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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Ahhhh - just read your introduction Methinks the problem is in the choice of amp. I'm not familiar with a Stagg 20w amp, but methinks it will struggle with the frequencies produced on the B and E strings on a bass. Hamster
  2. Hi Graeme Tell us a bit more about your rig - guitar, amp etc Also where are you based? - nothing like a hands-on opinion from a friendly basschatter Hamster
  3. IMHO you'll be lucky to get more than £50 for it. As MB1 stated, they were only £99 new. Hamster
  4. Always nice to welcome another bassist from the Surrey massive Hamster
  5. [quote name='sk8' post='85421' date='Nov 8 2007, 02:17 PM']if i added another 2x10 i was going to put the combo on its side anyhoo.[/quote] .... and that was what my post was going to say Hamster
  6. There's a recurring and well known fault with the power transformer on these heads - maybe it's grumbling? As for the Superfly, same quality control problems on one of the power boards. Several people on here have had problems, (me included) Hamster
  7. Hi Davey, and welcome The Explorer is just so rock 'n roll! Hamster
  8. Hard to say - have you taken off the neck and scratchplate to check for names / numbers etc? Hamster
  9. No - not yet, but I'm going to see them at Cranleigh on 17th Hamster
  10. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='83835' date='Nov 5 2007, 08:54 AM']I have voted, safe in the knowledge that no-one will ever guess which name I chose [/quote] "The Licking Dogs" ? - The Dog Lickers" ? "Lush Tongue" ? - am I close Hamster
  11. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to distribute any little freebies to the first 5 members that welcome you Hamster
  12. +1 re above, lucky to get £275 IMHO. Hamster
  13. Have you read through the above sticky? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=194"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=194[/url] Hamster
  14. Have you had a chat with our resident cable guru - OBBM? Hamster
  15. AFAIK, virtually all amps (including the MAG300) are happy with an 8ohm load. Hamster
  16. Should be fine to play, but trickier to slap (for me anyway) Hamster
  17. +1 on above. Can't go wrong for £300. Hamster
  18. Bonjour et bienvenue ! J'ai eu beaucoup de vacances en France, mais mon Français est toujours le mauvais, ainsi aucun besoin de faire des excuses pour votre excellent Anglais. Appréciez tous que nous devons partager. Hamster
  19. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='83103' date='Nov 3 2007, 12:52 PM']Gather round, boys, and harken unto my tale of woe. There once was a prize prat who owned two combos, a Trace 1 x 15, his favourite, which he bought to replace his Ashdown Mag 4 x 10 with which he was not terribly happy. Pain that it is to sell amps, he kept the Ashdown, planning at some stage to trade it in for something else, possibly a 4 x 10 cab to get the full whack out of the Trace. It came to pass that the prize prat had a gig, and it occurred to him on the day before said gig that it might be an idea to run the two combos together for some extra wallop (why I have no idea, as the place the prize prat was playing was pretty small and the Trace on its own would have been fine). Anyhow the prize prat started fiddling around with things he did not fully understand, (and if the daft sod had read his manual properly it would have told him how to do it), and although he did not really know himself what he had done, he stuck the wrong jackplug in the wrong hole, and there came a funny noise and a spark, and suddenly neither amp would emit a sound. So now on the eve of a gig the prize prat had managed to bugger both his amps in one fell swoop. In a state of great desperation (envisaging having to buy a new amp which he could ill afford) he threw himself on the mercy of his local shop (Music Technology in St.Austell) who, fine bunch of men that they are, hired him a brand new Behringer and 2 x 10 cab for the night. The Behringer performed extremely well (the prize prat had to turn down 'cos he was too loud) and the gig went well. The prize prat has just had a text from his local amp repairer who reports that both amps have been saved by the fuses and are OK, and he is going to pick them up this afternoon, thankfully getting away with a bill for only £20. So harken ye, men, unto my tale, and do not do what the prize prat was foolish enough to do, and muck about with something if you do not really know what you're doing, but if you must, at least read the manual properly first. The prize prat got away with it this time, but it could have been a whole lot worse. How do I know all this? I was that prize prat.[/quote] Ummmmmmm.................. time to request a site admin to change your forum name from "Deep Thought" to "Not Quite As Deep As You Thought Thought" Hamster
  20. Have you looked in the list? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248[/url] Hamster
  21. Have a read through this, [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/"]http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/[/url] and then the site's forums, [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/"]http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/[/url]. AFAIK, Bill doesn't design cabs with rear ports. Hamster
  22. [quote name='Machines' post='83294' date='Nov 3 2007, 09:48 PM']Hooves of satan for the win ![/quote] Bad choice - you'll never get any parochial church council tea-party gigs Didn't like any of the others - how about "Pushing Up", as in pushing up the daisies Hamster
  23. The Surrey massive is growing Welcome! Hamster
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