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About dub_junkie

  • Birthday 10/10/1968

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  1. Gorgeous looking bass! I know it doesn't resemble one per se but the colour, the figured maple board sans dots, coloured pickup covers and even some of the lines of the headstock remind me of the sharp, clean and purposeful look of an F Bass. GLWTS!
  2. They've definitely become one of my go to brands. The plek'd necks play so well, and yes they sound great.
  3. l-r 55-60 with J Retro,55-02,55-AJ
  4. Lovely looking bass! I had a 2008 Japanese Metro M5-24 for a bit. Hindsight is a wonderful thing for I know now I should have kept it. Build quality was impeccable.
  5. Re the pricing its still a couple of hundred cheaper than the natural one we had last year. The colour is more like the original USA Sterling launch colour and looks great and if I was looking for a passive MM there would be a decision to make with this one and the Pete Wentz passive Stingray which looks like being the cheaper of the two https://projectmusic.net/sterling--sbmm--pete-wentz-stingray-black-41342-p.asp
  6. If behringer can bring logo brick to everyone then I'm in. Anyway signed up for the minimoog which if lego prices are anything to go by, will probably cost more than a used Behringer Model D
  7. Didn't know Nick but I did message him when I imported my Klos Apollo bass direct from the States. I knew Nick was already playing one the same and we exchanged a few messages about the basses and his plan to put an active circuit in his. I also eventually managed to buy an Enfield bass a couple of months ago. I knew he was a demonstrator for the basses way back and I'd always hankered for one in part down to watching videos of him playing them. An absolute superb player too. RIP. My condolences go to his family at this sad time
  8. I've had a fair number of ebmm 5 string basses and I've only ever pulled the G off the board once iirc. Was after a couple of years away being seduced by multi laminate woods, fan frets, single cuts and the like I came back to a Stingray 5 and managed it. Only the once mind but I play with a fairly light touch anyway.
  9. Unfortunately they ceased production three years ago
  10. Believe some of the issues were with the black tuners on the purple sparkle Ray34/5 and stiff truss rods on some? Neither is a really good look on a company like MusicMan. From my own experience, and I've had six Ray35 basses and a Ray34CA, I've found them to really good. The last one, a natural Ray35 with the roasted neck was impressively put together and played fantastically well. A purple SBMM Bongo 5 would interest me as long as the tuners didn't eat themselves when turned and the truss rod worked. Think I'd get on okay with the 2EQ as I was forever fiddling with the high and low mids on the full fat ones. Used to drive me mad!
  11. Love the bass but the quad coils arent my favourite part of it. They're really good n all but is it really shallow of me to think that if I ever scored another Lionheart Air I'd maybe want to put some multicoil pickups in both positions alongside a filter based preamp? (not that I'd be trying to recreate anything else you understand) The bass plays phenomenally well, effortlessly in fact. Action can be got down to stupid low without notes choking off etc There's a lot of nice touches on the bass and the overriding feeling I get with it is "why on earth didnt I spec and order a couple of five strings when I had the chance?"😂😂
  12. Wondering if there's any love on here for this sadly (imo) discontinued brand. I was close to ordering once just as they stopped taking orders but I picked up a Lionheart Air around six weeks ago and I'm fair taken with it.
  13. Just noticed that this is going to be a thing. 2EQ instead of 4 bands of constant fiddling with. The purple looks great imo
  14. Some ogle-worthy pics of the bass I just let go - Graft J Type with vintage burst oil finish. Only weighed 3.8kg or thereabouts. Superb bass I got from vmaxblues who bought it new.
  15. You sir, have a keen eye 🙂 It's a beautiful top wood and the bass is fantastic. A really wonderful instrument.
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