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Everything posted by mrhectic

  1. im using a 9v battery which the seller provided with it. the light works...i'l buy an adapter tonight and see. Hopefully its not f*cked...to much hassle with trying to get a refund otherwise!
  2. yehh, it does...ive been looking around on the net, and i think i might have to buy an adapter maybe?
  3. I bought a marshall echohead delay off ebay the other day, and its just come through. Ive plug it in and everything and it doesnt work?!!?!?! It works when its not switched on, but as soon as i hit it to turn the delay on, there's no sound going through. Ive turned all the dials and nothing. is there something im doing wrong? before i email the seller, i'd like to try all the possible options. thanks guys MrHectic
  4. cool! i bought my db112's from bass merchant too! really really helpful, and nice people! what colour did you go for??? when i bought mine, i considered covers too! in the end, i felt it was quite dear for some covers. sorry, no help at all, but just thought i'd comment lol
  5. I have 2 db112's. [b]Aguilar are great amps. Great Low end! This should be even more of a beast! Good luck with the sale![/b]
  6. [b]i had one of these once! great amp it was. sold mine early this year. Good luck with the sale! [/b]
  7. [b]if me guitarist cant convience him to do it, we'l probably have to. Althought the venue wants a believable excuse for cancelling (does, 'our drummer has a bug infestation' a believable excuse?! lol), and because its such short notice to cancel the gig, the venue and promoters probably wont want us back. session drum is a possible option, but probably not worth the hassle and stress. oh well...i'l see what happens and letl you guys know if it gets cancelled or what not[/b]
  8. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='288040' date='Sep 20 2008, 03:41 PM']What reason has your drummer given for not doin it? is it nerves or is he a slacker?[/quote] i know this is gunna sound stupid. but he said that his house has got a bug infestation, and he has to move house. It sounds unblievable to me too. lol
  9. [b]Its kind of hard because he texted us saying he wont be able to do it, and we phoned him back saying we'll meet up and discuss it. the next day his mobile was off, so we got the impression he doesnt want to do the band anymore? or maybe we're just looking to deep into it? any how, our guitarist is going to pop into his work tommorrow as he should be there and try persuade him to do this one gig, and then if he was to leave he can. its all quite confusing. lol [/b]
  10. [b]well, its not well paid. but its our first london gig so im guessing its pretty important for us? we've never gigged outside our home town! thanks for the suggession...a session drummer might have to be our only choice.[/b]
  11. [b]if he's out the band, it still means we will have no drummer for the london gig! lol[/b]
  12. [b]well, we've managed to get our very first london gig! and we were all ready and hyped up for it, but just recently, our drummer has said he cant do it!?!?! What do we do! we can either find someone to fill in, even thought its so short notice, and i doubt a new drummer will have enough time to get use to the songs (just a week away from the gig), or cancel it, which i myself do not want to do! cancelling with such short notice probably wont get us another gig there either.[/b]
  13. [b]anyone got one of these yet?[/b]
  14. ahhh i see! cool, it just that i kept going into the red, and wasnt sure if i was going to be doing damage to the speaker.
  15. [b]what does the VU meter on the ashdown amps do? im i right in saying if it goes into the red, it means to turn it down a bit or the speaker will blow?[/b]
  16. its all depends on the music you play. I have no issues if there's 3 guitarists in a band, but it all depends on the music they playing, and whether its totally nessassary. But yeah...having a drummer instead of a drum machine is a big plus, as i find, the band works so much better when the drummer is getting into it. everyone seems to feed off the drummers enjoyment. but when he plays halfarsed, it ruins the whole vibe.
  17. that is a sweet looking musicman stingray! It looks awesome in white with a white pickguard. i never really liked the musicman stingray in terms of looks, but i think this has changed my mind. the contast between the white and the metal control panel bit is much better then when its over black. gd luck with the sale!
  18. [quote name='BassManKev' post='264549' date='Aug 18 2008, 01:40 PM']yeah the SR5 is a fantastic looking instrument what is it you dont like about 5 strings? is it the B gettin in the way? the width of the neck?[/quote] Yeh, the wider neck, and the B string. Ive always played 4 string, and when i had a play on my friends 5 string bass, it didnt feel right. I may one day explore into 5 string basses, but not for now. Thanks for the feedback, seems like alot of problems with this idea lol getting a body custom made sounds like a better plan.
  19. yeh, its a bit too much work. It was just an idea. I just really like the look of it, with the scope out of the 'horn' (dunno what you call them), where as the stingray 4 is just a flat top. Also in honeyburst, it looks beutiful!
  20. [size=2][b]ive been looking at the musicman stingray 5 for a long time now. always loved the look of it! but...i dont get along with 5 string basses. i was just wondering, would it be possible to take the 5 string neck off it, and put a 4 string neck onto it? or are the completely different width? ive never done modifications before, so i probably wouldnt do it myself. I'l probably get a friend to do the DIY work to it. lol it would probably be too much hassle, but i love the look of the stingray 5. hehe[/b][/size]
  21. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='250797' date='Jul 29 2008, 08:52 PM']Are you planning on getting a tweed aguilar headcase?[/quote] haha. I could do .......... but im pretty happy as it is! just need to gig it now.
  22. [b]changed colour? i think it might just be the lighting. I'l take another photo in the rehersal studio again, where the lighting is better... ahhh the pink scarf lol. i knew i should of cropped the photo lol. [/b]
  23. [b]i got the second cab! here, i took a photo of it. Not a great photo, but hey. ashdown abm 500 rc, and two aguilar db112's.[/b]
  24. [b]well..... My bass rig hasnt got the best top end response. But at gigs, if i DI and mic my amp up, will the audience be able to hear the higher end better? and will i able to aswell?[/b][size="3"][/size] cheers! MrHectic
  25. [quote name='ste_m3' post='245592' date='Jul 22 2008, 06:34 PM']Now thats a tastey and tasteful little rig [/quote] [size=3][b]cheers dude! with the second one, it should be alot louder...hopefully...oh, and slighty higher. [/b][/size]
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