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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='owen' post='1340692' date='Aug 15 2011, 02:15 PM']I quite fancy this but am wondering about doing it by train. How far is the station? What is the nearest mainline station? The route suggested to me by train line.com is into Euston and then out again. I figure it would be easier to hit a bigger place the night before and truck across by train from there on the morning. It would be a 6/7 hour haul by car with the Friday night traffic and it would be lovely to avoid that. TIA[/quote] Nearest stations are Addlestone & Chertsey. 15 mins walk from Addlestone, about 25 mins from Chertsey. If anyone is coming by train, I could perhaps pick up from those stations, although if anyone coming could arrange to meet any others getting there by train at Addlestone/Chertsey on the same arrivals it would mean less ferrying around.
  2. Hi Forum rules are you must state an asking price if it's for sale - cheers
  3. IIRC the AC output is a MALE socket. No problem with wiring up a FEMALE IEC to a 4 gang extension, but I think there's a 200W limit? - check your manual.
  4. The last gig had it's ups and downs. Half way through the load in we had a cloudburst - nothing got too wet though as we were keeping an eye on the sky. Soundcheck was very good, managed to get a good foh mix and the first set went really well. Half way through the beer break as our background CD was on we lost one channel of PA - thought it was the power amp but turned out to be the desk. I took a foldback channel out and used that as a channel for the foh. Cut the second set short by 3 songs but we were still well received. Bar refused to give us a drink after the last bell and got asked for my autograph. - I'd rather have had a cold beer!
  5. I've had a lot of delays this evening as well. We should be moving to a new board very soon which might help.
  6. A bit about wood - [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Options/WoodDescriptions.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.com/Bass/Options/WoodDescriptions.aspx[/url]
  7. We had a similar discussion a while ago and I contacted the owner of DR Strings - his response copied below: [quote name='Hamster' post='1138044' date='Feb 23 2011, 03:03 AM']I sent off an e-mail to DR Strings in the USA to inform them of our concerns. Here's the reply I got from their president Mark Dronge (used with permission) [i]"Dear Colin: Thank you for taking the time to inform us of the noted complaints, and concerns your forum writers have communicated to you and the UK world of bass players. First, let me state that any sets of DR strings where there is a "sealed" packet inside the box are, at this time, counterfeit. We have seen examples over the past two years. It is imposssible to trace and stop. As for a reduction in caring, or training, or inspection on the part of DR, or any DR employee, nothing could be further from the truth. We absolutely strive to produce finer strings with more consistency than any other manufacturer in the world. Whether we succeed or not may be open to debate based on personal taste. That is our goal, each and every day. DR is not out to produce the most strings at the lowest cost. Our goal, which I have personally pursued from the first day we began production over 20 years ago, is to offer the best strings it is possible to produce. Which leads to the question is a string produced on a computer assisted winding machine more accurately made than a handmade string? We think NOT, for specific reasons. In the future when and if a serious problem arises with a set of DR HandMade String I would advise your forum contributors to contact First Line Music, the DR distributor for the UK. Very truly yours, Mark Dronge, President, DR HandMade Strings, inc."[/i] If anyone continues to have an issue with DR Strings, the UK importer is - [url="http://www.firstlinemusic.co.uk/contact.php"]http://www.firstlinemusic.co.uk/contact.php[/url] I think it would be useful to return any packaging the strings came in as well.[/quote]
  8. [quote name='Rasta' post='1313539' date='Jul 23 2011, 09:01 AM'] You beat me to it ! Anyhow. The Dubster: Specs: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/dubster.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/dubster.htm[/url] Punchs way above it's weight [/quote] I don't need one I can't afford one So why the hell do I have terrible gas for two of them!?? (Vertically stacked of course)
  9. I quite rate these pedals for certain styles of playing. In the advised condition - for £80 expect offers - for £70 - should sell on the day. These are bargains really.
  10. Be carefull if you stand in front of them with your amp cranked up - the sound pressure waves coming off them will melt your face / blow your wig off etc!
  11. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1298827' date='Jul 10 2011, 10:56 AM']Don't suppose anyone coming from far away is passing en-route Nottingham? I'd love to tag along if so...[/quote] Can't you just jack a Porsche at gunpoint or something?
  12. I agree these are pretty good. The only thing I don't like is the crappy little plastic latch on the transmitter battery box which is really hard to close with most makes of AA batteries inserted.
  13. [quote name='bfirsh' post='1299403' date='Jul 10 2011, 10:58 PM']Fixed, thanks![/quote] and you pressed which button............................. ?
  14. I think it's at the server end. I've poured a pint of nanobots over my keyboard and it's still broken - that's my IT ninja skills done!!
  15. [quote name='neepheid' post='1299348' date='Jul 10 2011, 10:11 PM']That's a couple of times now in the past few hours that I've been unable to search the forum. I get this error: temporary searchd error: server maxed out, retry in a second Also I'm being told that I have -1 new messages. Dunno if that's related at all.[/quote] Bugger! - I'll look into it.
  16. Get a longer cable and put it at the end of your garden and play it
  17. So he's the main drum/bass/percussion/keyboard clinic technician for Fisher-Price?
  18. [quote name='stoker' post='1291951' date='Jul 4 2011, 11:21 AM']Thanks for all the tips. Just emailed the guy to tell him I'll only take cash for the amp. Be interesting to see what he says to that.[/quote] Call his bluff and ask for his paypal account details - and ask him his home address. If the two addresses don't match then tell him you'll only consider sending it to his address registered with paypal. Then if it's a UK address tell him that you / your uncle / mate / brother etc lives close to there and they're over this weekend so can pick up the goods and do cash on delivery etc....... If it's within 1000 miles of Lagos tell him the UK has imposed an export ban on amplifiers as they can be stripped to salvage the parts to make interlocking flange nipples and cock-truss arrays You get the idea
  19. [quote name='lojo' post='1286010' date='Jun 29 2011, 06:10 AM']Is there a uk source of covers to fit the 115 that anyone knows of ?[/quote] Have you looked here? - [url="http://www.amplifiercoversonline.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=107_1&zenid=ige1sgkmah9cb8vrc8hugo7v15"]http://www.amplifiercoversonline.com/zenca...cb8vrc8hugo7v15[/url]
  20. [quote name='tredders' post='1279725' date='Jun 23 2011, 03:41 PM']Could well be interested in a swap - does this also do slightly less full-on fuzz? I'm thinking more of warm, valve, mild overdrive? All of the Youtube videos seem to show mahoosive fuzz, which isn't really what I'm after. However, if it does slightly more subtle, then it'll do for me, I think.[/quote] It's really quite a full-on in your face fuzz pedal that's great for bass, but it's quite flexible and imho does a reasonable impersonation of a valve type overdrive. It might not go quite as mild as you may like as 'mild' is quite subjective! I also have a Boss delay pedal that's off my board at the moment if you fancy one of those?
  21. I'm thinking about selling my Earthbound Audio Supercollider if you fancy a swap? Like this, but in green -
  22. [quote name='2x18' post='1278174' date='Jun 22 2011, 09:46 AM']All good basses but different soundwise and feel! Strongly suggest you try them first if possible -- I am sure if you ask nicely any Basschatter local to you that has one would let you try them out! Will.[/quote] Yep, get down to a bass shop or local basschatter and try them. They will sound different as well because of the acoustics in the shop and the rig you play them through. If you're undecided on which 'sound' you want I'd choose the one which felt right / the most comfortable in your hands to play - Happy Shopping!
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