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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. He's playing a Carol Kaye bassline isn't he?
  2. Did someone here get a bargain? - it sold for £536.75
  3. [quote name='ivansc' post='540020' date='Jul 14 2009, 08:57 AM']Hm.... bit enormous, but I DO have a chainsaw and I DO need a cheap as possible cab. whereabouts is it/are you?[/quote] I'm near Guildford in Surrey and I work most days in Staines
  4. [quote name='Bassassin' post='539232' date='Jul 13 2009, 11:46 AM']Before you go, just take a second to use the search box at the top of the "For Sale" board,[/quote] A valid point, and I'll add one of my own. It would also benefit all to read the rules & guidelines: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=SR&f=19[/url] [quote]5. If you believe the price of the item is too cheap/expensive, then please PM the seller as to why. Do not ridicule or undermine the seller by posting how much you think it's worth or how much it can be gotten for elsewhere, the laws of supply and demand will determine if the item sells at that price.[/quote]
  5. If you're not in too much of a hurry maybe this will be worth it? - [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/BassGuitarAmps/pid15406/cid561/OrangeBT500HBassTerrorHead.asp"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/BassGuitarAmps/...sTerrorHead.asp[/url] Due for release around 1st August. Switchable 500watts into 4 or 8 ohms and light & cheap
  6. As long as the rest of the band play at a lower level and you do a bit of boundary reinforcement it should be ok. Don't take it past 75% though or it'll sound bad and suffer.
  7. I don't care. I want one. I think being surrounded by all the metal objects from a room full of punters in a sort of swirling electromagnetic maelstrom is pretty cool
  8. Even funnier is his stock and "feedback" - [url="http://www.tootoomart.com/seller-zxqwsf/"]http://www.tootoomart.com/seller-zxqwsf/[/url]
  9. I use a Pandora, and it's very easy to use. I followed this simple setup guide here - [url="http://playbassnow.com/recording-videos/"]http://playbassnow.com/recording-videos/[/url]
  10. Just seeing where this book is at the moment?
  11. Something like a Roland GR20 will get you close I suppose?
  12. Nathan Watts plays some fantastic bass line so nonchalantly
  13. Lets hope it does the rounds faster than Guy Pratts book sendonathon!
  14. [quote name='lojo' post='528923' date='Jun 30 2009, 06:18 PM']Could afford (or stretch to!) the Mark bass, but dont want to spend £900 when £500-600 would make me happy Suggestions and comments gratefully received (covers bands no PA support)[/quote] I don't know where you live, but if you're near the South Coast go here - [url="http://www.barefacedbass.com/"]http://www.barefacedbass.com/[/url] For £625 you'll be very happy indeed. I supoose Alex could post it as they're so light they only need a couple of first class stamps!
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='530357' date='Jul 2 2009, 10:38 AM']And once you get into the sub £200 bass bracket for any review to be worthwhile you need to review about five examples, and not those carefully selected by the distributor - at the cheapest end the quality control is so random that one example could be fantastic and one could be utterly toneless. Wood is not a consistent material and tone is very much dependant on it. Alex[/quote] As you've said, getting a very carefully prepared and selected 'demo' model for a shoot-out from a distributor does no one any favours except the distributor. I suppose it might show the potential of the bass [u]if[/u] you get a good one and have it set up properly. I don't know what budget BGM work on, but if they spent £1k on 5 budget basses from various retail outlets, did a shoot-out with them, then did a prize draw for the winner and knock out the 4 'loosers' on fleabay for £125 each, then they're only £500 down on the exercise (unless they make this up on the prize draw entries?)
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='529458' date='Jul 1 2009, 11:51 AM']They are well stuck on, I pryed the 12 out of my combo with a screwdriver. Satisfying crack/pop sound.[/quote] I've used det cord to cut holes in things before, but a screwdriver might be easier if you want to re-use the cabinet, amplifier, speaker or living room again
  17. [quote name='dood' post='529464' date='Jul 1 2009, 11:57 AM']Ha ha! You know me too well! - I *was* looking for a second one to drop in to a tour rack, but my tastes for gear is changing again lol! - Am defintely hanging on to my existing F1 to keep at home, but I am looking in to something a bit different.. again! lol Thanks.[/quote] Dood - [u]Several[/u] people have tried to explain to you that nobody makes an amp with a 1.21 gigawatt flux capacitor in it! - Best buy another one of these!
  18. Hamster

    RIP R,5,R,5...

    Very, very sad. My sincere condolences.
  19. One like this? - [attachment=28007:SYB_3_OM.pdf]
  20. I have a Stingray that I'm not using at the moment, you're welcome to borrow it until you get sorted
  21. These are pretty good and really are long. I'm sure if you buy the 'long' model it'll do but measure first of course. IIRC there is a very similar one made by or branded 'bass collection' - avoid those as they've been known to break. These are the ones - [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Comfort_Strapps.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...rt_Strapps.html[/url]
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