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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='Tinman' post='503988' date='Jun 2 2009, 05:04 PM']So I was in the States and stumbled across this in Guitar Center. I just had to bring it home [attachment=26435:Photo002.jpg] Cheers Pete[/quote] Do you know your wife sometimes looks elsewhere than 'off topic'!
  2. I agree with the in-ears being insufficient for bass. I tried a pretty swish Aviom system - [url="http://www.aviom.com/Applications-1/Monitor-Mixing.cfm?ref=homebutton"]http://www.aviom.com/Applications-1/Monito...?ref=homebutton[/url] which was brilliant on stage. I played with a floor transducer so I 'felt' the bass below certain frequencies. Only problem was that it kind of makes your top-of-the-range rig and the guitarists Mesa Dual Rectifier kind of redundant!
  3. The second track really stood out. I thought you were running a silent stage until I noticed your yellow Markbass - were most musicians DI'd straight into the desk with in-ears foldback?
  4. Ummmmmmmmm - it's from someone in Vancouver!!
  5. [quote name='BassLand' post='502504' date='May 31 2009, 07:38 PM']Hi Garry, The things I wrote in the post above are not opinion, they are comments based on fact. "IMO" is a term I use often because, without credible evidence (the words of someone who was present at the relevent events or published accounts thereof), my opinion is exactly what that which is being discussed is coming from me and I am vigilant to state it as such. My "opinion" is what I believe to be so considering the fact that "I was not there". It may be constituted by life experience which may cause me to come to a certain comment (read OPINION), or be something I read/hear (published or broadcast) which would cause me to have comment in a matter not directly related to the source. I talked to Tony Newton personally. We have shared the same stage, and I have been invited to various gigs as his guest. I consider him a friend (although we haven't seen each other lately). The BBC broadcast of HDH concerning these recordings does exist. In that broadcast I heard the words of Holland-Dozier-Holland, Abdul Fakir, Harry Weinger & Louvaine Demps regarding Bernadette, and many other songs (I was alerted by someone from Detroit as to it's subsequent broadcast and I recorded the whole thing). If anybody ever says that I am not factual regarding the content of that broadcast when I refer to what was said in that broadcast I have proof of it's existance. No need for "IMO" (humble or otherwise). When I was put in touch with the late Henry Cosby (co-writer and producer of "I Was Made To Love Her" by Stevie Wonder) and he says to me personally that "James Jamerson was the bassist on IWMTLR" that becomes fact in my mind and not really up for discussion. In the final analysis I am a bassist and I have played the instrument for over 40 years and I know what I hear but it is still my opinion as to what I "think" I am hearing. You talk to other people to give you the facts (because they were there or have and absolute reason to be believed) in which to draw the conclusion that what you thought was happening is indeed FACT (no more "IMO"). Thanks for all the comments about my remarks (opinion and/or fact). I gotta say I did hear something that I know to not be true on the BBC program this year regarding the History of Motown. In that program it was stated by one of the hosts that Bob Babbitt played bass on ([implied] all of) the "What's Going On" album. Of course Jamerson played on most (more than half) of the album and I cannot answer for the error in that statement but (in their defense) they are record enthusiasts and not bass players so I view it as a simple mistake based on a misreading of the liner notes on the now 37yr old recording. So, no disrespect at all to the BBC or the host of the series. They are to be commended as they did what American radio/TV has fallen far short of doing as far as documenting this historic subject. BassLand[/quote] Hi I think it's more of a British .v. US humour (note correct spelling) thing than any disrespect or aspersion to the veracity of your post
  6. [quote name='steve-norris' post='501878' date='May 30 2009, 08:08 PM']Well things are looking up, this morning i routed the body for the Dark Star and after a trip to Cotswold wildlife park Installed it this evening.[/quote] Routed the body........wildlife park........ install the pickups? :wacko: did you need weasel grease to ease them into the body?
