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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. I really like notation and tab side-by-side as my reading if very very rusty and the tab helps me to re-learn notation. It's also great if I'm asked to learn something fast and my ears let me down.
  2. [quote name='Hamster' post='1054608' date='Dec 11 2010, 12:09 AM'].............. - but someone who knows what they're talking about will be along in a minute!![/quote] Told you!!
  3. I put this together for you, I think it's sort of ok - but someone who knows what they're talking about will be along in a minute!! Hamster [attachment=66151:Let_s_St...Together.pdf]
  4. All for sale items must have a quoted price. Thanks
  5. [quote name='martin bray' post='1053849' date='Dec 10 2010, 11:02 AM']hello mate... you still doing band... give me a bell on 07769904540... i live in wsm... 47.. rickenbacker and hi watt... in punk covers band... do some jam... up for a chat... we need to complete our line up... and/or do jam tribute... my drummers ace... up for it too... martin[/quote] You might not get a reply as the threads over 18 months old - an email to him might hit the spot though
  6. [quote name='Peds' post='1050275' date='Dec 7 2010, 10:20 AM']How did you get it? (I'm going to look really silly if it's your Christian name!) Peds[/quote] IIRC it was because he had a Pedulla bass .......... and welcome!
  7. I've invited quite a few very well known bass players to the South East bash - the only one to ever reply was Norman Watt-Roy who said he was up for it but it clashed with a gig. I've made it very clear to all of them that all profits from a Bass Bash go to charity and so we prefer only to offer to cover modest travel expenses and light refreshments.
  8. I was going to suggest some kind of Lakland - I don't think I've ever doodled on any of their models I didn't like. IMHO they're equally as good as a Stingray but more versatile.
  9. If there's anyone travelling from Toontown to Surrey I'll have it from you and give it to a young lad I know who's looking to start out.
  10. Have a look at the list of recommended luthiers here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26654"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26654[/url] They're sorted in a North ---> South order so have a browse!
  11. I had an enjoyable day too - although I was pretty tired by 6pm! Here's the final score on the doors: Entry money - £370 Raffle - £135.35 Tea, coffee & cakes - £29.50 Profit = £534.85 Cost of venue hire - £230 Clear profit to charity = £305 This will be split between The Kambia Appeal (kambia.org.uk) - supporting a hospital in Sierra Leone (Si did his thing on their last web site), and, The Samaritans (samaritans.org) The school principle - Gareth Balch, is very kindly donating the venue hire fee to the school's adopted charity, - The African Childrens Choir - [url="http://africanchildrenschoir.com/"]http://africanchildrenschoir.com/[/url] So, every penny raised - [u][b]£535[/b][/u] - goes to charity! - I'm very pleased!, and well done to all who chipped in and contributed to an enjoyable day in numerous ways! Colin
  12. If anyone can bring an Akai Unibass I'd love a demo and will bring cash if I like it and you're selling
  13. [quote name='obbm' post='1038379' date='Nov 26 2010, 10:35 PM']I don't see an Orange AD200B on the list. Should I bring mine?[/quote] Bit late - any chance of a 1m speakon - speakon, mine got nicked at a gig In fact bring 1000m of assorted cable & plugs etc and a soldering iron - you'll make a few quid
  14. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='1038306' date='Nov 26 2010, 09:30 PM']I'm after cadging a lift from any roving SE Londoners/Kentish Massives if anyone's up for it. Master Plan 'A' has gone titzup, so that leaves me at the mercy of Public Transport (shudder). I'll be loafing about on here most of this evening, so should pick up a PM fairly quickly. Failing that my 'phone's always on - 07952 418 440. Hopeful thanks in advance, Pete.[/quote] Pete - and anyone else I'm happy to shuttle people from local rail stations to the venue. Closest are : Addlestone Chertsey West Byfleet PM me for my mobile number if you don't have it
  15. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='1034883' date='Nov 24 2010, 11:16 AM']Hi Folks, Couple of urgent things: 1) Looks like my 2 available drummers have now both let me down for the day, so we won't be able to have a Jam Room which is a real shame.. Unless anyone knows a drummer who'd be interested in coming along for the day or part of the day? I could get a kit if that helps, so they'd only have to bring themselves... 2) As Happy Jack can't be with us (which is a real shame) perhaps the foyer area which doubled as the Quiet Room and the Workshop Area could be used for the Workshops and also include this idea from charic: [i]"How about a small group of people say 5, each knowing their stuff in each area just available for a Q&A session?" [/i] I'm also looking for someone who'd be happy to take charge of the Raffle on the day? Cheers Nik[/quote] I'll see if my friend is available. Weather seems too crappy for his usual golf day, so he might be up for it and only lives around the corner
