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Everything posted by mrhectic

  1. [s][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3][color=#282828]Hey everyone, [/color][/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=3][color=#282828]I have decided to put my Aguilar DB112NT bass cabs, in boss tweed up for sale! [/color][/size] [size=3][color=#2A2A2A][color=#282828]All the Specs can be found from the Aguilar website: [/color][url="http://www.aguilaramp.com/products_cabinets_db112nt.htm"]http://www.aguilaram...ets_db112nt.htm[/url][/color][/size] [size=3][color=#282828]These bass cabs are in good condition but have a few marks and scuffs here and there, as you’d expect for a gigged rig. They have great low end and the boss tweed finish looks great on any stage! I've decided to part with these to fund an upgrade to something much bigger, so these bad boys need to go![/color][/size] [b][size=3][color=#2A2A2A][color=#282828]Please note both cabs are the NT (Non-tweeter) version.[/color][/color][/size][/b] [size=3][color=#2A2A2A][color=#282828]I’m looking for SOLD for the pair, or SOLD each. Pick up only please from Bristol (Bedminster). [/color][/color][/size] [size=3][color=#2A2A2A][color=#282828]Thanks for looking! [/color][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][color=#282828]MrHectic[/color][/color][/size][/font][/s]
  2. BUMP for a new week!
  3. [b]universal guitar case[/b] Use to house my brothers SG located in Poole. Message me if you'd like it posted. [size=4]£35 or nearest offers[/size] thanks for looking!
  4. bump for the last 24hours!
  5. my roland JD800 is for sale on ebay. check it out. [color="#FF0000"][size=3][b][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Roland-JD-800-keyboard-synth-/290466365511?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Pro_Audio_Synthesisers_CV"]LINK[/url][/b][/size][/color] I dont really want to sell it on EBAY with all the fee's, so if anyone is interested in it here at basschat, give me a message! thanks MrHectic
  6. When you get round to it, make sure you have somewhere to stay each night. We winged it and had to sleep in the van for a couple times. There wasnt enough space and we all had to try and sleep in the fetal position! lol
  7. hey guys. Ive been reading a few old threads on here, and am now having second thoughts on selling my 2'12's and getting a 4x10. I found that there's a number of reasons why i cant hear myself to well. for example, some thing i should do is put the cabs up against a wall at gigs, and to stand a good distance away from my rig. All of which i will try next time. If this doesnt work, than i will probably have a change of rigs. Ive reccently had a number of good offers for my 2 12's just reccently, but am now having second thoughts about letting them go. Maybe i'l hold onto them till i try some of these techniques out at a gig.
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='820446' date='Apr 27 2010, 11:26 AM']In the BC For Sale section Chris Horton is selling an Orange stack. He's a good guy to deal with and he’s local to you, well in Plymouth![/quote] hey chris_b, I had a look for this post, but looks like he's sold the stack. It looks awesome though, and he had flightcases and all! thanks for the suggestions guys, i'l have to look into some of them.
  9. [quote name='alexharvay' post='819420' date='Apr 26 2010, 02:26 PM']I bought a new 4x10 at the weekend. I went with the intention to buy Mesa.... I walked out with a Berg.[/quote] we're both on the same wave lenght! lol ...yeah i want to change to a 4x10 from 2 12's. did you try out the 4x10 mesa? how was the mesa???
  10. ah cool! cheers for the advice andy! I think a mesa is looking more likely. I read somewhere that the orange obc has a horn which you can't adjust.
