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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='ahpook' post='116557' date='Jan 8 2008, 09:17 PM']dunno what you're talking about serves me right for posting whilst eating a very hot chilli[/quote] Yew use the wrong worms entirely so that other people cannot underhand a bird yew are spraying. ** Hamster ** © Ronnie Barker
  2. Sadly no - although I'm building a P bass Olympic white project with a tort plate at the moment :wub: Hamster
  3. [quote name='Hamster' post='116436' date='Jan 8 2008, 06:59 PM']Ta Butler, Neil - It's hard to tell, but is it a traditional profile P neck? Hamster[/quote] Can anyone who has one can tell me about the neck? Ta
  4. More picture gremlins reported here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=10985&view=findpost&p=115539"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...st&p=115539[/url] Hamster
  5. [quote name='ahpook' post='116553' date='Jan 8 2008, 09:12 PM']seems a of of people really favour the bridge pickup on jazz basses... i only ever use the bridge on mine...not blend of the back at all - i find the bridge far too nasal. hmmm...[/quote] Yes - it does make you weird I thought the bridge was the back Hamster
  6. Oooooooo - Dorsetshire, one of my favourite counties! Welcome Sam - enjoy! Hamster
  7. Olympic white - not transparent white - but you get the idea. Hamster
  8. Ta Butler, Neil - It's hard to tell, but is it a traditional profile P neck? Hamster
  9. Which shop / website did you deal with? Hamster
  10. You can request the sellers contact details which might include a phone number. Hamster
  11. Same here, on 3 different PC's at differnet locations / networks etc. Now also having a problem with pictures in posts. Some I just can't see, some open up to gargantuan proportions. Hamster
  12. Hi Jazzee - Welcome! Enjoy the site. Hamster
  13. Hi Charlie - Welcome! Hamster
  14. Hi Charlie - Welcome! Hamster
  15. I think they're quite legit. I asked the managing director to send me his picture so I know who I'm dealing with: He assures me that he's "A real geezer" Hamster
  16. It really doesn't look right [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-FENDER-1959-PRECISION-BASS-ORIGINAL-BODY-RARE_W0QQitemZ320202080608QQihZ011QQcategoryZ41406QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-FENDER-1959-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] C'mon you experts! Hamster
  17. [quote name='ahpook' post='115167' date='Jan 7 2008, 01:24 AM']i suppose it's possible the track was a dud...and something finally gave in the end. the supply was rated 12v @500mA[/quote] You didn't put much power into it - really sounds like a dodgy track. Can you get a refund / replacement? Hamster
  18. I reckon they're all forgeries and not worth keeping - will you accept £80 for the job lot? Hamster
  19. I'm really trying to avoid playing bass with a pick - but I think I'll give in and have a go What picks, and what thickness do you picksters use? Hamster
  20. 3V difference won't burn a pcb track out - that takes amps. What's the current draw of the pedal @ 9v - and what's the rated amps of the 12v supply you plugged into it? If it draws amps well in excess of it's requirements it's most likely a direct short. Hamster
  21. If you can't resolve what is probably a poor connection, someone posted a few weeks ago about putting one of those tumble-drier anti-static sheets in the control cavity - Worth a go I suppose? Hamster
  22. The Bass Cellar! There are much cheaper places!! Figure out what you want to buy, and then look in the forums' for sale section. If the cash was in my pocket - a Musicman - you'll get a cracker for around £700. [u]BUT a big caveat - try before you buy!![/u] Even if you try out in the bass shops and then look for a bargain here. You will play better with a £300 bass that you are really comfortable with than with a £1200 bass that doesn't feel right. Hamster
  23. Found your way home then! - Welcome back Hamster
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