  16. I was going to move this topic, but I can't find the "Half a Piano" forum.
  17. Hamster


    I had the good fortune to walk to the end of my road last night to watch Rick Wakeman & Jon Anderson in concert at a pre-tour show. They were both excellent although it was just a duo with no band. They did a few Yes numbers and a couple of the Vangelis collaborations, but it's the Yes stuff I realise I'm still a big fan of. I just had to look up a Yes video, and found this one. I can't remember if it was Chris Squire or Lemmy who I first saw playing a Rickenbacker. Two very different styles, but a very distinctive bass!.
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' post='978994' date='Oct 6 2010, 12:12 AM']The new drummer is fantastic as well.[/quote] He must be pretty good to follow Gary Husband
  19. [quote name='Johnston' post='964570' date='Sep 22 2010, 03:28 PM']Seen the thread title and thought someone was selling their wife [/quote] I've had to heavily moderate this thread to remove all the naked pictures of member's wives that have posted to try and solicit offers from me!
  20. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-FRETLESS-RARE-BASS-GUITAR-WORKS-SPARES-REPAIRS-/370433763161?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item563f92a759"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-FRETLESS-RARE...=item563f92a759[/url]
  21. The cucumber wrapped in tin foil has a similar (initial) effect
  22. [quote name='Delberthot' post='958002' date='Sep 16 2010, 08:53 AM']I normally use microsoft image resizer which you can download for free. for here I find the best size is small. I then upload to either imageshack or photobucket and post the link[/quote] I think I'm right in saying you can just do a straight upload to either of these sites and they automatically resize them?
  23. There are too many unknowns for the speaker/cabinet specs to give really specific advice as to what combination [i]should[/i] be perceived to be louder. The bottom line is your ears, cab placement, venue acoustics etc and what tone / sound you're happy with rather than squeezing the last theoretical dB of sound out of the rig. Have a look at Alex's musings on his website, which is a pretty interesting read - [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information/Volume-displacement.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/technical-informa...isplacement.htm[/url]
  24. [quote name='Bobby K' post='955035' date='Sep 13 2010, 05:00 PM']So just connect a bit of wire to the existing solder blob on top of one of the pots then? I assume you mean not to connect to [b]both[/b] back of pot and the jack connector..? (just do one or the other) Just wondering what sort of wire to use... Also, should the copper under the pickguard connect to the copper in the body cavities? (actually, just read your post again and I think I've got it) Cheers for your help by the way [/quote] Just hook up the copper tape to ONE earth point. It shouldn't make a difference but the law of sod is living and active and if you do multiple hook-ups you might get a buzzy earth loop type thingy!
  25. I would advise that you make sure there's a good join between the strips of copper tape by running solder along each join - it flows quite well. For the cavity you can take the ground from the back of one the pots or at the jack connector - but just make one earth connection, just use a bit of insulated wire and solder onto the copper tape. For the pickguard, if you are removing all the hardware, then you'll get a good connection from the body of the pots. If you're applying the tape around the hardware then just use another bit of wire attached to the back of one of the pots.
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