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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='neilb' post='51236' date='Aug 27 2007, 11:24 AM']My wife is an envelope filter in a sense....... I get the bills, she gets the rest.[/quote]
  2. [quote name='paul, the' post='51120' date='Aug 27 2007, 01:12 AM']I'm sure he's said that he plays brass. So what the fuss?[/quote] If the Cockney Rhyming filter was still in play, this thread would be more gigglesome
  3. [quote name='chardbass' post='51149' date='Aug 27 2007, 02:12 AM']I hope she gets used on her merits and not her novelty value. Go Tal..[/quote] So, a female playing a bass has a novelty value?
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='50968' date='Aug 26 2007, 05:15 PM']i just type in "expensive bass" on yahoo looking for myspace backgrounds and what should it come up with? now unless i'm higly mistaken that looks like overwater#1's very sexy custom bass (and apparently something he hasn't been telling us about[/quote] You mean the trombone on page 1, or the oilskins, clarified butter and goat on page 141? Hamster
  5. Hamster

    Hello boyz

    It's an invasion ! A warm welcome Jan - nice to meet more friends from across the channel. Hamster
  6. If only he had 8 of them to make a nice 8x12 cab Hamster
  7. I always stay clear of ebay items where there are no comments from the seller - all the guys auctions were just cut and paste descriptions from sales blurb. Hamster
  8. [quote name='cai!' post='48923' date='Aug 22 2007, 01:11 PM']if i were to d.i.y. it how would i remove the frets? like a chisel or something? because it sounds alot cheaper to do it your self thanks agen guys [/quote] Have a looky here - [url="http://www.geocities.com/charlesarms"]DIY defret guide[/url] Hamster
  9. [quote name='Matty' post='48576' date='Aug 21 2007, 09:24 PM']i have mine after my distortions, but before my modulators and delays. Allows for full distortion sound at lower levels, and also violin-esque swells.[/quote] Ditto. That works best for me too, but it's down to personal preference and what/how you play. Hamster
  10. Whatever you do - have fun, get paid for having fun if you can, and enjoy the music whether you wrote it yourself or not. If anyone looks down their nose at you for that they need professional help Hamster
  11. Welcome Lulu - nice to see another bass player who wears proper headgear Hamster
  12. Hi Ritchie and welcome! You'll find many fans of Mr Shuker's work on here. First stop would be to post up your gear on bass porn. From the videos clips on Cliff's website it looks sweet Enjoy Hamster
  13. I liked both of them! - excellent production. Just needs a little more cowbell Hamster
  14. [quote name='cai!' post='48186' date='Aug 21 2007, 10:10 AM']wouldnt rubbing oil on the fingerboard affect the strings abit? and good advice on using flats[/quote] Well, you don't want to use too much oil, just enough to soak in. As for your question, technically yes, but measurably and practically, no. Hamster
  15. [quote name='cai!' post='48177' date='Aug 21 2007, 09:41 AM']hmmm ive decided that because my ibanez is sitting round giving me evils i might as well turn it fretless would the rosewood on the neck be ok to use? or would i need to give it a light varnish coat or just replace the whole thing? thank you for any help[/quote] The rosewood should be fine, but personally I wouldn't use roundwounds on it - go for flats. As opposed to varnish, just use lemon oil for a natural finish. Hamster
  16. [quote name='ste_m3' post='47530' date='Aug 19 2007, 11:26 PM']i might install a light in my 810 just for kicks actually. Think it would look quite cool in a ported cab like mine. haha.[/quote] Inside and underneath perhaps? - You might start a trend Hamster
  17. Hello and welcome! Don't worry, your english, choice of instrument and musical tastes are all excellent! Hamster
  18. Did you get the free Zon bass for all those who registered before 19th August?? Hamster
  19. I was quite impressed with OBBM's Lakland Darryl Jones. Perhaps pricey new, but worth hunting one down that's been previously loved :wub: Hamster
  20. [quote name='glitterskinjim' post='47617' date='Aug 20 2007, 11:21 AM']help please. I have an ashdown Mag 300 15" combo and ABM mini 4x8" extension cab rig and I'm looking for the best amp setup suggestions. I play a thunderbird bass through it with the tone set to low. I am looking to get a rich deep bass sound with plenty of rumble with out the sound getting to "wooly" as the sound engineer called it at our gig on saturday night! any help would be much appreciated. input = 3 o'clock low bass = 10 o'clock Bass = 2 o'clock Mid = 5 o'clock high mid = 2 o'clock treble = 1 o'clock sub harmonics = 9 o'clock Please use the 'clock' system or even better post a pic of your amp settings many thanks jim[/quote] Also, make sure you have the deep, bright, eq and sub buttons pressed in. That should give you a reasonable starting point, but trial and error with the variables of your bass, its output etc. Hamster
  21. Hamster


    [quote name='lee4' post='47517' date='Aug 19 2007, 10:10 PM']Hello,I'm Lee from Surrey,now playing bass for 21 years. My gear list is;Warwick Corvette $$,Status Groove(both 4 string),old Trace 300 watt head into a Peavey 1x15 cab,and Elites strings. Right now I'm trying to get the hang of this site,any tips greatfully recieved![/quote] Tips? - you're doing great so far Have a good look around and enjoy! Hamster
  22. Hamster

    South East Bash

    Thanks Dave for getting us together. Best part of the day was putting faces to names and chatting It was also interesting to look at the different favoured neck set-ups on each bass. As for bass frottage, I enjoyed Kiwi's Celinder and Ped's fretless Vigier - both very nice. Shame I missed the G.77 through the PA - it sounded funky through the headphones Hamster
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