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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Scam, scam, scam, scam, egg chips and scam. Hamster
  2. [quote name='rockinbassman' post='47272' date='Aug 19 2007, 04:23 AM']where is the south east bash! i live in bton, would love to pop along![/quote] You can come if you have a Tardis - please bring an air freshener and a +600w cab with jack connectors Hamster
  3. Welcome David - looks like we're here to stay! Stick your location in your profile and we might be able to hook you up with a tutor in you area. Hamster
  4. Hamster


    Nice guide - thanks. For those not in the know it may be worth noting that the uber expensive Mesa Boogie tubes are just re-badged mass produced Chinese valves. Hamster
  5. Top funkmeister to deal with. Hamster
  6. [quote name='Mikey D' post='44639' date='Aug 12 2007, 10:59 PM']I agree with alun, although, if you want a bit more (lots more) flash CHOPS by Joe Pass and NHOP is a close 2nd.[/quote] Arse - that's the one I was going to suggest. I used to listen to and play a lot of Joe Pass in my jazz days, but my mind was most boggled by NHOP. Hamster
  7. Hamster


    Oh goody - another Porcupine Tree fan Welcome! Hamster
  8. Name and shame as a warning to others. Hamster
  9. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='45289' date='Aug 14 2007, 03:57 PM']I have an American Fender Jazz Deluxe. It's active, but I always end up using the passive jacks on amps because it's not hot enough to drive them on the active jacks... Same happens with the Punch Factory compressor, passive setting works best... So I think I should use the 250Kohm version for passive instruments, even though my bass is active but I'm not sure... Any advice? I should get an Ernie Ball pedal, any suggestions of different brands?[/quote] Replace the cheap Fender active circuit with an Audere or J-Retro. That will improve things a lot. Or use a 250k pedal to improve things a little. Hamster
  10. It looks like he was still holding a big orbital sander in his other hand when he took the shaky photos Hamster
  11. [quote name='Merton' post='46393' date='Aug 16 2007, 01:00 PM']Wattage is a difficult one to quantify with "how much is enough?" because it isn't a true reflection on volume, or SPL. I've used a 500W Ashdown head thru a 4x10 cab and not felt I could get an adequate volume level, but my Trace 300W head thru the same cab was fine with the volume on 3. it's to do with effieciency of the amp, of the speakers, voicings of the amp and speaker (a more "middly" amp will cut thru better than a more "bassy" amp, c.f. my Trace and the Ashdown) etc etc.... But, despite all that nonsense, I'd say no less than 150W.[/quote] +1 on that. Hamster
  12. For me, marriage is a partnership. Everything I have is hers, and everything she has is mine. We are more than married, we are soulmates. The kids keep telling us off for embarrassing them because we're always snogging. Even though I bring seven times her income into the house we each have the same monthly "pocket money" for each to spend how we wish. If either of us wants to spend more than that, then we talk about it and usually reach a compromise. Honesty and openness about finances (and everything else) keeps a marriage healthy and free from suspicion. As for space taken up......... We now need to buy a larger house with a dedicated music room! As well as all my bass stuff, I still play a lot of guitar so have my guitar rig etc. Wife plays keyboards, big lad has started to play guitar and little lad has a full drum kit. It's quite a laugh to practise together but we're all in separate rooms! Hamster
  13. Hamster


    Welcome - you'll find plenty of fretless fans here! Enjoy Hamster
  14. Guess what just plopped onto the doormat A Rickenbacker 13 page special with a grinning Lemmy von Motörhead on the cover Chats with Tony Levin, Robert Trujillo, Dave Peacock and Dave Farrell Reviews of Blade B1 Tetra, SEI single cut, MM SR5 HS 30th Anniv, Vintage Icon basses Article on recording bass on a budget Usual helpful columns from Dave, Stuart and Steve I'm off to put the kettle on Hamster
  15. I have to concentrate too much when I play, so it's a one drink before and one drink at half-time limit for me Hamster
  16. Hi Steve THis topics had quite a bit of input before, some of it from the previous website - check it out here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=660&hl=hotwire&st=20"]previous thread[/url] Hamster
  17. Heysham - that's your problem. I spent a fortnight in Heysham one Saturday evening Hamster
  18. Looks like the back off an old Decca telly Hamster
  19. +1 nearly all of the above. Sound good enough, last forever, cheap as chips. Just the name isn't fashionable? Goodness knows why, it's not as if they brought out the "Jade Goody Signature Model" is it Hamster
  20. Endless Love Various U2 songs Most things in the charts that none of us have ever heard of and of course, musthang sally Hamster
  21. I remember buying the single when it came out (1972! ) Used to play it on electric geetar which was a long time before I picked up a bass. Hamster
  22. Is a Boss RV-5 out of your price range? - I've used one for some time and it's pretty versatile. Hamster
  23. Hamster

    Hi Folks

    Hello and Welcome Dr Price Hamster
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