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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. I can't even find your ebay auction where you 'sold' it?
  2. Hi Shep - welcome back to the deep end! Have a good dig around the classifieds - always some good gear being sold!
  3. Hamster


    Hi Alan - welcome! - Don't do it!!! - sell the gear that is - marriage is fine!
  4. Save your money - £5.69 delivered here - [url="http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/LAFL15BLB.html"]http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/LAFL15BLB.html[/url]
  5. If the Chinese had 'The Year of The Giant Cock' he'd be able to sell all his gear as 'previously owned by...........'
  6. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23568&hl=slapping"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...amp;hl=slapping[/url]
  7. Hi & welcome Better still than buying in a shop, look in the basses for sale section here - you should find a nice bass at an excellent price and without all the shop BS!
  8. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='469613' date='Apr 22 2009, 02:07 PM']Sorry I'm new to this board and I'll get round to proper introductions later on but I wanted to have a rant and perhaps get some advice. I'm 40 years old now and about eight months ago I picked up bass again after a 10 year break and started going over my old books and lessons. Just before Christmas I decided that I was good enough to begin playing with people , this is where my troubles began. I started looking in Gumtree and from that I've had 2 auditions one of which was a total shambles as the band didnt have anything prepared and couldnt even jam the blues in C ! and the other was a prog rock covers band which I didnt get cause the rest of the band didnt think I was a big enough Yes fan. The rest of the time if I do see an advert that i'm interested in then either the band rehearse at weird times or they are so bad at communicating by email that it takes 2 or 3 mails to find out where they rehearse and what music they play and by that stage I've gotten bored with them. TBH I 'm at the point where I feel like giving up I was never that gifted and with all the practice in the world I'll only ever be an average player ( obviously thats my opinion only and I should go to a teacher to get an objective opinion).Playing bass is something which I enjoy but if the cons outweigh the pros then whats the point and as i say in the title does the world need another bass player ? Do other people have similar experiences to me and if so how did they get around it ?[/quote] Hi I know what you mean! I think you have to make up some kind of list and then try and look at it objectively. If you want to audition and gig then you might want to consider: 1. What sort of music do you like playing - blues, classic rock, Motown, Ska etc? 2. Do you have at least 30+ of classic songs from one of the above genres in your fingertips? 3. What sort of music are you willing to play in order to go gigging - i.e. the genres you don't much care for? 4. Do you have at least 30+ of classic songs from the genres you don't much care for in your fingertips? 5. If you don't have the songs in your fingers, can you practice enough on your own to get them there? 6. Lessons! - nothing like a good teacher/encourager! 7. Go to jam nights in your local pub and get involved. 8. Don't give up! - just making music with some mates in a rented out scout hut might be enough to sate your musical expression as long as the chemistry is right. Hope this helps - not all of it might apply to you!
  9. Didn't they do something in collaboration with Anne Summers?
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='468596' date='Apr 21 2009, 02:46 PM']The avatar. Everybody loves the avatar.[/quote] Why is it that Alex looks like he's wearing grip top stockings in his avatar - or is it me? :wacko:
  11. There are some real bargains to be had from the for sale forums here - stuff ebay!
  12. This has got to be closer than any tab: [url="http://www.theblockheads.com/audio.php?a=norman_plays_hit_me&t=Norman+Plays+%27Hit+Me%27"]http://www.theblockheads.com/audio.php?a=n...ys+%27Hit+Me%27[/url]
  13. Those 2x12's are cracking cabs - soooooo light too. I'm surprised it's still here!
  14. [quote name='neepheid' post='467569' date='Apr 20 2009, 03:56 PM']Not happening with me. Ever. I can safely say with all certainty I will never smash up an instrument on stage.[/quote] Same here, - but I'm often tempted to take an axe to the drumkit, keyboards, lead guitar stack and the single-helix mutant on the PA desk
  15. [quote name='uncle psychosis' post='467380' date='Apr 20 2009, 12:38 PM']Hi guys I've been thinking about getting a compressor for use on both my bass and electric six strings too. I'm skint at the moment so have pretty much narrowed it down to two: Aphex Punch Factory or BBE Optostomp. The DI functions on the PF sound really useful, and it also seems to be a bit easier to get hold of in the UK---but having said that the Optostomp has got some great reviews and seems to be built like a tank. In the last half hour or so the T-rex comp nova has also caught my eye... I'm not really looking for compression as an effect, more as a way of rounding out the sound a bit and helping my telecaster cut through the mix a bit more. What are your opinions on these three?[/quote] T-Rex doesn't get much love, Aphex and BBE are very similar, Aphex can be a little fragile if you wear boots, IMHO the BBE has the edge of the 3 - very good for the price.
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='467237' date='Apr 20 2009, 09:59 AM']Hmm, seems like I am not the only person who has experienced these distortion problems. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=7220701"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=7220701[/url] For guitar I think it is great, possibly the best pedal compressor I have used on guitar. That's what it's designed for. On a passive bass, yeah, although I have heard nicer... and as for active basses, it just doesn't float my boat/work properly. It distorted with my Yamaha BB-NE2, Lakland with Audere, Lakland with EBS and my GBs - and it distorted on both old batteries, new batteries and when used with a powersupply. That's just my experience though. People love it. I don't but we should all make our own minds up. Just out of interest Hamster - are you using active or passive basses? Just a shout out for the Demeter preamp though. That thing is brilliant. A/Bed it with the Marcus Miller preamp and in my opinion, the Demeter left the SWR for dust. When I was at bass player mag (US), the reviewer said as much also... but it still got a glowing report. Fender put a lot of advertising their way. Go figure. PS, If you don't mind going rack, the Focusrite Compounder, as I've said before in other threads, is a great compressor. Great for live use and superb in the studio. Your bass (and drum) mixes will literally jump out the speakers.[/quote] Funnily enough, I'm also using mine with an active Lakland 55/01 with an Audere preamp, as well as a standard active Stingray and a passive USA P with a Villex PRTB. I must admit I wondered if the Demeter lived up to the hype but I'm delighted with it. I've never experienced distortion with it and I daisy chain it off a 2amp 9volt power supply so it's got plenty of juice. Is it worth dropping James Demeter an e-mail? I've heard he's a pretty helpful guy? It might be worth borrowing someone else's to A/B yours with?
  17. I've tried quite a few including the EBS, and sold them all on. I now have a Demeter Compulator - which will be on my board for a long long time!
  18. I must admit I do like those Eden heads - such a powerful EQ section.
  19. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='465977' date='Apr 18 2009, 10:59 AM']New issue of BGM arrived this morning. Must read the Blockheads article before seeing them tonight![/quote] Page 33 - picture of Normferatu - it looks likes he's had a cover girl makeover!
  20. I'm not sure how to adjust the micro tilt neck without drilling holes through the neck plate into the body?
  21. At first it felt very unnatural, but with a bit of perseverance I find it almost as easy as when playing the guitar & singing now.
  22. It seems that most people who bought a superfly got a duffer! I'm pretty sure there's a few people on here who do what you're thinking of with the Pod and a poweramp. Don't see any reason why it can't work. Have you checked the for sale forums for a poweramp?
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