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Everything posted by 72deluxe

  1. Bought a Warwick Star Bass 5 from Martyn, good communication, very friendly, let me play for far too long on it before leaving. Thanks Rich
  2. Bump. I don't want to have to take this to the tip!
  3. I tried this bass yesterday - it is truly a lovely instrument, and a bargain too!
  4. Hello I am "selling" my Hohner Rockbass bass that is about 20 years old. I learned to play on it when I was a short, fat, obnoxious know-it-all child with a bad side-parting, and when my hands could barely reach along the neck. [i]The electronics are SHOT on it[/i], although my dad did attempt to do some soldering on it about a gazillion years ago, approximately. The pickups will probably need replacing as I recall the original tone being planky (but that might be me not knowing what a tone control was); in any case the wiring inside is ropey and not reliable (completely busy?). One knob also appears to be wedged on, so might need force/strength to displace it from the scratch plate - so all in all, it needs a good overhaul to say the least. I have no electrical skills at all so I can't do it. Hopefully you have! It was originally a fretted bass and had pretty bad action. My brother defretted it years ago but never really sanded the neck down or finished it properly, but it is still quite playable. The action is still pretty bad compared to expensive basses, but it certainly helped me get strength in the fingers. The fretboard is rosewood I think? But the body is nothing exotic. Probably chipboard..? In truth, I have no idea. It has some dings and dents on the body, and some have had attempted fixes with what appears to be blue touch-up paint for a Rover 200....? I seem to recall my brother using that anyway. The little circular holding piece by the strings on the headstock popped out due to the screw working loose, so I have remounted it half a centimetre towards the end of the headstock, [i]but it is something to bear in mind in case it flies out at a million miles an hour - you could lose an eye![/i] Anyway, it'd make a great project for someone and probably an excellent bass to start fretless for someone brave. [b]I am looking for £15 but open to suggestions if you can't stretch to that[/b] I comes WITHOUT a gig bag or any case, and I won't be able to post it (no boxes, sorry!). [b][u]I am in Droitwich, Worcestershire[/u][/b]. It would make a nice trip out for sure. As I can't demo the sound through the pickups (really no hope there), I put a rubbish dim-lit demo on YouTube through my phone. My cat is happily sat in the background. He loves basses. [media]http://youtu.be/4zIVyRbkA8k[/media] Pictures can be viewed at [url="https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3vzHZmGDdwKZGR6ZVhqLVNERE0&usp=sharing"]https://drive.google...RE0&usp=sharing[/url] Thanks, Rich
  5. Couldn't she buy it as a wedding present? Lovely bass.
  6. Hello I recorded a quick demo of a Behringer Bass VAMP. I did do an overview of the device first but used the wrong mic input so there is no overview! Instead, there is just some effects and amp sounds from it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEDrCXXywrk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEDrCXXywrk[/url] Comments welcome, but this is more to demonstrate the variety of sounds on it more than anything. I overdrive it a bit too much, but as you can see, this is not from the instrument input (the CLIP LED never lights) but is instead internal distortion - part of the amp simulation?
  7. I am fortunate because my wife is very understanding, and actually likes the basses that I buy, particularly if I sold one that she didn't like the sound of (too dull, planky etc.) I try to be fair though, so if I buy anything she can go and buy something the same (or more) value. This tends to keep me from buying basses perhaps, but then I have enough.
  8. Ah thanks. I am familiar with the Biblical story of Salomé, one of only two places in the Bible where birthdays are mentioned! In both cases, someone loses their head. But I hadn't a clue about the picture - it looked more Medusa-ish. Thanks!
  9. Hello I uploaded a video of me with a heavy Warwick Corvette 6 string that I bought from basschat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RAr7HduCVI There isn't any structure or anything, just me playing along to some 8/4 drums in Logic Pro X. I have found the drummer feature (also available in GarageBand for £0.00) very useful to practice along to. I recorded DI and then reamped through an SWR Interstellar Overdrive. I think there's one of those preamps for sale somewhere on basschat at the moment - it's a nice bit of kit for valve overdrive! The audio/video loses sync thanks to the webcam dropping frames, but I dubbed the audio on again afterwards. Enjoy. Comments/criticism very welcome.
