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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Welcome! - the SurreyMassive chapter of BassChat grows!! Hamster
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='93623' date='Nov 24 2007, 04:26 AM']Hi all I've been feeling a bit flaky all day, and things got progressively worse through the first set. As we got to the end of one particular tune, it all got a bit much. I finished about four bars early, put my bass down, stepped off the stage, and...heeeuuuurrrgghhhh!!! All over the floor and wall. I did the second set with a bucket at my feet. *high five!* I don't know why I'm sharing this... probably because it's 4.30am and I feel like crap. If, by any chance, the staff of the Magnesia Bank read this, thank you for clearing up the mess. [/quote] You should have launched into a Sex Pistols number, barfe over the audience and pretend it was part of the tribute Hamster
  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-jazz-Laurus-Quasar-sl-20-5-corde-grafite-fret_W0QQitemZ130176833372QQihZ003QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/fender-jazz-Laurus-Q...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] I [i]think[/i] I like it Hamster
  4. It's a little bit more than "distressed" It looks like it's been under a set of lorry wheels! Hamster
  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='93453' date='Nov 23 2007, 06:09 PM']I have some new cabs on the way and I was just wondering how you guys break in your cabs. Any advice?[/quote] Have a look here:- [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1858"]http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1858[/url] All I've got to do is build some cabs to run in Hamster
  6. [quote name='ped' post='93426' date='Nov 23 2007, 05:23 PM']I don't fully understand what is going on here but this strikes me as a funny way of getting attention.[/quote] He's trying to 'name & shame' tune-o-matic without naming to avoid possible legal action. Basically he says he was sold a poor refinish for the price of a 100% original. Hamster
  7. I've listened to two of the mark II versions in live contexts over the last week and I thought they performed really well. For a very good lightweight head they have little competition. If weight isn't a consideration then there are many secondhand bargains to be had that you might prefer over the Markbass. It's just the long process of doing comparisons to see what [i]you[/i] really like. I haven't done an A/B comparison with the 250 head but I think they are just a lower powered version of the Mk2? Hamster
  8. +1 for Sound Control, but the service is a lottery depending which assistant helps you! Hamster
  9. +1 on the above - it's fishier than a very fishy thing. Hamster
  10. I was chatting with a Fender UK rep the other day who said that Fender are planning to stop selling/producing replacement necks for any Fender guitar or bass. Can anyone in the trade confirm this? Pretty serious news if he has it right! - but it will stop all the forgers producing "genuine" USA necks. Hamster
  11. How about an original early 60's precision? - if she doesn't like it, keep it for yourself Hamster
  12. Recycled rabbit - is that in Jamie Oliver's cookbook? Hamster
  13. [quote name='funkmunky' post='92682' date='Nov 22 2007, 12:47 PM']Looking forward to seeing you Hamster! Steve[/quote] I'm looking forward to leading the crowd in a call for a massive bass solo Hamster
  14. Tomorrow (22/11/07) at the Farnham Maltings doors 2015 for 2100 start - The Ian Parker Band featuring our own Funkmunky on bass! I'm sure Steve will buy you a pint if you show him a copy of this post Hamster
  15. Quite a rare item with the "tramp's boot" back Hamster
  16. [quote name='largo' post='91284' date='Nov 20 2007, 09:41 AM']I'd doubt it as these are single coil pickups. You should check them out, absolutely amazing for Jazz Bass tone if you like that sort of thing :0) Got word back from Brian @ Best Bass Gear in the US and this is his reply .... The additional ground wire is something new and meant for some of the newer preamps out there. You are correct in your assumption that the grey wire should be connected to the jack ground. The black wire should go to the pickup ground on the East preamp. In case anyone else wonders. Stephen[/quote] Interesting. It [i]could[/i] lead to hum/buzz problems. They've obviously tried/tested this and found it to be ok. Hamster
  17. I don't think you can do that with GP5? Looking at the menu you can export it to a midi or wav file, so I think it can be converted then to mp3? Hamster
  18. I've got it in a Guitar Pro 5 file if that helps? Hamster
  19. They don't come up very often so it's hard to price them. I should think they hold their value well. Hamster
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='89378' date='Nov 16 2007, 02:39 PM']So the "f"'s are effin' silent?[/quote] They always are. For example, there's a silent F at the beginning of the word Haddock, so you write it fhaddock but drop the f when you pronounce it. I found this out at the local chip shop when I walk in and asked for fhaddock and chips. The man behind the counter said there was no f in haddock so I had to make do with a jumbo sausage and chips Hamster
  21. That's just pretty What do we think it will go for? Hamster
  22. If she reveals to the press that he's a scouser he's finished! - calm down!, calm down! Hamster
  23. Well Hello and Welcome Hamster
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='86599' date='Nov 10 2007, 08:31 PM']It's wishful thinking even with the 'custom' options... isn't it? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sterling-4-string-bass-Vintage-sunburst_W0QQitemZ190172451992QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sterling-4-...1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sterling-4-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/url][/quote] It is nice, but not £1250 nice Hamster
  25. Welcome to the forums Graeme With your eclectic tastes you have a whole lot of stuff to keep you busy practicing for years! Hamster
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