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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Is it me, or are there some descriptions that have missing pictures? Hamster
  2. [quote name='mr_russ' post='33059' date='Jul 17 2007, 02:28 PM']I've ordered the jazz version- it's in customs as we speak ;D[/quote] Sweet - let us know what you think of the Jazz version. Hamster
  3. [quote name='skywalker' post='33341' date='Jul 17 2007, 11:02 PM']Hi Bigd Your Customs allowance is something like £154 pounds I think, anything over that you should in theory pay Duty/VAT. If your Bass is £500, then you should pay on the £350 or so balance. For Duty and Tax work on something like 20% of the value if you declare it correctly in the Red Channel. If you come through the Green Channel and say nothing chances are you will go through without being stopped, but you didn't hear that from me. You will normally have probably three Customs officers watching 300 people off the flight, so the maths are easy. If you do get stopped, you may even get the Bass confiscated, but I think the chances of that are slim. Customs these days mainly concern themselves with narcotics. Just a heads up that when you buy the bass and case, ensure they are brand new and out of the box, as there is every chance that one which has been on display in the shop has been tried or at least handled by someone who has been in contact with narcotics, especially in the USA, and any trace, however small will send the drug dog in the baggage hall loopy when you get back here. The bass should be safe in locked flight case, after all that's what they are designed for. I have never had a problem, but others may differ on the point. Check your travel insurance you should find that there is cover for lost/damaged items carried as hold luggage but look at the small print for exceptions. I hope this helps, good hunting, let s know what kind of bargain you manae to get. Steve[/quote] +1 except buy a tatty secondhand case with stickers and smear up the bass with greasy fingermarks. Hamster
  4. [quote name='WalMan' post='33344' date='Jul 17 2007, 11:04 PM']Well here I am back again. Been playing for more years than I care to mention & slowly being rebuilt by medics as body parts fail, but still not letting it stop me. Play along the South Coast (mainly between Littlehampton & Southampton) in a rock covers band called The Alibi. Prior to that in a band called A Kind of Fury with the same drummer & guitarist but a different vocalist Gear wise a Wal Pro1 uprated to Custom actives, a Line6 BassPod Pro XT straight to the PA and presently looking at a small MarkBass combo for rehearsals & small gigs to replace the Trace Elliot 122H combo[/quote] Hi Alan, and a warm welcome. There's a few forum bassists in your area - I'm sure you'll find each other on the website. Hamster
  5. [quote name='dood' post='33117' date='Jul 17 2007, 04:07 PM']Apparently, the company that Andy has used to make bespoke metal hardware uses designs with a tolerance of up to 100th of a mm!!![/quote] Crumbs! - that's tiny even for a gnat's little gentleman
  6. [quote name='99ster' post='33072' date='Jul 17 2007, 02:57 PM']No worries on that one - it had already obviously been stripped previously by the comedian who decided it would be a good idea to cover it in a thick coat of orange car paint! And even if it was over an original paint it would take Harry Potter to remove the orange & leave the original intact! [/quote] Which tech are you using for the refinish? Hamster
  7. [quote name='dood' post='33041' date='Jul 17 2007, 01:49 PM']One to add to the list! To save me the journey of travelling up to Sheffield to see Jon Shuker for 'Doodle's first service, I have enlisted the extraordinary talents of Mr Andy Guyton, who is based in East Anglia. This chap is the very same chap employed by Brian May to build his replica 'red specials' - no, not the cheapy ones from soundcontrol.. the ones with 3 noughts after the price tag! Well.. I figure that if Mr May can entrust his personal guitar to the man.. thats good enough for me! Anyway.. top bloke.. check him out.. www.guytonguitars.co.uk[/quote] Has he done the work on your bass yet? - he seems well acquainted with those other '6-string soprano bass' things like what Mr May plays. I expect he'll be good - but at what price for a setup (if you don't mind me asking?) Hamster
  8. [quote name='Buzz' post='32933' date='Jul 17 2007, 11:30 AM']Would that happen to involve superglue?[/quote] Yes - but its not funny like Homer's suggestion Hamster
  9. [quote name='Funkmaster' post='32875' date='Jul 17 2007, 09:32 AM']I've got the most intense playing week (and a half) that I've ever had coming up - 12 bookings in 10 days - starts Friday, culminating in the last day where I'm playing in a church in the morning, then in Whitby in the afternoon, then Wigan in the evening. I'm looking forward to finding out if my finger ends survive. To be honest - I'm looking forward to seeing if I survive! David[/quote] If your fretting fingers start to bleed, I know an old Stevie Ray Vaughan trick - but you might not like it Hamster
  10. [quote name='yellowisfriedegg' post='32830' date='Jul 17 2007, 07:29 AM']Basically the guitarist showing off , we are all quite pleased with it though [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo9iz2DUIB0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo9iz2DUIB0[/url][/quote] Haven't heard that Jeff Beck number for ages - nice one Hamster
