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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. There's been quite a few threads about the Orange cabs - this one says what you need to know - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=124993"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=124993[/url]
  2. --------------> - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122730"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122730[/url]
  3. [quote name='Steff' post='1265169' date='Jun 11 2011, 06:00 PM']I think I've tried a WT550 and it wasn't bad at all, but that was with another speaker cabs I had by the time. Gotta check if it does 2oHm though.[/quote] It does 2 ohms
  4. Ever tried an Eden? - I had a WT550 - an excellent, powerful and versatile amp with fantastic EQ - A WT800 might be your nirvana?
  5. [quote name='bremen' post='1260366' date='Jun 7 2011, 10:01 PM']Someone else is asking about Italtrans here on Asshat: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139998&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=139998&hl=[/url][/quote] Asshat? - do you mean binface?
  6. If they really wanted to be radical they would let you change the titles of the songs and edit the tracks to change the lyrics. Much childish fun to be had!
  7. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1240965' date='May 22 2011, 10:30 PM']Without a doubt - The Foo Fighters[/quote] [quote name='Mike' post='1241014' date='May 22 2011, 11:31 PM']Steely Dan or Joni Mitchell for me.[/quote] 'pop' bands???????
  8. It might be worth asking Steve about the cost of a custom build - you'll get exactly what you want - [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/wp/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/wp/[/url]
  9. [quote name='ahpook' post='1235250' date='May 18 2011, 09:30 AM']i thought questions about the price of the item on sale here were meant to be dealt with by PM. [i]5. If you believe the price of the item is too cheap/expensive, then please PM the seller as to why. Do not ridicule or undermine the seller by posting how much you think it's worth or how much it can be gotten for elsewhere, the laws of supply and demand will determine if the item sells at that price.[/i][/quote] You are right!
  10. I'd normally go for a blue - but the red looks a whole lot better there.
  11. [quote name='Bigwan' post='1232845' date='May 16 2011, 11:16 AM']Would you consider a 4 string bongo?[/quote] I need a 5!
  12. Calling Mr Bongo....... come play with me If I can't trade them I'll put the Stingray up for a straight sale and head down the Bongo shop for a new one!
  13. Funnily enough we were talking about choosing a good opener the other day, and settled on.................
  14. I only picked this up earlier this year and it's a great bass - better than described in Challxyz's original selling post - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=120090&view=findpost&p=1102108"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...t&p=1102108[/url] Gigged but in very good condition, 1 small ( 5 p size) chip on rear of body, come with MM case. Will add more pics if required & when I can find my wife's digital camera! Newly strung with DR Sunbeams which have only done about 10 gigs. I'm only selling it because the band I've just joined do a few numbers where I need 24 frets and my hands are too small (and I'm just not that good!) to play a 6 string. What I'm looking for in particular is a Bongo 5. Nancy Johnson very kindly lent me his Bongo 5 and I got on with it really well - so Bongo me! I like Black / Stealth / Black Sapphire etc with rosewood necks HH or HS or H and am looking for a more or less straight swap but happy to talk. Bongo me please!
  15. I've always secretly wanted an hour in private with this guy: Although it's purely sexual.............. Anyone know who he is or has his number?
  16. I wonder if there's a Sue Ryder shop in Hemnesberget? He might get lucky!
  17. If Southend is too far - this guy is in Nottingham - [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]http://www.chambonino.com/[/url]
  18. [quote name='Paul S' post='1184848' date='Apr 1 2011, 03:05 PM']Interesting - I haven't read about this - does the LM tube do something similar to the Trace Elliot 'Valve Drive' thingy where you can overdrive it? Thanks Clarky. I've pm'd Alex so let's see what he says.[/quote] You have a choice of solid state or tube preamp with a 'blend' control to dial in the warmth and a gain knob to pump it all up. IMHO there's a little less boost/overdrive than the TE offering. I was also quite impressed with the Genz Benz Shuttle amps and also the Orange Bass Terror - but it's up to your ears really
  19. I've finally arrived at 2 x Barefaced 1x15 Compacts and a Markbass LittleMark 800 tube rig. Face-meltingly good for classic rock, weighs about the same as a hummingbird and fits in the boot of my car
  20. As has been said, it's the quality of the band that counts. A trio called Be Sharp [url="http://www.besharp.co.uk/"]http://www.besharp.co.uk/[/url] are some of the best musicians I have ever heard playing in a pub/club setting. They do covers with a couple of originals. They usually pull in a few followers. Same with The Hamsters [url="http://www.thehamsters.co.uk/"]http://www.thehamsters.co.uk/[/url] who very often sell out quite large venues with playing covers. A very large following who travel. As for a tribute band [url="http://www.limehouselizzy.co.uk/"]http://www.limehouselizzy.co.uk/[/url] who do a sell out concert virtually every night - you've got to get in quick to get a chance of a ticket.
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