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Hi(gh) Heel(ed) Sneakers - we've had a CEASE AND DISIST email
Funkmaster replied to Funkmaster's topic in General Discussion
Hello again all... The advice from the Musician's Union was basically this... [i]The letter appears to be giving you an opportunity to promise that you won’t do it again and to confirm any remaining infringing (including digital) copies have been destroyed. We advice you to respond by the given date confirming that this is the case and hope that is an end to it. If you didn’t make anything from the recording and have no money to pay damages, you could add that (if it is true), as that may put DEPAG off pursuing this any further. [/i] So I've taken that advice and have said to Mr Higginbotham [i] I confirm that The Welsh T Band have ceased all use of the work derived from the Work, and no copies, including electronic copies, digital copies and physical copies of same now exist and that we will desist from this or any other infringement of your rights in the future.[/i] Let's see what happens - I'll let you know if I hear anything further. Dave -
Hi(gh) Heel(ed) Sneakers - we've had a CEASE AND DISIST email
Funkmaster replied to Funkmaster's topic in General Discussion
Thanks everyone for your thoughts - which has proved one thing... You reply quicker than the MU! The most interesting part of the whole piece for me is this... [quote name='BigRedX' post='1199153' date='Apr 14 2011, 10:40 AM']From my understanding the problem has arisen because the sender of the letter thinks that you are passing off your cover (you are doing it as a cover and not as a derivative work? - have you changed the lyrics at all?) as an original work because the title is different.[/quote] From (fading) memory, I don't think we have ever used the altered title that the cease and disist email suggest we have. (Oh and the lyrics do have a tendancy to change on every rendition as our singer suffers with alcohol and jazz cigarette induced brain fade). I'm itching to contact them (him) back and say - prove you're the publisher and demonstrate in what way we've infringed their copyright! But I'll wait to hear what the MU say and keep you posted! -
Hello lowdowners The Welsh T Band have recieved the following email purporting to be from the publisher and legal representative of the late Tommy Tucker's estate. [i]We are DELO'Music Entertainment Publishing Administration Group LLP (DEPAG, LLP), publisher for all intellectual property masters, soundrecordings, works for the Robert Higginbotham/Tommy Tucker estate. Please comply with the letter to "cease and disist" using our works without applying for a license through DEPAG, LLP. Thank you! [u][b]CEASE & DESIST[/b][/u] Dear Welsh T Band Members and Legap Representative It has come to our attention that you have made an unauthorized use of our copyrighted wort entitled [b]"Hi(gh) Heel(ed) Sneakers" [/b](the "work") in the preparation of a work derived therefrom. We have reserved all rights in the Work, first published in 1963/4, and have registered copyright therein. Your work entitled [b]"High Heel Sneakers"[/b] is essentially identical the Work and clearly used the Work as its basis. (Words and music) As you neither asked for nor recieved permission to use the Work as the basis for [b]"High Heel Sneakers"[/b] nor to make or distribute copies, including electronic copies, digital copies, physical copies of same, we believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 U.S,C, Section 101 et seq, and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 5044©(92) therein. We demand that the [b]Welsh T Band [/b]immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies, including electronic copies, digital copies and physical copies of same, that you deliver to me, if applicable, all unused, undistributed copies of same, or destroy such copies immediately and that you desist from this or any other infringement of our rights in teh future. If we have not recieved a response from you by April 25 2011 indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, we shall take further action against you. Kind regards Richard Higginbotham DEPAG, LLP 220 montgomery Avenue Suite 133 Springfield, Ohio 45506[/i] High Heeled Sneakers is often part of our live set - I had, mistakenly perhaps always believed the venue's PRS license covered the songs played there. It was also on a live CD that we used to give to venues to try to get more work. A few fans got copies of the CD too. The only other place I know there's a Welsh T Band version is on YouTube. it was filmed and posted by someone who was in the audience. I've no idea who and it's not something we have a hope of controling ourself. (And YouTube have license agreements too - I know that thanks to the PRS cheques I get every three months for people who use my published "works"! A bit spooked about this. I've asked the Musician's Union for advice - but I wondered if anyone here had any experience of anything similar and how it was resolved. Thanks for any info David
Due to ill health The Welsh T Band's drummer is having to stop playing soon. So... we're putting feelers out for a replacement. If anyone knows a good drummer in the West Yorkshire area who has transport and has a desire to gig as much as possible, and travel, would you please give them our e-mail address - [email protected] There's plenty of work waiting for the right drummer. We've an album due out later in the year, which we hope will expand our presence on the blues and R&B circuit. Thanks for any help you can give us. Cheers Dave
A 5-string blue Shuker Jazz Bass has gone missing!
Funkmaster replied to Funkmaster's topic in General Discussion
Word is... Jack's got his bass back!!! Thanks for all your great messages of support on this! Dave -
A friend of mine told me a very sorry story on facebook late last night about a friends blue 5-string Shuker Jazz Bass that went walkabout in Marsden West Yorkshire in the early hours of Sunday Morning. Here's the tale... [i]"A friend's brother left it momentarily and stupidly, he says, propped up against a lamp post early hours of this morning in Marsden and it was 'moved'....police are involved and there is cctv footage. He is gutted as it was made specially for him. He is asking people to keep their ears open. It may have been moved for safe keeping...but then it may not. If you hear anything..being in the business ...maybe you could let me know."[/i] If you hear anything about this it would be great to get this guy's bass back to him. Thanks everyone. Dave
Horrible Jedson short scale bass - £19.50. Selmer Treble and Bass 50 amp with two home made speaker cabs with Fane pop 60 15" speakers. Can't really rember the cost. Ah... 1973 - those were the days. I wish I still had the amp!
