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About glassmoon

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    Harlow, Essex

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  1. I am officially in love... dear Lord above, that is one incredibly stunning bass!
  2. How much for the postage?
  3. I'd love a black one - but alas... nowhere near Chester
  4. Still available?
  5. Perchance, is this still available @jamesbass116
  6. Been playing with that - just to see what it does and doesn't do... I guess this is going to be a LOT of playing around with each and eveery effect that is not on the 60b and seeing what is usable and what is not. There are so many of the 60b's effects that I will never use so "losing them" is not going to be a tough pill to swallow. And I guess a backup of what I currectly have, patch wise, is imperative before doing anything!!! Thanks all
  7. Cheers @MichaelDean - I guess it's time to spend money... again
  8. Hi all, I've been reading recently, that there is a hack out there that allows any of the MS-x0 range of Zoom pedals to load/have all the other pedal's effects. I've seen that it's a fairly easy process. However, the one I'm interesting in, is a hack, or a rumour of a hack, that allows some, if not all of (our bass world) the MS-60b+ effects to be loaded onto the original MS-60b. Anyone heard anything about it? Is it true at all? I'm in the market to get the 60b+, mostly for the "better" effects, but if I can hack my old faithful... Anyway, my thanks in advance. Julian aka Glassmoon
  9. Damn, just watched a Bass the World YewChoob clip of the Fteletronica sub octave. I gotta get me one of these!!
  10. As far as I am aware, the ZEM is not compatible with the older models... pity, cos I like your way of thinking
  11. I'm really looking at changing my 60b for the 60b+... not for anything other than hear the sounds are just "that much better" than the 60b. Thanks mate - as ever!
  12. The man with more pedals and the organist at St Paul's!!!! How're you finding the Zoom 60b+ over the older 60b @stewblack?
  13. So I decided to have a good look into stripping down my outboard gear even more. I played around with my Zoom MS-60B and found - much to delight - that I can use an amp, set 100% flat and still use the cab option. So now the TC Electronic impulse response loader is off (as is the chorus, which as much as I adore chorus, I just don't use it in the pub band) and the Zoom does a decent enough cab sim. The DemonFX Tone Mallet is there only for my Ibanez BTB 6, as a preamp (the older BTBs are brilliant, but the vari-mid eq is a bit bleh after playing the Sadowsky). Before... After... Julian aka Glassmoon
  14. I have tried to use an amp with everything’s set flat, but I can’t seem to get it actually flat… as in, it sounds 100% dry. I’m stumped
  15. Hi all, Here's a thought... Is it possible, with the Zoom MS-60B, to have just a cab, and no amp? I have a TC Electronic impulse response loader, but in my head, I'm wanting to remove it and use the Zoom's capability - if I can - to replace the IRL pedal. Is it possible to have just the cab? Kind regards Julian aka Glassmoon
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