  7. +1 for the full length piccies - very nice collection
  8. [quote name='Uncle Balsamic' post='501646' date='May 30 2009, 02:31 PM']Where can I see this?[/quote] I don't know if BGM - (Bass Guitar Magazine) is in the shops yet? I got mine early because I subscribe.
  9. If you find you're being intimidated by his playing, just visualise him naked - or even play naked yourself. I'm told it's quite an empowering technique.
  10. [quote name='misrule' post='501300' date='May 29 2009, 10:52 PM']I am slightly surprised the mods never challenged the cartoon. I'm happy to photoshop it -- but nobody seems to be outraged. [/quote] PM'd re sig.
  11. Thackray was and still is brilliant I've liked him since the first time I saw him on Braden's Week or That's Life. I remember when I was the best man at a friends wedding and he asked me to perform Lah Di Dah and Family Tree (with a few changed names to fit the guests) - caused a titter!
  12. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='500978' date='May 29 2009, 02:54 PM']Weird, I could have sworn I replied to this - now it's telling me I haven't.... [/quote] You did - OP asked for deletion as it was a double post - you replied to the deleted one, I've just merged your post into the current one so we don't loose your reply
  13. This guy comes recommended - [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]http://www.chambonino.com/[/url]
  14. I've never played through one, but how much better can it be than my vintage Fender, my Vintage Mesa, or my vintage Marshall? - all of which were less than £400. You can download the Dumble schematics from t'interweb and copy it using the best components you can find and you'll still have change out of £750. He explains why his amps cost more than a small house here:-
  15. [quote name='cetera' post='495253' date='May 22 2009, 03:23 PM']Bumping for our shows coming up at: [b]Camberley (Surrey) 'The Agincourt' - Friday 29th May[/b] and [b]London Walthamstow 'The Standard' - Saturday 30th May[/b] Hope to see some of you at either!! [/quote] I WILL come and see you in Camberley if you do this one!!! You didn't reply last time, so I'm going to keep asking
  16. Nice bass! - gotta be BWB plate - or mirror!
  17. [quote name='steve-soar' post='497256' date='May 25 2009, 01:28 PM']"My Forbidden Lover"[/quote] Thank you! - I knew the riff and the song but couldn't remember the flaming title!
  18. [quote]acidbass - May 2 2008 five-string.co.u... - May 2 2008 queenofthedepths - May 24 2008 aceuggy - Jun 14 2008 AndyMartin - Oct 2 2008 juannycerveza - 13th Oct 2008 Eight - 22nd Jan 2009 Hamster - 17 Feb 2009 RichValentine - 18 Feb 2009 Dangee - Apr 20 2009 Johngh - May 11 2009 Bassist Jonathan - May 13 2009 Badass - May 24 2009 Metalmoore - 25 May 2009[/quote]
  19. I never liked the song, but a stonking bassline -
  20. Thinking about the way in which some cabinet manufacturers make questionable claims about their cabs sensitivity, unless anyone here has subjected all these tuners to independent bench testing, are we being sucked just a little bit into the manufacturers hype about their own products?
  21. Phil Unless you want your e-mail addy harvested by a spambot, I'd change it's appearance on the post?
  22. Hi Luis - welcome to the forums!
  23. [quote name='Scoop' post='495699' date='May 23 2009, 01:01 AM']What would you describe this as? A bit of banter? Bang out of order on CK's part if you ask me, site owner or not. Oh, is that me now on the potential ban-list? Gosh![/quote] Which one of your heros is on a ban list then?
  24. [quote name='gbm' post='495126' date='May 22 2009, 01:08 PM']Sorry I am new here, but isn't it considered bad form to cast aspersions on stuff being sold in this way?[/quote] Hello Bass Ferret - you're not exactly new are you? Isn't it considered bad form to be doing what you're doing here?
  25. [quote name='johnnylager' post='491190' date='May 18 2009, 10:53 AM']And would you like this first? [/quote] Not if you've already done the colouring!
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