  10. Is this picture inspired by some Greek mythology that I'm not aware of or something?
  11. 72deluxe


    Not really, but the Corvette has no preamp, and even the "active" Corvette with a preamp only has bass / treble boost and not the three-band like the FNA. Additionally, the FNA was the one that has the massive humbucker on it, so it sounds quite different to a Corvette (I have an active Corvette too!), and obviously with the Jazzman you can get a warm round tone thanks to the neck pickup. You can also route the electronics on the FNA differently (pickups in series in different orders or in parallel), whereas the Corvette only offers a blend between the two pickups. They are the same shape though. Flat. But I would say they are rather different instruments given the different electronics and pickups. The FNA Jazzman sounds much beefier than the Corvette to my deaf ears. I think the FNA should fetch a higher price than the Corvette due to the extra versatility of the instrument (you can boost the middles!) and if you have one with a fancypants EQ (not standard), it has a smile-curve EQ for quick slapping tone that you get by pulling the volume knob (it is a preamp bypass switch ordinarily). So yes without me blabbing on further, I would argue that FNA is superior to the Corvette (which is subjective, depending on what you're after in a bass obviously) and is quite a different instrument.
  12. 72deluxe


    You don't see many FNA Jazzman basses coming up for sale - nor many of them in the wild! I'm glad to know they are around. You see far more Corvettes.
  13. I would buy this in a snap if I had the money. It looks great. And would make a lovely addition to the unnecessary preamps I currently have. Hopefully one day I will be able to convince my poor wife that I "need" another preamp.
  14. Thanks for the wonderful event yesterday, the mounds of delicious cake I ate and for letting me play so many different amps and basses. I had never tried a Thunderbird (thanks Norris), MusicMan (who owned that? I have forotten your name and username, great selfmade instruments), or a Status, and it had been ages since playing a Rickenbacker, so thanks! GrammeFriday (Nick?) - thanks for letting me try that TC rig and your MTD, really really easy bass to play, a real joy. (Thanks for the kind words too). Was that oldman with that really really light fretless? That was lovely. Brian is oldman, right? And thanks Will for trying out that pjb set up. Really well organised event, thanks ever so much. Some really lovely gear and sounds. Apologies for almost getting banned for slapping... Thanks!
  15. I have two of those cabs and they're great! I always found the 8 ohms to be annoying when hooked up to an amp where the amp power rating is given at 4 ohms because the amp struggles with the 8 ohm cab; it seems all amps give their ratings for 4 ohms. But paired with a beefy amp that puts out suitable power at 8 ohms, great! As stated, these cabs are rated for 600W at 8 ohms and will allow peaks up to 800W, which is bonkers (I don't know how long they rate their "peak" for - it might be nanoseconds!) So if you have two 8 ohms cabs and an amp rated at 900W at 4 ohms, you'll be shoving 450W into each cab, so deafening volume and well below the power rating for each cab. That didn't really make much sense, but what I am saying is that they're plenty powerful enough for pairing with many amps. I use one cab with a 900W (@ 4 ohms, 500W at 8 ohms) Genz Benz and it is deafeningly loud. Plus! they're covered in carpet so you can vacuum cat hair off them and not scratch them to death like vinyl-covered cabs. Anyway, combined with the HF tweeter in the middle, they're great all round cabs and good for slapping with that tweeter. It is adjustable at the back. They do product a low B but that isn't the fundamental note they're producing - they will produce the harmonics of the low B and fool your brain into adding the fundamental note, but I don't think there's many people in audiences with oscilloscopes and measurement microphones... In any case, a 4x10 cab is a great all round cab. The speakers are Eminence speakers but the beauty with older cabs is that they've "worn in" a bit and the speakers don't sound so harsh, as the speaker cones have aged and are happier to move, leading to a warmer/less harsh sound. I paid £600 each (!) for my German-made WCA 411s about 12 years ago (was it that long?!) but when they moved production to China, the price dropped significantly, and I gnashed my teeth in rage. I seem to recall that they started doing 4 ohm cabinets in China, but perhaps they made the 4 and 8 ohm versions in tandem? Anyway, great cab and a billy bargain I think. These fit in my Golf just fine, and are easier to carry by yourself if you lift them from the front (and don't wear a shirt, as you'll get buttons stuck in the grille). Does this have speakon connections on the back? Mine has XLR + speakons, both for input and output (so you can daisy-chain them, not sure why you would unless you had 4 of them????)