  11. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='818230' date='Apr 25 2010, 05:28 PM']I agree MB cabs need some juice to wake them up. I used to power a MB 1x15 and 2x10 together (either Road Ready or Diesel, I forget which) with an ABM500 and it sounded absolutely gargantuan, so don't write off the Ashdown just yet[/quote] ah, that sounds reassuring. If I get either one the the 410's, i'l try them with my ashdown and see how it sounds. However, is it safe to power a 600 watt cab with a 575 head?? :S
  12. yeah i was thinking about that. I currently have an ashdown abm 500 evo II. I dont think that is powerful enough to power it? the ashdown is 575rms i think
  13. I've been thinking of getting a new rig together. well, a new cab. Im thinking of buying a 4x10 bass cab. I want a cab that quite bassy but also has clarity.not just a complete rubbling mess. i currently have 2 12 inch cabs. but i feel it doesnt quite cut through the mix to great when im playing at gigs. It sounds great off stage, but i cant really hear myself to much. would a 410 be better? im thinking between a orange obc 410 or a mesa powerhouse 410.... Im going to go into my local music shop to try out the orange this week , but unfortunetly they dont have any mesa's there. So i wont be able to compare. what would you say would be the best option. I play finger style/rock. any help appriciated
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='815675' date='Apr 23 2010, 03:34 AM']Yeah this is really important. Put your ego to one side (I'm not calling you an egotist, just saying, the song's more important than your favourite bass tone), so long as the track sounds good then you've all done your bit. If the bass sound is distracting or inappropriate then you ask him to change it. If it's just a case of you not liking it then maybe "Would it trash the mix if you took some treble off the bass?" might be a good approach. That way you're still deferring to his expertise but making the point that you'd prefer a different sound if it's practical.[/quote] yeah, i'l definetly need to take into account whats best for the mix. As some of you guys have said, it might sound completely different with everything else playing in the mix. AH! yes, thats a good approach to asking the egineer. I'l keep that in mind! that way he might not go crazy at me
  15. hey guys! cheers for the reassurance! Its really put my mind at ease. I think i'l let the guy keep doing what he's doing and mention the sound i want when he mixes it. we had given him a recording of what we sound like before we went to the studio so he should know what im after, hopefully. I'l definetly sit with him when we get round to mixing to make sure. And the progress updates sounds like a great idea too. I'l ask him about that when i go back in a couple of weeks. Ive never been in a studio before so i didnt know what to expect in terms of how my bass was going to sound in the studio, so thanks for the infomation guys. I can sleep easy knowing that EQing will save the day!
  16. hey guys i went into a studio for the first time to record some of my bands music! the engineer guy wanted me to use his bass amp he had in the studio, because mine was a bit too bassy and said i play some real nice stuff that he would like to make more clearer. so i said yes and decided to use his. When i listened to the recording i noticed it was a bit too trebbly for me. I pefer to have it bassy and less treble. i dont want to be able to hear my fingers and everything. I dont know why i didnt say anything at the time, but i suppose i thought he knows what he's doing. i'l be going back in the few weeks time to lay down the guitar etc. Im a bit worried about it now, that everything will sound great but the bass. Do you guys know whether this is a typical technique to record bass gutiar trebbly so the egineer has more to play with???? Also will he be able to EQ it and make it more bassy in the mixing and mastering???? any advice and help appriciated! thanks MrHectic
  17. ive done 12 gigs this year. One each month. try to at least double that for 2010!
  18. pm'd...if not already sold
  19. pm'd
  20. If i dont play a song for a while, i start to forget it and play it completely wrong! So i'd say i know probably half a dozen...maybe not even that.
  21. i wouldnt play the cobden club. They mess us around when my band went there. They put on a ridiculous amount of acts and we didnt get to play till around 12!?! I wouldnt recommend gigging there. You'll probably leave dissapointed and angry like we did.
  22. [quote name='mikhay77' post='518827' date='Jun 19 2009, 08:26 PM']My bro's band have played the Hope(guerilla radio),highly recommended a deffo place to get a gig.RE sh*t venues just put it down to experience,you will laugh about it one day,was there a good crowd though?[/quote] nah, there was no organisation at all. The promoter put so many bands up for the night that we didnt start playing till around midnight, and by that time alot of people were begining to leave to catch the tube etc etc. Was very disspointing and stressful experience. we as a band have decided not to gig so far, and to stay closer to home for now. All we wanted was a bit of exposure, but it was a big dissapointment.
  23. ok..sorry for starting this thread! I was just really annoyed and dont want to go through that sh*t i went through again. Was messed around big time, no organisation, they had no idea what was happening, and was a waste of money renting a mini bus to go up there....friends we took up there i felt bad for, cos they had to go through the sh*t with us... But, you guys were right about gigging london for sure. will defnetly just gig around london now on. Although we have one more in london at the hope and anchor and i hear good things about that place, so hopefully all is not lost on london.
  24. thought id start a thread for people to 'recommend' venues NOT TO GIG! I'l start... cobden club...what a sh*t hole. Had a gig there, first gig out of town...and oh...words cant describe how sh*t it was. No organisation or anything. complete waste of time. the promoter is was a bit of a dick aswell. was so angry inside, we were tempted to just leave....messing us around and everything. Never going back there again and i wouldnt recommend it to anyone! rant over! your turn is you wish!
  25. an adapter seems to have done the trick! it works now! maybe the battery was dead. Thanks for the help guys.
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