I think the new Bass Terrors are still as rare as rocking horse poo - but the production line is obviously starting to roll on these now and I've got hold of one with the 2x12 cab for my gig tomorrow night with The Welsh T Band. I used a couple of late 60s Orange Graphic 120s for a bout 20 years when I started playing so I'm interested to see how these new ones shape up. The gig's at Harry's Bar just off Westgate in Wakefield. It's a (very) small place so it might not be too representative a gig to try it out on but I'll let you know how I get on with it later in the week. Cheers Dave
Hi Al Having seen you at Colne you'll do great! Good to hear that bookings are flooding in for you - I'm having trouble getting The Welsh T Band's diary started for next year in any meaningful way - which is a shame as it's our 10th anniversary year! Mind you we're never going to be offered any corporate stuff either! Have fun Dave
I played a gig on the day I got my first bass guitar! It was disasterous (but I think it cured me of performance nerves right from the outset!). I was 15. I'd been pursuaded to become a bassist by the band that was in my year at school (back in those days every year had it's own band!) I could play the piano a bit and had been playing guitars round mates houses for a few months. That Saturday afternoon they took me to Leeds and I spent £19.50 on a horrible short scale Jedson bass. On the bus back home they said 'Oh by the way we've got a gig tonight!' The guitar came out on the bus and by the time I got home I could play 'Sunshine of your love' And a 12 bar progression. I think by the time the gig came I could do four songs so the 12 bar jam we played lasted some time. The gig was at the house of another school mate - an old victorian pile that had a small wharehouse out the back that he'd converted into his own little nightclub! The first gig was crap and I threw up before it but it was a particularly good summer after that!
This is why i started playing bass....2
Funkmaster replied to bubinga5's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='jezzaboy' post='633892' date='Oct 22 2009, 08:50 PM']Agree with you on Rod the Mod, Maggie May, but didn`t Ronnie Wood play bass on Rod`s early solo stuff when he was still in the Faces? But agree with you, Ronnie Lane had great feel. Try and find a live version of the faces song "3 button hand me down". It was on a TOPTP2 special. Just found a link, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeZ4FMIVqto"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeZ4FMIVqto[/url] Jez[/quote] Ronnie Lane was a BIG influence on me as a bass player - and particularly Maggie May, a song I've always loved with a perfectly integrated bass line in the song. So natural, so 'couldn't be anything else' kind of line! Used to do Three Button hand me down with The Roosters but their version had a bass solo to start and at several places during the song. And it was a hundred mile an hour kind of band! I loved the song but I always looked forward to getting that one out of the way! -
[quote name='fusionbassist1' post='635977' date='Oct 25 2009, 11:51 AM']I change my strings about every 6 weeks haha! Have you tried the Elixir strings? They're coated to have a more consistant tone for a much longer time so they might suit the way you play and how you prefer not to change all the time. They feel strange to me due to them being coated but I'd suggest you try them out because they do last pretty long from what i'm told.[/quote] I've heard that about elixirs. Trouble is I got a couple of sets of elites so with luck they'll keep me going for most of the next decade!!
[quote name='fusionbassist1' post='635815' date='Oct 25 2009, 12:56 AM']I'd have thought with a name like funkmaster (and obviously a funk fan) that you'd change your strings more regularly than joe bloggs?[/quote] Ah.. well... I'm and R&Ber rather than a funker I just like the name. Funkmaster is a name that I've got from one of the bands I play for - I'm introduced as 'the Funkmaster himself' (or once or twice as 'the Ossett Sound Machine'). I'm sure I'd never be good enough to be a funker! My strings can be on for 3 or 4 years - until one breaks. Strangely the last set was only on about 5 or 6 months - a set of Warwick Black Labels which I hated! They just felt odd on to my fingers! So I was pleased when a string let go eealier on in the week. Back on Elites now - which hopefully will be around for longer than the Warwicks.
Got the new string twang thing going on tonight as I've just put new strings on. It's a rare occurance in Funkmaster world. But I love that sound!
[quote name='Dr.Dave' post='600269' date='Sep 16 2009, 02:50 PM']I often think the Blues Crew/Dr Blue/Roosters/Welsh T saga would make a good rock family tree!! We've had both Welshy and Rooster's drummer help us out this year - I know you used Mick and Tony before Graham. Rod and I have both done Welsh T gigs - not forgetting the infamous Dr Welsh ' I've just bought another Boogie and he's just bought a Rivera ' street fight in York last year. I often wish you'd have done that one and me your ceiligh band that night then you'd have had to try and control that pair of noisy sods instead of me!!! BTW - all the best at DNE. I'm on hol. from tomorrow or I'd def. have been there. Get your fee up front from the bits of gossip I hear!![/quote] Ha - yes Dave - now that would be a project and a half to do the rock family tree. I think I liked the way that York gig turned out! Yeah thanks for the nudge on DNE - I'd heard the same but it's a gig worth doing for other reasons to be honest. Have a good hol!