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Everything posted by glassmoon

  1. Now that's very interesting... would be great to go again (it's a tube ride to Stratford and an overground to Camden thankfully). it's been a while, and I could ask concerning HW upgrades. Man, if it was as easy as dipping HW into paint, I'd coat all the metal black hahahaha Thanks @BigRedX: good idea!
  2. It is only wood hahaha - a decent woodworker could also countersink it - I've had that done before, but a long, long time ago, in a colony far, far away
  3. Hi all Question... I am looking at changing my MR2 matt chrome hardware (BTB556) to black. I have contacted Ibanez in Japan, and Ibanez in the UK, and I've come up with very little by way of "positive" feedback. I can't find any MR2 bridge units in black or even smoky chrome - anyone know if such replacement parts exist? I am looking at the possibility of changing the bridge for an ABM hi-mass unit. I found one on eBay which is for 17mm spacing - perfect. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut... has anyone ever seen, or heard of such a change? In theory, it's as simple as removing the monos and replacing it with a single bridge unit - taking into account the screw holes etc. Any advise? Any suggestions? Any ideas? Kind regards Julian (Essex, UK)
  4. Damn, I've always had GAS for a Basswitch
  5. Question... is this V/V, stacked B&T and mids? Also, do you know if this can be removed from the plate in order to fit a rear mount cavity - which is what I have Many thanks Julian
  6. Ah, now I understand. Yeah, I have no idea. Lots of Macbooks and shiny lights and all manner of software plugins, but at the time, I paid very little attention to anything other than, "does my bass sound good today?" I guess I should look at some sort of IR gear then hahahaha Thanks for the great response @Naigewron
  7. Man, I'm clueless with this kind of thing. It's a very flexible system as far as you have described. But one question, I played in some very large churches in South, where IEMs were essential, and I just sent a DI to the FoH. I'm guessing the sound desk had IR capability? I don't know, and didn't even know about IR until very recently. Either way, great board.... I'm still intrigued by the HX. I've all but abandoned effects, I've only got an octave besides my compressor and preamp...., but I do miss chorus and the ability to "play" and experiment.
  8. Out of interest, I've been interested in an Audere Audio 4 band for ages now, but their site clearly states that they do not ship internationally. Anyone have any idea how to circumnavigate that little issue?
  9. Hey @moley6knipe Thank you so much for the great response. I'm kinda on the fence WRT the pickups. I know I probably should be cognisant of the pairing, but to be honest, I'm just not sure. I'm lead to believe that the MK1s are not actually that "bad", and that a good pre will enhance them. I'm also aware of putting a lot of money into a not-so-expensive instrument for what might only be a marginal bump in sound quality. Having said that, while I'm quite into the Nord option (had them in a SoundGear, and wow!), I'm really into the Bart idea. As I said in my original message, I had this exact bass many years ago, and tricked it with an all out Bart upgrade, which was amazing. Yeah, Barts add their own twist, but it's a great twist I believe. Sigh..... I'm so lucky to have all this input, but it's not as easy as I'd like, to reach a point where I can pull the trigger hahahaha
  10. Question. What are the dimensions of the pickups please?
  11. Thanks @Sibob - yeah, I am on the fence though, probably as this is not a simple, open my wallet and shell out money decision... this is ultimately going to need to be the "right" decision. I think, think, that I am leaning towards Barts - I know and love that sound
  12. Hi all I'm looking at upgrading the innards of my Ibanez BTB (currently with Bart MK1 pickups and Ibanez vari-mid [which is failing a bit due to age]) with (firstly) a new pre-amp and (later) new pickups) I'm torn between two, the Bartolini system, which I know very well and a Glockenklang, which I know by reputation only. (prices are from Bass Direct here in the UK) Bartolini @ £155 (3 band, active/passive, 3-way mini toggle mid freq, 9/18v) Glockenklang @ £130 (3 band, active/passive, 9/18v) A big differentiator is the 3-way mid frequency selector, which is nice for getting 3 quite different tonal options (finger style, slap, solo (whenever that happens hahahaha) But all that aside, opinions are VERY welcome - shoot!!!! KR Julian aka Glassmoon
  13. Many thanks for the vote of confidence @mcnach. I've spent a couple of days now reading through all sorts of sites with reviews on AE, and I'm beginning to think about using them more seriously, especially as I've received less than stellar (helpful) responses from the UK Ibanez dealers and distributors.
  14. So, very old cream? Man, that sucks - I am being put waaaaaaaaaay off AE here
  15. See, I want to replace the matt chrome hardware on my BTB, which you'd think would be easy - but the stacked pot means either a £10-20 option or this from AE. Same thing with the tuners - the AE price - like your choice, Wilkinson - is just too good to pass up. I'm basically looking at around £60 posted for the tuners, bridge saddles and knobs... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut.... is AE a viable source? Yes, I worry about the saddles being "suspect".... but for that price, surely a "good enough" option? Baring in mind that I've not yet pulled the trigger hahahaha I've emailed all the Ibanez distributers here in the UK about just the knobs (for now) - so awaiting their reply. Ibanez's Iron Label range in the BTBs, are all black - so that should be a viable option, if they're not stupidly expensive.
  16. Wow, that is a really clever set-up - seriously cool
  17. That's odd - a mate of mine in South Africa - which let's face it, is the derrière end of the world, has bought multiple times from AE without issue. He now lives in Estonia, and has continued to buy without issue.... he has, however, said that the mobile site options are less than stellar, and that he only uses his laptop when transacting. But food for thought...
  18. That's something a little more serious to consider - let me check into that if I can - thanks for the heads up - that is a top tip!
  19. Happy new year, one and all Question... I am looking at changing the matt chrome hardware on my 2002 Ibanez BTB, and I found some monorail bridge options at Ali Express (see this link). 1. has anyone here ever received utter tosh from Ali Express ... as in, it would have been easier to blow you nose on the Crow's currency? 2. anyone with a LOT of Ibanez BTB experience have any opinion on these? I man, they look sound to the naked eye... So, fire away! And my thanks in advance. Julian aka Glassmoon
  20. Man, that's a steal. This is one of the best preamps I've ever owned (3rd time now). I keep on trying others but somehow seem to gravitate back to this one. GLWTS mate... Julian
  21. Well, I bit the bullet, and did a 1/4 turn on each side and boom, I was instantly happy - another small tweak on the bass side and it feels like "home" again. I will wait overnight for it to settle - and cos I don't want to be shut up in my bass hole all day - and then tackle the intonation Thanks all!!!
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