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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. In a word, yes - probably Hamster
  2. Joe Garcia bought one for Christmas from across the pond - £950 + approx 22% duty = £1150 from the USA. Don't see them around much Hamster
  3. I have a GuitarPro (GP3) file of Black Dog if anyone wants to play with it? Hamster
  4. I took my new 55/01 Skyline for a setup to a guitar luthier who hadn't seen them before. He was very impressed with the build quality and was astonished at the price. Another +1 for Skylines Hamster
  5. I'm pretty sure I recognise the sellers ebay name as being a basschatter Hamster
  6. All right - whose ad is this item [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Precision-crafted-bass_W0QQitemZ190188059301QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-Fender-Jazz-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] An expert on Fedner Guitarse Hamster
  7. You can see right through the plexiglass body Hamster
  8. [quote name='paul, the' post='114429' date='Jan 5 2008, 11:03 PM'] I am jealous. Can anyone hint at the price of these? Is there a site with a variety of different colour combinations?[/quote] I think these are about £1k A few pictures here - [url="http://www.station-music.de/bass/sandberg.html"]http://www.station-music.de/bass/sandberg.html[/url] Hamster
  9. Ummmmmmmm......... Someone needs a cap popped in their ass? It's a job for the BassChatPoliceSquad
  10. The Old Horse just delivered some bass bits to my door. Thoroughly pleasant chap Hamster
  11. [quote name='Chopthebass' post='113623' date='Jan 4 2008, 04:53 PM']The ser no. is MN9365238. Do you know what age that would be?[/quote] That makes it a 1999-2000 Hamster
  12. [quote name='cris the man' post='113353' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:27 AM']what are the ultimate stage moves?[/quote] Not tripping over your lead and going face down on the drum kit is an excellent move. As is not smashing the vocalist in the teeth with your machine heads whilst you do a manic dance. Hamster
  13. Hey - I was almost right! That's a vast improvement! Hamster
  14. I found another arrangement - [attachment=4523:Everlasting_Love2.pdf] I haven't had time to sit down and check them both for accuracy. Hamster
  15. Especially as there may have been a turkey shortage and people were on the look-out for an alternative Hamster
  16. That's a good heads up - thanks. BTW, I've also never has any problems with the USPS. Hamster
  17. [quote name='SJA' post='113333' date='Jan 4 2008, 02:12 AM']reminiscent of an oven-ready chicken.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='gilmour' post='113324' date='Jan 4 2008, 01:15 AM']so 106db is significantly louder then[/quote] IIRC, it's twice as loud as a speaker of 103db sensitivity if using the same input level. I may be wrong, but I think I'm right. No doubt Bill F or Alex C will be along soon to put me right Hamster
  19. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113290' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:11 AM']Guys. Really need help with the above song. My Bass has just packed up at home and i cant get to my working bass until my gig on Sat but i need to learn the above song as a first dance. Could anyone be able to tab out (or just jot down) the notes of the Chorus for me. im pretty sure its based around E - Eb - Db - F# - B but there are some other notes played as well. Im just not going to be able to figure it out before the gig. Thanks for any help.[/quote] Hope this helps. From memory it sounds ok but I don't have a recording on hand to check it [attachment=4522:Everlasting_love.pdf] Hamster
  20. [quote name='gilmour' post='113312' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:37 AM']Ok, this should be a quickee I read in the "What I learned in 2008" thread someones commment that the sensitivity of a cab can make a big difference to volume. I'm looking at 2 cabs ATM one is 103DB sensitive and the other 106DB. WIll this make a really significant difference, or is 3DB to little to really notice? I remember someone once telling me that each decibel was twice as loud as the previous, ie 100DB is twice as loud as 99DB. But I might have dreamt that, and it may have no bearing when talking about sensitivity. Thanks[/quote] IIRC, with an input of one watt a speaker with a sensitivity of 103db/Wm will produce 103db of sound at a distance of one meter. To increase the volume by 3 db, you must [u]double[/u] the power, so 3db is about twice as loud. Therefore, if you put 100watts into a speaker of 106db sensitivity, you make the same noise as putting 200watts into a speaker of 103db sensitivity. It think that's right Hamster
  21. Hamster


    Hi and Welcome! You'll find several bargains in the for sale forums and loads of information and friendly chat everywhere else. Make good use of the search function to do your research into all things! Enjoy Hamster
  22. Hi and Welcome! - So I take it you're not looking for an 8 string ERB - yet Hamster
  23. Hello Tink - and Welcome! You'll find this a friendly place for chat and info - Enjoy! Hamster
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