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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Thanks for the head's up!! - That's this coming Friday night out sorted for me! Anyone else going to catch them at The Boom Boom in Sutton?
  2. [quote name='BarelyL4' post='1177308' date='Mar 26 2011, 02:56 PM']MB1, you are correct! Do you know how to move this into the "Basses for sale section"?[/quote] You need the mighty power of Greyskull to achieve this
  3. I put a set of Neon's on a bass for a guy who has just started playing bass, so I haven't played them for any length of time, but they did sound pretty good with a little warmth, very close to my favourites which are DR Sunbeams
  4. I think because so many people have removed / are removing attachments, the database can't keep track of all the changes on the website which is really slowing things down and causing database errors & glitches. There are no installed tools to check / reset the databases.
  5. [quote name='Jobo Pooks' post='1156881' date='Mar 10 2011, 04:57 PM']...Still 20 in my head..... [/quote] That makes you almost a senior citizen here
  6. Colour me puzzled - all the board settings look correct to me and nothing appears to have been changed?
  7. I'm at work ATM so can't spend much time looking at why this happens - I'll have a look when I get home later
  8. [quote name='JellyKnees' post='1154630' date='Mar 8 2011, 10:05 PM']...... I don't exclusively blame tribute bands for the state of the live music scene, but I don't believe that they contribute anything terribly positive either, quite the contrary in fact.[/quote] IMHO tribute / good cover bands can be an [u]antidote[/u] to the current music scene - which is far too heavily influenced by bands jumping on the somewhat jaded 'indie' bandwagon, in which if you aren't supported or 'created' by a Simon Cowell influenced machine you simply ain't going to make it unless you sell out to them. There are a few exceptions who make it - but they are few and far between. Perhaps I've been to far to many mediocre originals gigs? I dep in an originals band - who do some covers, and I dep in a covers band - I like both of them Give me classic rock 24 hrs a day, 365 days a year please.
  9. [quote name='Toasted' post='1153643' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:09 PM']Bassic cables from forumite OBBM. I dont know why anyone would buy anything else. [url="http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/"]http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/[/url][/quote] I agree. I've used all sorts of makes but nothing gets near Dave's cables for pure quality/value.
  10. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1153590' date='Mar 8 2011, 11:24 AM']I usually host any pics of anything I'm selling on my own site and delete once it's sold, simply because it's not my equipment any more, why would I host pics of someone else's equipment?[/quote] It's quite easy to upload the images to Basschat and insert them on the advert as an attachment to save on taking up hosting space on a personal website.
  11. What style of music are you playing and how much do you want to spend? I use a Demeter Compulator which is my personal choice; I've also used a BBE Optostomp and EBS Multicomp which were both good. The Boss comp is OK as long as it's modded as it's a little hissy un-modded. The Aphex Punch Factory is also good. Several people rate the Trace Elliot comp if you can find one. Put the kettle on, grab some Hobnobs and have a read here - [url="http://www.ovnilab.com/index.shtml"]http://www.ovnilab.com/index.shtml[/url]
  12. Hamster

    I can't quote!

    [quote name='silddx' post='1149297' date='Mar 4 2011, 10:43 AM']Hated FF and replaced it with Chrome. Have to use IE8 at work though and that's what i have the problem with.[/quote] Ummmm - I know the feeling! - I never use any version of IE, and it's a bit of a pain drafting a message on in Word and doing a cut/paste into the reply box
  13. Hamster

    I can't quote!

    [quote name='silddx' post='1148324' date='Mar 3 2011, 01:20 PM']Sometimes when hitting reply within a post in order to quote someone (like I'm doing here) I type a response, hit Add Reply and it chucks me to the index page. It seems random, and annoying when I've typed a long response. Using IE8[/quote] I know it's a bit random, but have you tried Chrome or Firefox Nige?
  14. Just a reminder for anyone still finding problems. You have to clear the cookies from [u]every browser you're using[/u] - and on each PC / device Clearing cookies in IE does not delete the cookies in Firefox etc......
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1143961' date='Feb 27 2011, 10:33 PM']My work PC has been fine for the past few days as has my iPhone. I haven't been on the mac today, but yesterday I had to log back on about every 10 mins of non activity. I tried clearing the cache etc & deleted the cookies, but no joy.[/quote] I really don't know why the website glitched and I must admit I'm stumped as to why whatever did go wrong only affected some users in some ways?? I'm presuming you (and everyone else) has deleted all cookies - [u]for each browser you may have logged on with[/u] - as IIRC browsers don't share cookies. Any Mac experts out there to suggest a fix for Mac PC's?
  16. Hamster

    I can't quote!