  16. I am not on that list above for some reason but I am confirming that I'll be there with a Warwick or two and GB STLMax 9.2 and cab. My friend was also hoping to come but I don't think he'll be bringing any basses.
  17. GONE! Thanks for the swift messaging. To those who have PM'd me, I'll get them sent out when details arrive etc. Thanks!
  18. I have some very very old copies of Bassist and early BGM mags if anyone is interested? I can't seem to sell them but covering postage costs would be appreciated. I will get a list together later today.
  19. That Warwick Streamer P - Nut Signature III is the most beautiful bass I have seen. Pity I don't have any money, but I hope the sale goes well. Why not just keep them and play at home with smiles of joy? What is making you retire?
  20. If you are shoved into a corner, you could put the bass at an angle straddling the corner and you'll create a bass trap which will be incredibly loud / boomy. All speakers suffer from proximity effects when close to a wall so this will help. I always found that I could hear myself better if I stood forward from the speaker (instead of standing right by it), as the note needs to throw forward a bit, considering that the length of a low E note is 837cm, so stand about a metre away (or whatever your lowest note is). I also typically plug one ear pointing towards the drummer because one drummer I play with loves washy hihat, which quickly causes deafness and ear confusion (what note am I playing???)
  21. Thanks for the info. You're right about my cabs - no fundamentals produced there! You're right about low B being 31Hz (a helpful page is at [url="http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html"]http://www.phy.mtu.edu/~suits/notefreqs.html[/url]) I do indeed have a Shuttlemax! I will get it on the digital oscilliscope and have a look (assuming that the DI is the same as the speaker out signal...?)
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1396881572' post='2418316'] This - I use my 500 Fusion in the house too. Get the sound with the gain and moderate the overall volume with the master. That's what they're there for, isn't it..? [/quote] How do you manage it? I find it deafeningly loud with the master on as low as it'll go (any lower and it doesn't register a signal). Perhaps I should just use one channel instead of the tube/fet blend (but then it doesn't sound right!) Tips appreciated!
  23. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1384860031' post='2281463'] As I understand it, all GB lightweight heads have a high pass filter built in, but the cutoff point was lowered in later models. The Shuttle 6.2/9.2 and Streamliners have a cutoff point of 30Hz. I can vouch for the Streamliner having a huge new end, and my newly-acquired Shuttle 9.2 should be just as deep (first test tomorrow night) [/quote] Is that true? What sort of low-pass filter did they do on that? Is it a gentle roll-off below 30 or steep? If the cutoff is at 30Hz, it theoretically can't play a low B note but I can vouch that I can hear one when it comes out of the speaker using my STLMax 9.2... do you have any references on it? Is that the same for STLMax? I have a STLMax 9.2 you see. Just curious.
  24. Is your PA feed coming from a mixer? Couldn't you put the DI from the bass into a channel on the mixer and turn down the treble and middle on the EQ for that channel? You'd essentially be creating a low-pass filter (and thereby filtering out the highs, so now good if you want to pop and click and slap your bass to death). Of course, you would probably benefit from middle and treble too and not just low low bass - unless you're doing reggae?
  25. I heard that the SVT 7Pro also has problems on power up. This is due to an inrush current problem where it draws too much current and can trip circuit breakers (such as your entire house). One way around this is an inrush current limiter that forces the SVT7 to fill its capacitors slowly, thereby stopping the inrush and stopping the trips. You can get one to go between the plug on the wall and the amp, but it would be good if Ampeg could just sort the problem out in the amp in the first place (and put a circuit in to do this perhaps???) With regard to cutting out, I think there is a problem with the internal filtering that is meant to stop square waves hitting the class D amp section but this filter doesn't work properly and some square waves can get through, thereby forcing the class D to go bonkers and go into protect mode (hence the cut out). They've been through a few revisions with that amp apparently. I went and tried one out and was surprised how insanely heavy it was for a class D - more like a class A/B! I plumped for a Genz Benz instead - much lighter and with no "cutting out" problems but with a ECC83 in the preamp stage just like the SVT7 Pro. Shame about the SVT7 Pro really - I am sure it would be a great amp if it wasn't for the complete unreliability of it.
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