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CMR Bass

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Everything posted by CMR Bass

  1. Yeah, she's an absolute beaut! I've just restrung it E-C with 28-95 D'Addario round wounds. I've never played a bass with as much growl as this one.
  2. Hi Conan, I bought it from a guy off ebey only just recently. I know the previous owner is a member of bass chat but I'm not sure of his username. It very well could be the same one. Do you have the serial number, that'd confirm it. I doubt there's many of this particular model around. If it's had a few owners it hasn't seem much use as it's in beautiful condition.
  3. Just a quick little post to see how most people out there learn difficult pieces. What are your techniques? Do you learn by ear or read? I guess it really just all depends on the piece. Some tunes I've learnt by ear and others I've had to sight read although very slowly. Most Weather Report & Jaco type stuff can be done by ear whereas tunes like Donna Lee & St. Thomas had to be sight read to get it right. Look forward to read some replies.
  4. When I say they come loose, I don't mean they work all the way out, they just loosen up. You could only tell this by taking a screwdriver to the screws during routine maintenance. It's very common due to string vibration which is why I'm not a fan of bolt-on basses.
  5. Very nice Bunny Brunel model, almost looks similar to my XB75P. How long have you had her?
  6. Hi John, thanks for posting a reply. Yeah the SB series seem like excellent basses from what I've read; I think it is pretty hard to beat Carvin on quality. The only bass that I think could out-do the build quaity of the one I have is probably a Fodera. Yeah I've heard that Bass Gear are now stocking Carvin which is a good move. They've also got a nice Fodera Matt Garrison model in stock but the probem is I don't have £6.5k, wish I had.
  7. Thanks Ray, yeah they are rare as hen's teeth. I'm really fussy when it comes to instruments and go through basses like no one's business. This bass really has so much going for it that it could be a keeper. I prefer neck thru 5 strings, exotic woods, active/passive, ebony boards, USA made, boutique basses and this has it all. The neck is slightly wider than my previous GMR 5 string basses along with a longer scale length but it's not a major noticeable difference but there definitely is in TONE! I've never tried or even seen any other Carvin basses but the Bunny Brunel, Sekou Bunch & Brian Bromberg basses do look great. It seems that players with an initial B in their name can only play a Carvin - haha )
  8. Are there many Carvin players out there? I've just picked up an beautiful 5 string exotic koa 5 strings to replace my GMR. It's the first Carvin I've played let alone actually own and I have to say I am very impressed. It's a beautiful neck thru 35.25" flamed koa model with an ebony fretboard. The slightly longer scale length really tightens up the strings and gives the bass such a punch and tone that I've heard from no other bass. Are there any other Carvin players out there? Which basses were you playing before and what made you switch to Carvin? Look forward to hear from other players out there! [attachment=164518:IMG_0450.JPG] [attachment=164519:IMG_0451.JPG] [attachment=164520:IMG_0453.JPG] [attachment=164521:IMG_0462.JPG]
  9. Thanks for your replies chaps. Yeah, I've used those before (stated in my opening post) but they work loose pretty quick because there's no real friction holding them in like with screws agaist wood. I found with those achors/bolts that I overtighten and that pulls on the brass insert thus ripping it out the neck. The problem with the neck bolts loosening off must be a common problem. This is a thing I've nothiced with all bolt-on neck basses. The screws don't work all the way out but they do loosen up, enough of have to tighen them back in. This is especially noticeable usually when the strings are removed and the tension is taken out the neck.
  10. Hi BassChat friends, Does anyone suffer the same problem with their neck bolts/screws woking loose on their bolt-on neck basses? If you do, what do you do to solve this problem? In the past I've fitted neck anchors but they still work loose pretty quick even with the light gauge of 40-95 that I use. I've had the thought of using lock-tight or superglue to hold them in but there must be a better way. I do prefer neck through passive basses because the lack of batteries and bolts are two less things to think about. I know other players feel the same way. I'm hopeing to hear from other members have overcome this problem with a much more effective method. Look forward to hear from you all, Craig
  11. Hi, what's the best price you can do on it?
  12. Hi, beautiful bass. What's the best price you can do on it?
  13. What's your best price on it?
  14. Have you sold it or is it still on the market place?
  15. Hi BassChat Friends, I tend to jump around from string gauge to string gauge depending on the bass used, style of music and how I feel. At the moment I'm using D'Addario EXL230s which are 55-110 so quite a heavy string. I use them on a GMR SoundBoard 5 and string it E-C with a 35 as the C. I also like the 40-95 set with a 24 in the C and also a 45-100 set with a 28 in the C. For me the heavy set enables a lower action with less string rattle along with a louder and more punchy tone. It'd be interesting to hear which strings you all use on which bass and why. Look forward to some replies, Craig
  16. Very nice bass; I'm on my 3rd GMR. I've owned a modern BassForce 5, a few years old BassForce 5 and now a right up to the minute SoundBoard 5. They are really lovely and resonant basses. My SoundBoard 5 is very light for a 5 string. It's got everything I need in a bass. GMR owners generally never look back.
  17. Thanks Greg, It's a beautiful bass. It was a shame I had to let my other two GMRs go but I'm so pleased to have one back and it was right on my door step. I actually bought my first BassForce 5 from their outlet in the basement of Chris Bryant Music on Denmark Street as well, shame they've moved back to Poland. I think they just came over for the London Bass Show. Hope you manage to find the Mustang you're after. Thanks again and take care, Craig
  18. Hi, very interested in your bass for £500.00. I've just sent you a message with my mobile number. Feel free to contact me if you still have it available.
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