    [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1145055' date='Feb 28 2011, 09:35 PM']You certainly were.[/quote] Anyone else with similar problems with no quotes when you reply?
  17. Hamster

    I can't quote!

    [quote name='Tait' post='1143891' date='Feb 27 2011, 09:40 PM']I've tried quoting people three times tonight, and when I click "Add Reply", the box is just blank! Has this happened to anyone else, or just me? [/quote] Just you? - log out - clear all cookies - clear cache - log in. I've been adjusting the website settings, it may be a side-effect.
  18. Well - I haven't been flooded with messages to say it's worse - so is it better for everyone? If you've had problems and everything's fine now I'd like to know to see if what I did actually improved things? Ta
  19. I've tweaked one of the cookie settings - lets see if that helps
  20. I'm putting this here because everyone can see it whether logged in or not. As many of you are aware, we've been having strange problems with members not being able to stay logged into the site, such as: Cannot log in without several attempts Get logged out every time you think about not buying more bass gear - serves you right I say............ Can't log in on more than 1 PC / device Different browsers give different experiences etc I'm going to press a few buttons that may result in everyone having to: Clear your cookies; Clear your cache AND - you may have to do this with EVERY device you access the forum on - which may be a bummer if you use your work PC and don't have admin rights! If you don't know how to do those things - google it perhaps? I'll do it very soon, so hang onto your basses and take a deep breath!
  21. Now that's funny - I'm not having any problems logging in, or staying logged in from any browser on any PC or laptop or phone at home or work etc. I tried to make some problems by logging into the site from several PC's using several browsers - no problems. However, when I log out, and click the [i]"delete cookies set by this board"[/i] script at the bottom of the home page - it immediately logs me back in. It's beyond me - I've run out of biscuits..........
  22. I sent off an e-mail to DR Strings in the USA to inform them of our concerns. Here's the reply I got from their president Mark Dronge (used with permission) [i]"Dear Colin: Thank you for taking the time to inform us of the noted complaints, and concerns your forum writers have communicated to you and the UK world of bass players. First, let me state that any sets of DR strings where there is a "sealed" packet inside the box are, at this time, counterfeit. We have seen examples over the past two years. It is imposssible to trace and stop. As for a reduction in caring, or training, or inspection on the part of DR, or any DR employee, nothing could be further from the truth. We absolutely strive to produce finer strings with more consistency than any other manufacturer in the world. Whether we succeed or not may be open to debate based on personal taste. That is our goal, each and every day. DR is not out to produce the most strings at the lowest cost. Our goal, which I have personally pursued from the first day we began production over 20 years ago, is to offer the best strings it is possible to produce. Which leads to the question is a string produced on a computer assisted winding machine more accurately made than a handmade string? We think NOT, for specific reasons. In the future when and if a serious problem arises with a set of DR HandMade String I would advise your forum contributors to contact First Line Music, the DR distributor for the UK. Very truly yours, Mark Dronge, President, DR HandMade Strings, inc."[/i] If anyone continues to have an issue with DR Strings, the UK importer is - [url="http://www.firstlinemusic.co.uk/contact.php"]http://www.firstlinemusic.co.uk/contact.php[/url] I think it would be useful to return any packaging the strings came in as well.
  23. Ummmmmmmmm - now I can't seem to log [u]out[/u] - even after I've cleared my cookies.
  24. Maybe the whole website needs taking offline for a while, given a damn good thrashing with a piece of shrubbery and plugged in again? That's Mr Phatmonkey's department - I'll ask him
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