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Nick Riffed

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    Norfolk. Blighty

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Apprentice (3/14)


Total Watts

  1. Hi Chris. More than happy for you to copy extracts of our email on here. It could also be interesting to have a idea of how many are left and roughly where they are. They were never exported commercially so I presume that the majority of them are in the UK although I did hear of one being sold in the states about a year or so ago. I know the whereabouts of 4. Please folks, if you owned or still own a Mk2 or if you know someone who owns a Mk2 Ashbory could you please put a note on here. It would be appreciated. Production never got into three figures but they are fairly rugged little buggers so I'm hoping most are still about. Clive Cherry produced these and they sold through the Bass Centre in 1990/91. Apart from the standard black ones there were 10 made, I believe, from Mahogany with a Maple top. I have only ever seen these in photo's and would love to hear from any one that owns one. Cheers, Nick.
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  2. Do the tracks for the CD. You will probably be the most well rehearsed one there. Enjoy it. The worst case scenario, you do a great job, the rest do a bad job, you get a demo cd that you can't use. Hopefully they will then understand your concerns. Best cas scenario, it turns out brilliantly, you are proud to hand people your demo and you get lots of gigs. Either way you have put the effort in and nobody died. Hope it goes well.
  3. Nick Riffed


    What a decent bloke. I acquired a Mk2 Ashbory bass that had belonged to the inventor, the late Alun Ashworth-Jones, last year. Sadly the preamp was in a bad way. The chances of ever finding a preamp built nearly 30 years ago for a specific bass where only 80 were made would be only a little short of miraculous. I saw in a thread that Chris (Noirbass) had been given a few preamps by Clive Cherry who built the MK2's. I immediately contacted Chris who not only still had a preamp but, after hearing the MK2's story, sent me the preamp for nothing! He wouldn't even accept the postal costs. I am chuffed to bits, Mrs Ashworth-Jones is very happy and there will shortly be a fully functional Mk2 back in business. Chris, thank you just doesn't seem enough.
  4. It can look like a large step to take but once you have an ACG there is no going back. The prices at first glance can appear a bit daunting but there is nothing to touch them pound for pound. When I get the chance to acquire my next bass it will only ever be an ACG. I run my two through a Barefaced Big Baby two. It's a wicked combination.
  5. I'm fortunate enough to own more than a couple of basses, some active, some not. They all have their own qualities, faults and foibles regardless. I can't compare my '63 Vox Bassmaster with my ACG Salace; they are different animals but would a drunken punter down the Pig and Truncheon spot the difference? I doubt it. This just proves to me that whatever we prefer sound wise is for our own benefit and quite probably wasted on the people that we play to. There is no rhyme or reason to personal preference. I'm not a particular fan of either passive or active over the other. I do like things to have a good tone, regardless of whether that good tone happens to be a passive or an active one. I like to be able to adjust that tone without fettling with my amp mid set; if I can get to the damned thing in the first place at some of the venues. How you get to that tone is down to you. I can't understand why anyone would dislike a bass that can give a fantastic range of tones just because it's active. It all sounds like some sort of 'purist' overkill. As for disliking an active bass because you don't like changing the battery... really?
  6. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1478555443' post='3169923'] I purchased a bandsaw. [/quote] Let's hope the rest of the band appreciate your generosity. Do you use standard tuning?
  7. I never drink alcohol when I play, I have enough trouble staying focused due to being in constant pain following a car accident 20 odd years ago and the pain killers and booze don't seem to mix. I am normally still buzzing for several hours after a gig. I get home and end up having to eat something and chill in front of the telly for an hour or two before crawling (often literally) up to bed. The next day can be rather hit or miss but mostly I am creamed. Can't stop going out and playing though.
  8. Saw this, thought of you. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002GI55PY?pc_redir=1401512239&robot_redir=1
  9. Your hearing has improved/deteriorated. (Delete as applicable) ;-)
  10. Thanks for all the replies folks.. Now if only I could find the correct saddles screws I could bung the original bridge back on...... May devalue it to the value of the current bridge though.
  11. Just put some Rotosound Nexus on the home made Jazz. So far, so good. We shall see how it goes. Must admit that they do look good. Bought a set of "Patrick" strings for one of the spare 6 strings. Cost about £7.00. Yet again, we shall see.
  12. I take a spare Bass, a set of strings, fuses, batteries and a few spare leads. I draw the line at a spare amp. I have only ever broken 2 strings. One in rehearsal and one on stage. It was a case of hit the mute button, unplug lead, take off bass, put on spare bass, plug in, hit mute button and play on. Must've taken all of 10 seconds.
  13. I have a multi laminate Bass.
  14. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1401396272' post='2463319'] That's a [s]plywood[/s] multi-laminate neck? I bet that's heavy! [/quote] It looks to be a solid hunk of something rather than ply. Quite stripy though.
  15. Thanks all. Just had a nose on Google's and that is sure what it looks like. I own Kay! Who do a thunk it! As long as I won't be damaging anything of any great worth if I strip the varnish off and practise my carving skills on it, I may have a go.
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