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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Ebay don't give a toss - it's small beer to them and not worth bothering about from their point of view. Have you suffered a financial loss? - you might be able to take the seller through the small claims court, but all you'll get back is money owed. Compensation doesn't appear to be an issue either. Look at the guy still trying to name/shame Tune-o-Matic - he alleges, and suggests he has evidence that they sold him a misdescribed bass and he is seriously out of pocket - Ebay aren't interested. Just leave the seller stinking feedback and forget it - life's too short. Hamster
  2. Not too keen on the Status or Aria Hamster
  3. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='75010' date='Oct 16 2007, 12:14 PM']yes - Thringstone - I didn't include it because I didn't think anybody would have ever heard of it. I hadn't and I only live 10 miles away[/quote] I did add Nr Loughborough Hamster
  4. Thanks - added. I've shown his location as Thringstone because: a] That's where he is, and b] It's a great place name Someone must build a huge stadium there to get some bands in - "Hello Thringstone - you Rock!" etc..... Hamster
  5. Don't know what the fuss is about - it's only a short scale one Hamster
  6. [quote name='NME article']"Elsewhere in the interview, which was conducted by Babyshambles frontman Pete Doherty...."[/quote] Nuff said? Hamster
  7. Hi Ian Has Martin done any work on your basses, or are you just spreading his good name? BTW, to get near the top of the list Martin will have to move his operation to at least level with the lake district Hamster
  8. Like this one? - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=364&hl=dingwall"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=dingwall[/url] Hamster
  9. [quote name='merchant' post='65528' date='Sep 25 2007, 08:29 PM']Hhmm ok I take it you can't embed youtube videos Here is the url [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN1p6yowknk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN1p6yowknk[/url] enjoy[/quote] Try (square open bracket)youtube(square close bracket)gN1p6yowknk(square open bracket)/youtube(square close bracket) Hamster
  10. Hi Rob - and Welcome I see you've posted this question in "off topic" already - there's no need to cross-post across the forums to get an answer. Hamster
  11. Students at uni eh? "The Empty Pockets" "Hannibal and the Lecterers" "The Batchelors" (might have to check the availability of that one ) "The Three Degrees" -----ditto----- or if you use recreational substances.... "Albanian Cheese Wizards on Dope" Hamster
  12. You're welcome - but it's not my list really - it's the collective knowledge of the forum members (group hug time) Hamster
  13. Sounds like a blast, but doing an extra 12,000 miles a year just for rehersals would kinda spoil the fun for me Hamster
  14. Welcome to the forums Jon You seem to have your rig well sorted with some very nice gear, but you might find a few things on here that will create a little GAS Hamster
  15. Ooops - supposed to be jokes now....... What's funnier than a hundred dead drummers?....................... A hundred dead drummers in clown costumes! I'll get me coat......
  16. Pay a session drummer to turn up at one of your rehersals and tell your mate that the guy is interested in joining the band - nothing like a bit of competition to sharpen the skills! Hamster
  17. My scorpions would love that hanging on the wall above their tank! Hamster
  18. Bass Playing Today - Part 1 DB - See that professional bass instructor doing his hip-hop lesson on youtube?.... Prof FJ Lewis - I am aware of his work...... DB - That's you that is, rocking out with your interpretation of YYZ Hamster
  19. Hi and Welcome David! Don't knock Tokai basses - IMHO they're pretty reasonable. Stop by the for sale sections to souce a new amp/ combo etc Enjoy Hamster
  20. I can never resist Love Games, or HMWYRS Hamster
  21. Ok, I must be the only one who doesn't know which seller / dealer / shop the 2 gnome attic refers to! Hamster
  22. You got to go with what your ears are telling you, but convention would put the chain comp > fuzz > wah > flanger > volume > chorus. Hamster
  23. Hamster

    Hello All

    Hi and Welcome! Hamster
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