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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='sPiKi' post='758288' date='Feb 26 2010, 03:13 PM']Dilemna - sell a SR4 HH for Fender American J or P deluxe - am I wise?[/quote] No - you is bonkers! Don't do it!! Put your location in your profile and a local basschatter might meet you for a set-up in exchange for a pint! - especially if you live near me
  2. [quote name='Raggy' post='759020' date='Feb 27 2010, 12:16 PM']That might be what you are looking for.[/quote] Having heard the Midget on stage, they are very impressive and made of helium and hummingbird feathers [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=midget"]http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=midget[/url]
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='758983' date='Feb 27 2010, 11:47 AM']Someone said maybe the seller is paranoid so wont put a location in. Well what will they do when they get a PM or reply asking for location, keep it a secret until they have MI5 check out the buyer ;-) Nah, its pure laziness or just an over site but having it in the profile will help.[/quote] I quite like the idea of having a template based for sale post - although I don't think it should be enforced, just encouraged. Have a look at a couple of Shockwaves's FS threads to see how clear and informative some structure can be. - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76324"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76324[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78132"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=78132[/url] I'm sure the board can be programmed to provide text boxes when starting topics in the marketplace - it will help posters who really aren't that good at presenting their gear for sale - like probably we all were when we first started selling stuff. As for locations, I don't think anyone will be knocking on my door if I change "Surrey" to "North Surrey", likewise if posters specify what region of Yorkshire or London they live in - every little helps if you're trying to encourage a sale, and we do want to sell stuff don't we?. Personally, I've just bought the house next to Old Horse Murphy It's the same with fleabay, there are some excellent adverts with fantastic photos & information and some less so - we've all seen them. So sellers - make an effort and get a sale!
  4. I prefer the look of a maple board/neck but I prefer the sound of a dark wood neck/board & body.
  5. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' post='744533' date='Feb 14 2010, 08:09 AM']I sometimes get three or four for new threads in the For Sale section. Would it be because someone adds a new post and then edits it?[/quote] Go into "[b]My Controls[/b][u][/u]" under the Basschat banner and then check your Topic and Forum subscriptions on the left hand side, and then "Options - Email settings" See if changing anything there sorts things out.
  6. Kalim I've fixed your link. Instead of making a new for sale thread every couple of weeks - just bump the first one you made and adjust the price. Cheers
  7. Don't know about an exhaustive list, but this might get you started: [url="http://www.bassland.net/jamersonhits.htm"]http://www.bassland.net/jamersonhits.htm[/url]
  8. If I had that amount of money going into a bass I'd seriously consider a custom build. There are plenty of top luthiers in GB (for convenience) to choose from. Depends what's really going to float your boat?
  9. Hi Charlie Welcome to the forums!
  10. Sorry, got busy over the last couple of days, I've adjusted your e-mail, reset your password and e-mailed you the details so you can access mic mac moe again Cheers Hamster
  11. I really enjoyed my time with a WT550 head - fantastic amps.
  12. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77517"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77517[/url]
  13. As a result of this topic - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77152"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=77152[/url] I was concerned over the announcement over the death of jimmypreston as teenage/young suicide is one of the few things that make me quite uncomfortable. I posted my concerns over the wording of the announcement in the moderators forum for the rest of the guys to discuss, as I didn't like the finger pointing/accusations. MythSte commented that the whole post didn't sit quite right with him. When donations were asked for I looked a little closer at the stories of maddude16 and jimmypreston. I found inconsistencies with their stories and their posts which were confirmed by the times and use of IP addresses by each of them. I contacted maddude16 and asked him to supply more details about his original post. I got a reply but no answers. I then replied and pointed out that I was concerned with inconsistencies that I’d found, as I’ve mentioned above, and outlined them to him. I got a reply but no answers. I replied again, this time itemising the inconsistencies and asking for an explanation;- the absence of which meant I was accusing maddude16 of being deliberately misleading. I have received an apology from maddude16 but no explanation or answers. Without a very clear explanation from maddude16, I am unable to come to any conclusion save that maddude16 and jimmypreston were the same person. The moderation team believe there is no need to pursue this issue further, unless one of the members who donated wants to formalise proceedings by making an allegation with their local police. I have locked the appropriate accounts and informed maddude16 that he is now banned from this forum. This incident will result in an addition to the forum’s terms & conditions in regards to members seeking donations for charity or for individuals who have been identified with a particular need. The wording of this will be announced in due course, suffice to say that anyone proposing to collect money or equipment for charitable purposes or good causes will have to agree to prove that their request is genuine. Requests will have to be capable of being corroborated to the satisfaction of one of the site Administrators before the request is posted on the forum, PM’d or e-mailed to any other member. Thanks to MythSte for his early forthrightness in sharing his doubts and Shockwave for his bloodhound talents. Hamster
  14. I will post in off topic as it's "members only" so to speak. On second thoughts - "site news"
  15. [quote name='Mac68' post='745338' date='Feb 14 2010, 10:04 PM']I'm not a newbie.Used to be mic mac moe on here but set up a new account in desperation after computer shenannigans!! [/quote] Hi I can restore you mic mac moe account with a new password and e-mail address is you'd like me to fix it? Let me know Hamster
  16. I have given maddude16 24 hours to answer my simple questions and to provide evidence to refute some serious allegations I have made to him. If I don't hear from him by 10am tomorrow then I will make a statement (but I will be at work then so it might not be until the evening) Hamster
  17. I will unlock this thread once I get a satisfactory reply from Maddude16.
  18. That's very sad news indeed. I've dealt with more instances of suicide than I care to remember and it's a totally devastating time for everyone involved. "Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain." Thanks maddude for helping him cope for at least a while.
  19. Is this happening to anyone else? - It could just be a glitch in your e-mail client?
  20. He's miles better than me, so hats off to the man - I wish I could play as well as that
  21. If the item is for sale, you must state a price. Thanks
  22. I've really tried to get on with Warwicks but they just don't do it for me either tonally or even just feeling right on a strap. Musicman was an instant love affair.
  23. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='739178' date='Feb 8 2010, 05:43 PM']Imported midi [/quote] Indeed - It would have taken me several days just to write it all out because my reading/writing of notation is pretty slow.
  24. [quote name='Huwberry' post='739031' date='Feb 8 2010, 03:52 PM']Rule #1 of YouTube: Don't read YouTube comments.[/quote] Rule #2 - Ask them why they don't post a video of them showing everyone how it should be done properly
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