rubbing alcohol into your hands helps?[/quote]

    Not sure.. also heard that Surgical Spirit helps too.. and hardens the skin too. Though I haven't tried either. I used to use an awesome product from the supermarket, manufactured by a deodorant company. - Thing is, I can't remember what it was called. 'Grip' or something. It was in a light blue bottle and was alcohol based. You'd rub a bit of the gel goop into your hands and they would dry out like magic, but leave almost a talc powder sheen to your palms. Would last for a good sets worth of playing too. I think it was mainly for sports types. Basketball etc. OOOOHHH what was it called... um 'Active' or something. I haven't seen any for years now. I think even the deodorants have disappeared off the shelves too.

  9. Woo! Not just me then.. I can kill strings very quickly in a gig with my li'l paws ;o) - What makes it worse, is I much prefer that zingy new string sound. Yes, I change my strings nearly every gig!

    You have a choice.. either buy strings that stay zingy the longest, or change strings more often. I'm in the latter camp at the mo'.

  10. [quote name='obbm' post='132276' date='Feb 1 2008, 10:38 PM']I'm bringing my UL112 and T112NYC as usual.[/quote]

    Superb!!!! I'll no doubt be talking at length about the differences between the UL & the NYC. I have been reading some reviews on TalkBass.

  11. [quote name='d-basser' post='132165' date='Feb 1 2008, 08:01 PM']I have looked through stuff in the past i was just curious as to any reason i shouldnt combine the DC or CS with the P, thanks CtB[/quote]

    No reason at all! Quite a good idea infact.. Fender used a similar config on their deluxe P basses, with the humbucker in the bridge position. It would have had a different sound, but the dual sets of pole pieces would have been similar to the dual rails of the DC pups.

    If you want to hear some different pickup configurations, have a look at the sounds page over at ShukerGuitars.co.uk . Jon has used EMGs, Delano, Seymour Duncan and other pups in his builds.. it's great that you can have a listen to them as well.


    p,s. I love EMGs

  12. I'll chime in here! However, I am going to be lazy. Jono, we have discussed all the different versions and how they compare with each other in the last few months or so..So to save me repating myself, do a search, including me as the author and the word hartke.. you should fine a few posts! ;o)

    Good luck.

    P.S. you will soon find out, Dood loves the 4.5XL LOL LOL LOL

  13. The POD XT pro is an awesome fantastic piece of kit.. I agree with what Ped says above.. infact, it was his and Luke's endorsements that helped me choose mine...

    but like an idiot, I sold it due to bills n stuff...

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