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='32693' date='Jul 16 2007, 08:05 PM']eBay is riddled with problems and pitfalls for the unwary. I also made a purchase from the States a few months back ($350), a month later I received a package (which I got clattered for duty and tax, but hey it was my choice to buy from the States so no complaints there). On opening the package I was presented with a box of timber offcuts... WTF! I contacted the seller, nothing. I contacted PayPal and submitted a claim that the items was 'not as described' (no kidding). Unfortunately the seller simply claimed that they had sent the item and I was simply pulling some stunt. Where do you stand? You don't, you just have to lie down and take it! As I say the biggest insult is that I had to pay Duty, Tax and a RM handling charge to receive a box of firewood![/quote] Depending on what was written on the senders customs declaration, you should be able to claim back the duties paid or reduce them to a great extent . Hamster
  12. [quote name='Rich' post='32546' date='Jul 16 2007, 03:29 PM']Perhaps they've that some of them are [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2475"]displaying a common fault[/url]...?[/quote] Indeed they have. However, if you get one with a noisy powerboard ask them to fix it / exchange it. They will do a UPS collection from your door and deliver it back to you. After a little waiting you still get quite a reasonable back-up amp for £199. Hamster
  13. Rhino + Simon - are your scores for range of stock, prices or service? Edward - how would you score the 3 stores? Thanks Hamster
  14. Hello, and welcome to the forums Hamster
  15. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='32647' date='Jul 16 2007, 06:44 PM']Are there any decent loopers for under £100?[/quote] You should be able to pick up a Boss RC-2 for £90 - £100 Hamster
  16. [quote name='neepheid' post='32396' date='Jul 16 2007, 10:25 AM']Saw this poor EB-1 on the evilBay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130133768507"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130133768507[/url] What have they done? Extra pickup, changed tuners, missing floor peg, refinished, battered to hell. Bought as a collector's item, eh? So it's been collecting dust then, and I reckon will continue to do so at that price.[/quote] We have 6 "Kev's" as members - is it one of you selling it? Hamster
  17. [quote name='neepheid' post='32375' date='Jul 16 2007, 09:45 AM']Came across this during a random trek across the internerd, and I can't make up my mind if I like it or not: It's strangely compelling, even though it looks like a blob, or maybe a splat. What do you think? [url="http://www.dcmontana.com/77.php"]http://www.dcmontana.com/77.php[/url][/quote] It's plain fugly - get Clarkson to run over it with a tank asap. Hamster
  18. [quote name='nick' post='32495' date='Jul 16 2007, 01:27 PM']Hi Hamster, Could you please add to the list the Bristol based guy I use; Frank Aust 0117 960 3589. Nice bloke, very experienced & reasonably priced - makes an excellent cup of tea. Quick turn-around too. Does Hugh Cornwall's (Stranglers) guitars - so thats's good enough for me! Many thanks[/quote] Added. Does he have a website? Hamster
  19. [quote name='stewblack' post='32368' date='Jul 16 2007, 09:20 AM']If you consider traveling as far as Bristol then why not get off the M4 sooner and [url="http://www.guitarclinic.co.uk/"]use this guy[/url]. I have had him repair several basses with differing problems and he is fantastic.[/quote] Thanks for the info, I've added him to the luthiers thread. Hamster
  20. [quote name='Rooster' post='32293' date='Jul 15 2007, 11:29 PM']Anyone care to recommend me a bloke to fix my bass. It's giving me some real problems, i'm not sure what it is but it's either giving a low output, no output or a slightly audible e estring and barely audible everything else. No one can seem to find the problem (music shops, electricians, fellow bassists/ guitarists) anyone care to recommend me someone?[/quote] Have a look at the recommended luthiers sticky at the top of this forum, theres a couple in Bristol which I think is closest to you. Hamster
  21. [quote name='Vasquez Rich' post='32208' date='Jul 15 2007, 09:20 PM']Am exploring some new stuff and know these nifty little boxes from seeing a solo acoustic guy basically backing himself on songs with multi loops from a Boss Loop Station. Just wondered if anyone has used one, if there are any problems. Richard[/quote] I'm toying with the idea of getting one to play about with too, have a looky here: Hamster
  22. [quote name='bassbloke' post='32189' date='Jul 15 2007, 08:11 PM']Don;t buy a bass here to take wth you. Wait til you get to the states and buy something there- take advntage of that exchange rate. You'll get something nice for your money and it'll be an extra special momento of your days travelling.[/quote] If you do your homework, you might be able to buy a Warwick or similar here to take with you, and then sell or p/ex it for more than you paid for it here? Check the prices out carefully. Also a big +1 for buying a bass over there and bringing it back - crazy not to. Hamster
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