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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1136859' date='Feb 22 2011, 11:06 AM']Any idea why this has happened?[/quote] Computer says ................................................................................................... no It only seems to affect dynamic IP's though, or maybe if someone is trying to stay logged into Basschat from several computers I might try Bourbons next if custard creams don't work
  2. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1136841' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:51 AM']Have you tried hitting the server thingy with a large rock. I find that often helps with technological items .[/quote] No, but I'm stuffing custard creams into the slot on the front with the flashing light because I think it's hungry
  3. It seems to be a problem with dynamic IP's. I think there are 2 solutions, and I've lust pulled the lever that activates solution number 1. Let me know how you get on, and if it doesn't work, I'll pull lever number 2.
  4. There's a couple of settings that affect login keys (a cookie ingredient I believe?) - they look ok to me. It's a little strange that some members are having the issue but others aren't (I'm not having any problems) I can't see that it can be an ISP or browser thing so I'm guessing that it's a login key issue, as once you login from another PC it makes a new login key which makes the login key on the other PC invalid and so it logs out. However - I can be logged in at home, go to work, login and stay logged in, come home and I'm still logged in at home - so I'm scratching me noggin at the moment.....
  5. Is anyone logging in from more than 1 PC (and staying logged into the other one): or are you logged in on 1 PC with several browsers (IE, Firefox, chrome etc); or are you only ever logged into 1 PC and 1 browser?
  6. Ooooo - an opportunity for me to play with some knobs and levers and buttons........ I'll have a look to see what i can break
  7. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1135252' date='Feb 21 2011, 11:13 AM']Some advices for you: I am not sure how you ban these users, but I had been suffering the same issues with my own motorbike forum ( www.xt660.com/index.php ) and having noted that 80% of spammers seem to be from a few similar network regions, usually China or Russia I have minimized the risk of attacks by also putting the first part of their IP address on the ban list. i.e. for example will be banned together with IP address 123.45.*.* and that will stop any further attempts from them. Eventually I have also downloaded a vigorous bot proof "captcha" system that is working wonders in stopping these buggers frm reoffending [/quote] Hi I started doing this presuming that the first two octets defined which country it was coming from, so if '123.456.789.101' is from China and there were several spammers coming from the '123.456.xxx.xxx' range of addresses I started doing a blanket ban on the first two octets - 123.456.* However, it seems IP address assigning isn't done logically as there is every chance that 123.456.879.xxx is in London and I got a few 'WTF' PM's from unhappy forum members - sorry, my bad I now use a better forum tool to check our database and when we move to a new board it should include a better spammer detection tool with frickin' lasers on it
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1134564' date='Feb 20 2011, 05:36 PM']Keep up at the back! They're sorted with a BC'er.... can't remember who.[/quote] Yes, I remember someone posted on this thread that they got the gig - but they deleted the post so perhaps it didn't work out?
  9. A lot of it is down to the guitarist - if you play with extra light 9's then the bends are easy but I've always found dropping down to Eb with 11's a whole lot better tonewise and it helps with bends on heavier strings
  10. I've tidied this topic up a little, and I hope the band gets the bass player it needs - and the bass player gets the gig they want. Now, where's my bass - I need to practice more.............
  11. Hi all From the start of the New Year I noticed a very large increase in the amount of SPAM accounts being registered, and so I put all new accounts on Admin approval to enable the Admins to have a little closer look at them. From 1st January up to today I've banned about 1300 new SPAM accounts, which works out at around an 800% increase in these accounts being registered in a comparative period over the previous 12 months. I identify the accounts by checking various SPAM alert sites with the account's name, e-mail address and IP address. What I have also noticed during these checks is that there is also an increase in the number of SCAM accounts being created - that is an account where either/and/or the name, e-mail address or IP address is flagged up on SCAM alert sites as being used in attempted scams. I've now banned 2 SCAM accounts that I managed to identify - one got in, the other didn't. Although the Admins check each new account at the moment, another SCAM account could get in that hasn't been identified as such. The bottom line is [u]BE CAREFUL[/u] when buying from new forum members, especially if they contact you only by PM with 'too good' or 'too convenient' to be true offers. They tend not to post on the forums because then their forum name and other possible details are picked up by search engine bots and can be collated into a pattern of scamming behaviour. If you small a rat - there probably is one - alert a Moderator or Admin and we'll happily look into it. What we won't do is check out every member you're thinking of trading with - it's your decision and responsibility and neither the website or its owners can be held responsible if you fall for a scam. [b][size=3]Contact buyers/sellers through their e-mail address by clicking on the link on their profile page: Many legitimate members use the same forum name on several websites - Google it: Google their e-mail address and any trading name they give you: NEVER pay by Western Union: Check for any feedback here or on another website: If you accept payment by cheque, ask your bank to deal with it as a 'special presentation' - they will charge you to do this, but you will find out if the cheque is good or worthless much quicker; Do not send goods until your bank tells you that the cheque has cleared:[/size][/b]
  12. I've used DR's now for about the last 5 years - Sunbeams, Fatbeams and Hi Beams. I've never had any problems with any of them.
