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Everything posted by glassmoon

  1. Hello all, Question... Does DemonFX have a version of the DarkGlass Vintage Microtubes? That's really the sound I hear in my head when I think of drive, mostly after watching an old Steve Lawson YT clip where he's showing off his pedals (LINK) <around 02:20 he talks about the VMT>. Anyway... That's what I'm after. Any thoughts? Kind regards Julian aka Glassmoon
  2. My dream bass since seeing Patitucci's instruction videos. I am now going to see how much money I can get for several vital organs... GLWTS!
  3. SOLD!
  4. Selling my BOSS TU-2, no box sadly, but I have a good shipping box and bubble wrap. You know what this does, s no explanation needed really. A few paint chips because it's been used, but it works perfectly. Price included P&P to mainland UK
  5. PM sent WRT the UniChorus
  6. Hi all, Just wanted to sign off on this before I forget. My deepest thanks to Nigel (Beserker) for this stunner! My first impressions after maybe 5 minutes with it. I set it up in stacked mode as I want to use the 2nd channel for either a slap option or in the highly unlikely event I get to play a solo 🤦🏼 * It doesn't colour the tone nearly as heavily as the MicroBass 2 did. That is a win for my tastes. A few (owner) reviews stated the tone was a little "thin", but I didn't find that at all. * The tuner is awesome. I clipped on my TC Electronic tuner to A/B it, and it does what you'd expect from a good tuner. And it's visible, something I'd read wasn't the case. * The compressor is not as musical as my EBS MultiComp, but it's better than I had expected from the blog reviews. It's perhaps a little more squishy than I'd like, but it's good to go. * The drive is more than usable, but as I'm not really a user of drive, I'll use it as a 2nd channel. In my quest to scale down to as little as possible, this more than exceeds my expectations. So now it's back in its box until Christmas day....
  7. Man, that's a totally cool setup!!! Thank you very much for an outstanding run through Ok - that's an interesting point. Back in the day (like 20 years back in the day), I started on the original kidney bean POD and I loved the sounds, but it messed with my tone even when absolutely nothing was engaged. I'd have thought that by now, Line 6 would have figured out what uncoloured tone means!
  8. Pray tell, your signal chain please
  9. So, I bit the bullet - great price, easy as... I think the compressor will be OK - from what I have read, it's more subtle than my EBS MultComp (which I can't sing enough praises for) but considering I don't slam my compression to the hilt, it should fine. And yes, I will stack the channels, same as I used to with the MB2 - however, considering I've not yet touched it, I may well want to use the drive channel sans drive as a slap shape or the like.
  10. Hey @Berserker.... is this still available and does it come with a power supply?
  11. OK, so full range should be similar to MB - which is where mine sits. The manual says "Compressor Ratio min/max: 1:1 - 5:1" ... my compression knob sits at around 10 o'clock, perhaps 10:30, so in simple logic, the 3:1 will be "familiar"... the "Attack Time (80%): <10 ms" doesn't tell me if it's fast, slow or medium rare (I really should know more about what goes on under the bonnet of my gear 🙄) OK.... points in favour of the compressor I think What have you hearrd? While I did like the clarity of the MB2 - I used both channels together for "all" the tone hahahaha I'd be interested to hear what you've heard!! And thank you kindly, for replying
  12. Hi all, So, there is an EBS MB3 that I have my sights on - I still, 6 years later, have regrets of selling my MB2 - and it will essentially by the "command hub" for a very small one-size-fits-all board. My current setup is a BOSS TU-2 tuner into an EBS OctaBass into an EBS MultComp into an MXR M81 pre-amp. The idea, should I bite, is that the octave will stay, and the rest will potentially be replaced by the MB3. Full disclosure: I absolutely LOVE the TU-2, MultComp and M81... Question: for those who know their pedals, and in prearticular, know the MB3... does it do what it says on the tin? Is it possible to replace those 3 pedals with the MB3. I know the EBS sound really well, and it is vastly different to the ultra-clean M81... so there will be some adjustment needed there. I'm lead to believe that the compression circuit is the one found in some of their heads, but I'm not sure which. This is the trickiest thing for me. I used a Carl Martin Compressor for umpteen years and it was without a doubt, the best pedal of any kind I've ever owned... it just needed to be overhauled, which I sadly couldn't do myself, so I tried a few decent ones and through a friend's recommendation, got the (not the newest model) EBS. it's sensational! It does everything I need from a compressor... so in my oh-so-not-a-techie mind, the MB3's compressor should be somewhat of the same beast as the MultComp, just without the 3 way toggle and gain controls. But I've read some reviews that, if not quite slating the compressor, are less than praising it... but compression is like Marmite. The tuner... well, if it tunes decently, I'm happy. I always have my TC clip-on there, but I'm willing to bet the MB3's tuner is good enough to get the job done. Right, enough rambling from me... please don't recommend I go for <insert brand of personal taste here> ... I am happy with what I have, but to be honest, I want to reduce my board to next to nothing - I've ditched all but my octave pedal, so it's really a case of "can I just have one unit to do 3 things?" My thanks in advance - Merry Christmas to one and all Julian aka Glassmoon
  13. Thanks all. Really appreciate the feedback
  14. Hi all The push/pull volume pot on my Cort GB75JH (active) has gone south. My assumption is that this is A250K pot - am I right? So, not being the most techn savy person... what is a "decent" pot that won't break the bank, and where can I/should I buy one from? My mate can do the solder work for me - it's not rocket science, but I just want to buy this only once Many thanks in advance.... Julian aka Glassmoon
  15. Damn, that's a stunner. I really do miss my Skyline. I'd buy, but I'm about £750 short... GLWTS
  16. I am glad - just always wanted a Mac for music - but hey, someone needed it a LOT more than I do, so yay
  17. Desperately trying to sell a laptop to buy this!!!
  18. Just out of interest - have you tried contacting EBS for advise? I contacted them ages ago for something and they were quite good at responding. BTW - my fave Octave pedal - I'd love another one come to think of it hahahaha
  19. See, I'm looking (again) at the viability of the HX Stomp as a small, easily portable "kitchen sink". It seems to be incredibly popular among the bass community, so perhaps it's a good road to travel down. To be fair, for me, it's more (these days) needing tonal variations rather than effects. Deep vs twangy vs reggae vs rock kinda variations. Thanks everyone for the stunning insights and views. Just what I was hoping for
  20. I'm going to ask a fairly simple question, for which I'm sure, there'll be myriad answers.. I've used pedals for years. I've had huge boards (3 chorus pedals for 3 settings) and tiny (my current iteration). I see a lot of "tonight's setup for a funk gig" or "put this together for a rock covers gig". I guess my question is this: is this a new norm or an old concept, to put together a board based on the application thereof, instead of a board with one's favourite effects? Genuinely interested to hear your points of view.
  21. Hello Rob - that is incredibly generous of you!!!! If you are willing to let it go, I am willing to accept it with open arms! My oldish desktop doesn't have t'best (see what I did there?) WiFi . Huge thanks in advance Julian
  22. Have some Zoom ❤️
  23. Just out of interest... what kind of sound and quality is this preamp? I'm assuming that neither Fender nor Jackson would ever want to associate themselves with "cheap and nasty", but what are we looking at here? Sorry - I know that comes off as brash, it really isn't intended as such KR Julian
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