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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. If I had the time, I could have sat and noodled on your bass(es) and rig all day! - very desirable!
  2. I played this today and it really is one sweet fretless bass - very groovy!
  3. Finally landed at Hamster towers after a long but enjoyable day! I am now partially refuelled with Chicken Madras and Old Rosie Cider! Great to meet friends and meet some new faces. I now have some very bad gas after fondling soooo many sexy basses! Great workshops/talks and very positive feedback from everyone I spoke with. Thanks to Nik's much better half Loraine (who has beautiful eyes and a smile that lights up a room) for helping Mrs Hamster with the refreshments. Very good to see our good friend OBBM (Dave) up and about again! The raffle was fun - even if it was a bit long winded with many people winning several times but graciously putting their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th winning tickets to one side!! [u]Preliminary[/u] scores on the doors (as I haven't been invoiced for the hire of the school yet) On the door: £385 (£400) - I know who owes me £5, but who signed in but didn't pay!? Raffle: £152 - Many thanks for the generous donations - the table looked pretty good! Refreshments: £61 Total: £598 (£613) As soon as I get invoiced for and pay for the school hire, I'll split the remainder 50/50 between our adopted charities. [u]Every penny[/u] of profit is given to charity. Anyone is welcome to come to Hamster towers to check through the accounts/figures/receipts - but bring a nice bass and a packet of Jaffa cakes!
  4. Apart from Ben, none of the 'staff' here are really wizards when it comes to all the tech stuff that makes the board work. We're all learning about the new features at the same rate as everyone else, and understanding how to give advice about how to optimise individual settings. I for one think it's fantastic, as the new spam filters mean that I don't spend up to 2 hours a day sifting through the new registrations which we've been doing since January. Now I have time to actually read the forums and enjoy the place once more!
  5. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1316807624' post='1383322'] I'm bringing mine, but it's used and I ain't selling it but you can look have a play and be jealous..... [/quote] I can't even play it properly because I've just had a tendon repair in my left hand and it's a bit sore!
  6. A final plea, nay - a grovelling beg - will someone please bring their unused headless Status 5 string bass to the bass - and sell it to me!! - please!!
  7. You're welcome. Anyone who would appreciate a lift from a local! train station, PM me for my mobile number
  8. Better late than never - thanks for the Zoom B2 that I got off you in July?? - A smoooooooooooooth transaction! - Cheers
  9. Just going through my pedal box, I remembered I bought a Boss NS2 from Shep earlier this year - and thanks for a smooth transaction!
  10. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1316725708' post='1382076'] I dont think Ive ever tried a long train journey with three basses and a bag full of kit. Hopefully I'll be travelling alot lighter in the way back [/quote] If you'll appreciate a lift from the train station, PM me for my mobile number and I'll come and get you (Addlestone and Chertsey stations are the closest) They're less than 5 mins by car.
  11. I've just bought Alan's Ampeg PF-500. Arrived next day, really well wrapped and in mint condition. A credit to Basschat - cheers Alan!
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1316687982' post='1381379'] I'm still not getting email notifications for anything. Any ideas? [/quote] Top of the page - 'Notifications' - 'Options' - Have you got the boxes ticked that you want notifications about?
  13. Don't forget that you also pay VAT on the shipping costs ( which IMHO is daylight bleedin' robbery! )
  14. I'm learning all the new shiny stuff at the same rate as you are! - We'll all get the hang of it sooner or later!
  15. It looks like when the existing posts with images were brought into the new forum, it didn't automatically enable the html code. By editing posts with images, you or a moderator can enable the html in the pre-migration posts to make them fit. I've enabled the html in the link you provided, so they should fit right now.
  16. Ok, I see what you mean. All the admins are learning the new bells/whistles as we go too! I'll see what I can adjust
  17. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1316569625' post='1379875'] Sorry to be a dissenting voice, but this site just isn't working for me. I am getting so many notifications that I'm just bulk deleting them unread (just zapped another 132) and haven't got a clue what's going on anymore. It's taking me upwards of 40 seconds to load a page then the same again If I want to post a reply (even on a 5600Kbps ADSL link). The upgrade itself seems to have been performed smoothly by the BC tech guys, but the product itself leaves a bit to be desired... I'm going to jump ship for a little while and pop back in a week or two and see if things work any better. [/quote] Top Right 'My Name' My settings Left column - notification options chose what you want to receive
  18. I was going to press 'install' - but I thought Ben might shout at me..........................
  19. I can chip in a BBE OptoStomp optical compressor.
  20. If members can read this forum, then your ISP should have renewed their DNS. I also flushed my DNS which seemed to help a little - On XP - Start - Run - cmd - ipconfig /flushdns
  21. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1316381857' post='1377432'] Maybe he's tired? Seriously, no idea - another thing to add to the list!! [/quote] Try uploading it again, I've pulled levers and pressed random buttons........
  22. Well, now that my ISP has just now renewed their DNS - I can finally see the new site!!
  23. I blame these buggers for pointless arguments! - If only they did Top Trumps bass players, all this would be settled!!
  24. Arrghhhhhhhhh! - Please don't advertise basses I want when I'm away on holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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