  13. [quote name='Sean' post='1124449' date='Feb 11 2011, 10:19 PM']As I understand it, that's going to have to have a price put on it or get moved to the ebay links forum.[/quote] I agree................
  14. I sold a Telecaster to Keith, fast payment, great communication and a general pleasure to do a deal with! Thanks!
  15. Jakub bought my Stingray - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120307"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120307[/url] He's a great guy to deal with, excellent communication, fast payment and a completely hassle free transaction. Thanks!
  16. If your item is no longer for sale, please edit the title of the thread so that it starts with[b] 'SOLD'[/b] or[b] 'WITHDRAWN' [/b](whichever is applicable) in nice big capitals. DO [u]NOT[/u] REPLACE THE ENTIRE TITLE WITH THE WORD 'SOLD'. To edit the title of the thread, go in and edit your first posting in the thread (sorry if you already knew that).
  17. If your item is no longer for sale, please edit the title of the thread so that it starts with[b] 'SOLD'[/b] or[b] 'WITHDRAWN' [/b](whichever is applicable) in nice big capitals. DO [u]NOT[/u] REPLACE THE ENTIRE TITLE WITH THE WORD 'SOLD'. To edit the title of the thread, go in and edit your first posting in the thread (sorry if you already knew that).
  18. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1113038' date='Feb 2 2011, 09:28 PM']I think I'll send an email to Stringbusters - I've bought loads of Sunbeams from them. I'll report back.[/quote] Did you get a reply from them?
  19. There were 6 topics about this, so I've merged them into this 1 - so it might read a little funny/disjointed
  20. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1111782' date='Feb 1 2011, 11:11 PM']I've used DR Sunbeams exclusively for years and recommended them to everyone but after two duff packs - that's it I'm off. First problem set were definitely not Sunbeams - sure they were in a Sunbeam pack but were more like Lo Riders so I shrugged my shoulders and put up with them. The last pack were absolutely dreadful and almost had me booking the Shuker in for some major surgery. I sounded out of tune all the time even though I clearly wasn't and to make matters worse the intonation was all over the pace. They sounded even weirder with the band - it's hard for me to describe but the sound just didn't 'blend' with the band at all. Very un-musical. I kept a set of Ernie Ball Slinkies I'd used so I've just boiled them and stuck 'em back on my bass. Phew, what a bloody relief, I have my bass back and what's more I'm in tune again all over the fretboard. I accept it could just be a rogue set but at £35 a go I'm not taking any more chances.[/quote] Where did you get the sets from? - From a distributor I'd expect a bit of customer service, whereas if it was eBay, goodness knows what was in the packets? I put a set of the DR Neons on a young lad's bass a couple of days ago. He got them off eBay. The strings seem fine - but the packaging was all wrong. It was a sealed pack, but it was a four string set in a five string pack and the gauges weren't as advised either on the cardboard pack or the string envelope. It wouldn't surprise me if it was a small scale factory forgery operation from the far east??
  21. Wayne is a genuine Diamond Geezer I bought a bass from a member in Leeds and as I'm not a big fan of couriers, I put a shout out on the forum if by any chance anyone was doing a Leeds ---> London journey. Wayne was very helpfully up for it as he was a mere 80 miles from Leeds the next day and was going on to Kent from there. Wayne collected it, slept with it overnight (due to a change of itinerary - well, that's what he said ) and after an interesting journey dropped it off at my door the next day (only 75 miles out of his way) What can I say? - Wayne refused money I tried to press in his hand and my life is richer for meeting him So that kindness doesn't go without reward, I'm donating what a good and insured courier would have cost me to Old Git's pet charity - The Kambia Appeal - [url="http://kambia.org.uk/new/"]http://kambia.org.uk/new/[/url] Cheers Wayne!!!
  22. I bought Col's very nice EBMM SR5 from him - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120090&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120090&hl=[/url] Really good condition and very helpfully held onto it for me while I sold a couple of things to pay for it!! Cheers!
  23. [quote name='2008escottp' post='1107258' date='Jan 29 2011, 03:01 PM']Do I just need a speakon cable to hook my ashdown evo 3 head to my ashdown abm cab? If so will this one do- eBay item number 370470887400. Sorry I'm a bit of an amature with this[/quote] Personally speaking, I think that cable is 'cheap' - the wire is only 1.25mm x 2 and I'd be wanting wire something like 4.0mm x 2. Send a PM to our very own master cable maker - OBBM - and tell him what you want, he does a quality product at a great price.
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