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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. When you get home find out your new IP address and send it to me by PM and I'll check out why you are having problems.
  2. I think Ben is back from his hols now - and he's a much better thinker than I am! - He's also got full server access, and understands all this stuff - unlike me!!
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1318080991' post='1397900'] I'm wondering if the slowdowns are connected with the social media integration? I' running an extension which blocks tracking by Google, Facebook and Twitter on one of my Macs and the forum is definitely slower on that one (although not to the extent that other users are reporting). I've had issues on other sites in the past when blocking things like ads can prevent parts of the site that you aren't blocking from loading completely. It would be interesting to know if those having slowdown problems are running any types of blocking extensions for ads, scripts or other content, or are behind a firewall that is filtering out some content. The other thing to look at is that it might be connected with the notifications issue. Even though most of the sending of notifications seem to have been switched off while the bug is being fixed by the forum software developers, I'm guessing that the forum database is still having to keep track of who has looked at what from a notifications PoV even if it isn't sending out announcements about it. The forum that I'm finding the slowest - "Off Topic" appears to have a significant number of people who are following the whole forum. For a forum that is so busy that a topic can drop off the front page in less than 12 hours and has other topics over 100 pages long that can't be healthy for the server of the software. [/quote] Good suggestion. It's been looked into and what you describe is not causing any problems at all.
  4. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1318090148' post='1398030'] How come? Is it so idiots like me don't just post random comments in peoples' for sale threads just to add to their post count? [/quote] Something like that!!
  5. Hi Your'e right - they don't count now.
  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1317376669' post='1389985'] The title says it: THere seems to be a random char size to my posts. When I'm replying to posts my post gets randomly downsized to char size 8. Putting in the font and size in the Edit screen doesn't always work either. [/quote] I noticed this happened to me yesterday when I posted from my iPhone - but never from a home PC.
  7. I just bought my first (secondhand) iPhone 3GS 2 days ago and I followed the instructions to do a restore to original settings as I had to 'network unlock' it and didn't want any of the previous owner's stuff on it. It's of little comfort perhaps but I have full site access and functionality with it on either wireless or mobile data - it's also pretty quick even on mobile data. I did have a Samsung Wave smartphone and the site had very limited functionality on that due to it's own weird OS. As for PC's etc - I have a pretty old desktop running XP, a 1 year old laptop running Vista and at work a thin client on Windows NT. Again, it's little comfort but all 3 have very quick access and full functionality. I can't view some pictures at work due to firewall restrictions. I'm beginning to think (and I'm not as good a thinker as Ben!) that most speed/access problems are user based. A user's location shouldn't be an issue if everything was OK on the previous forum software version. Problems with the search facility must be database problems as I don't know if Ben has finished importing/synchronising the old database, and also what he says here - http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156939-google-searches-for-old-content-broken/page__view__findpost__p__1393472 I'm trying to figure how all the 'new' features link to and sits with the 'old' data - and it's a slow process because I'm not a code monkey/software expert - but I'll keep going until the server/database/forum software interactions are resolved.
  8. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1317942261' post='1396646'] I just got an email notifcation of that reply! [/quote] Ghosts in the machine!!!!
  9. There's another thread somewhere about too many people getting too many e-mails - even though they haven't subscribed to threads/topics etc, so e-mail notifications have been turned off temporarily while we try and discover what's causing the problem. Normal service will be resumed as soon as we figure out the foibles of the new forum software!
  10. Not sure about that one. Although a much better result is achieved by clicking on the little cog 'advanced search' to the right of the search box - that gives search results the way I would expect to see them.
  11. There's little we can do about that I'm afraid - it's just aggressive advertising by Google using your browser.
  12. This looks like a glitch that I can't figure out how to fix! I think it's just due to the new forum version misinterpreting topic & post stats/counts from the old version.
  13. I only picked up my 'previously loved' iPhone yesterday and did a complete clean restore to factory settings on it. The whole site works pretty quickly on it - posts/texts/searches etc (bearing in mind I use mobile data connection)
  14. I now seem to have full functionality on my iphone. Anyone still having problems?
  15. I picked up a nice Washburn Status 1000 from Gareth today - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/141201-wasburn-status-1000-now-sold/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/141201-wasburn-status-1000-now-sold/[/url] Very easy transaction, a nice bass - and a nice guy! Cheers
  16. [size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ok[/font][/size] [size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I just had a look at the Default Notifications Configuration settings and it looks like a few of the settings have either been turned off or have glitched. It may have been a deliberate action in glitch investigations - or not![/font][/size] [size=3][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I'll ask Ben to have a look as I don't want to enable them if he's temporarily turned them off for some reason.[/font][/size]
  17. [quote name='Xmax' timestamp='1317408679' post='1390536'] Basschat is still the best. [/quote] Ummmmmmmmmmm - I'm feelin' your lurve.............
  18. [quote name='Crazykiwi' timestamp='1317363399' post='1389824'] Nice one Colin, thanks for the heads up. Banned and blocked account? [/quote] Oh yes, banned, blocked and reported to a spam/scam sharing network.
  19. There are already several topics regarding this in General Bass Discussion
  20. Hi all I've just picked up this new member Gearman. He says he is: Manuel Fernandez Garcia Jesus del Gran Poder, 137, 41002 - SEVILLA,SPAIN With an email address of [email protected] He just happens to have the guitar I'm looking for.......................... However, his name/email address is known to Google as a scammer, and his IP address is from Nigeria. You have been warned!
  21. He's a mate who emigrated to NZ, and yes - their first single, with an EP coming - [url="http://www.reverbnation.com/shiftnz"]http://www.reverbnation.com/shiftnz[/url]
  22. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1317048169' post='1385927'] wondering why i keep getting the messge Whats that about? I cant recal if it used to happen pre upgrade or not. anyone else get this ? [/quote] It's because you're using IE - IE = Bad! If it's IE8 then disabling XSS filter under the security section might help?
  23. Sad to say not my band! - The drummer is a friend of mine and his band have just released their first video. I know there are a lot of experienced guys here, so what do you think? Cheers [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUuKpUd1FRM[/media]
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