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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='450591' date='Mar 31 2009, 03:23 PM']Good idea, I shall do that. In the meantime: [code]Compact 25.5" high x 19.5" wide x 13.5" deep / 32lbs / 100dB / F3=63Hz F6=51Hz / £400 Big One 29.5" high x 21" wide x 16" deep / 47lbs / 99dB / F3=47Hz F6=41Hz / £625 Vintage 38" high x 24" wide x 13.5" deep / ~52lbs / 103dB / F3=59Hz F6=61Hz / £650 Midget 19.5" high x 15" wide x 13.5" deep / ~25lbs / 99dB / F3=82Hz F6=58Hz / £375 Big Baby 25.5" high x 19.5" wide x 13.5" deep / ~34lbs / 95dB / F3=46Hz F6=40Hz / £575[/code] Note that these specs are only suitable for comparing within the Barefaced range - other manufacturers' claims may be a little more impressive on paper... Recommended pairings: Compact x2, Midget x2, Compact+Midget, Big Baby+Baby Sub. Alex[/quote] No specs for the Baby Sub?
  2. The new owners might include a new scratch 'n sniff section for those who like that sort of thing.............
  3. [quote name='silddx' post='450043' date='Mar 30 2009, 10:18 PM']Erm, sorry H, that's a completely vacuous statement and you are fully aware of that. Just sounded quite funny at the time you thought of it didn't it. [/quote] Erm, sorry s, but it's not. It's the same as me constantly trying to improve my jogging time around a 5 mile lake in competition against myself. I'm not trying to beat anyone - just improve myself. That's how I meant it
  4. I've finally succumbed to trying to use a camera! These are the best I can do, but I actually enjoyed trying to take a nice photo - I might try again with my pedalboard soon. I picked this up a few weeks ago from Mr Old Horse Murphy. It's very very nice to play with a wonderful neck. There wasn't anything really wrong with the tone - the classic P thump. I had some Wizard Thumpers in my bits box, a Villex passive rotary tone booster and a stacked CTS pot. I've wired it to retain the tone control with the stacked pot. I fully lined the cavity with copper foil as there was a little bit of noise. As its guts were out I popped on a cream pearl scratchplate which I think goes well with the Sky Blue? paint. A little fret dressing, radius the strings to match the neck, set up with a nice low action and it's as playable as it can get. The Thumper combined with the Villex RPTB gives it a truly monster tone Only thing I'm not sure about is whether to replace the pickup covers with white or cream ones? [attachment=23063:DSC_4138.JPG] [attachment=23066:DSC_4139.JPG] [attachment=23070:DSC_4226.JPG] [attachment=23069:DSC_4221.JPG] [attachment=23071:DSC_4228.JPG]
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='449787' date='Mar 30 2009, 07:08 PM']They claim to be the UK's number one bass guitar magazine, which is true by dint of the fact it is the only UK bass guitar magazine.[/quote] [quote name='silddx' post='449932' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:13 PM']They should get off their arses and do a proper job to gain some competitive advantage.[/quote] True - you've got to be pretty motivated if it's only yourself you're in competition with. There isn't much competition, I don't like the US&A offerings and it could be better - but it's still better than nothing. I've got no experience of what it takes to put a magazine together, and perhaps I'm just easy to please!
  6. Very nice indeed. I'm looking forward to seeing it at a Bass Bash maybe?
  7. Yep, seen it before, but always nice to see again.
  8. This seems to fit the bill....... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44654&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44654&hl=[/url]
  9. Hamster

    My pair...

    Ummmmmmm - nice
  10. Basically he bought it from a well known US trader as 100% original and paid good money for it. When he gets it he discovers it's nowhere near original and he's been ripped. It's his, imho futile effort to shame the trader into refunding him. Been going on for over 2 years iirc?
  11. I always bid in the last 3 seconds of the auction with my max bid. If you bid well before the end with the intention of bidding again if you get beat you're just driving the price up against yourself?
  12. Hello Danny - welcome to the forums! Several effects junkies come here daily looking for their next fix
  13. [quote name='Jono Bolton' post='447485' date='Mar 27 2009, 04:41 PM']Today I changed the jack socket on my MIM Jazz from the original stock one to a Switchcraft one. However, when I took the control plate off, having expected to see 2 wires connected to the socket, I was bit surprised to find that there was just one connected to it. If you look at the diagram below, I'm missing the one that goes to the ground tab of the socket from the top of the tone control. [attachment=22854:std_jazz_bass.jpg] Does it make a difference that that wire isn't there? I've had the bass for over 4 years now but I've never really looked at the socket before so I have to assume that it's never been there. The tab certainly looks like there's never been any solder on it.[/quote] The jack socket is probably earthed through its mechanical contact with the earthed control plate. However, as I've known jack sockets to work loose quite often, having a dedicated earth wire as shown in the diagram will ensure you don't suddenly go snap crackle and pop during your big bass solo!
  14. If it was going to pop, it would of done so on the night
  15. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='446798' date='Mar 27 2009, 12:45 AM']This is a variable bias mod on a 400+, doesn't look like a board redesign to me...[/quote] You've got me interested now! - have you got a schematic for the mod you've done - or can you direct me to who did it for you? Cheers
  16. This sort of thing doesn't help me resist getting a custom bass made!!
  17. Better a plodder with few but funky notes that are in the groove than a technical notes-per-minute bass virtuoso - YMMV
  18. [quote name='josh3184' post='446759' date='Mar 26 2009, 11:52 PM']whats the idea behind biasing? I.e. why? Just curious[/quote] In a valve, you have an anode (positive) and a cathode (earth). Electricty wants to flow between the two of them. It would do so uncontrollably unless there was something in between them - that's called the grid. The grid needs to have some negative voltage on it to limit the current flowing through the valve. That's why valves are called valves - it's like a water pipe with a tap on it - the grid is the tap and it limits the flow going from one end of the pipe to the other. The grid can only limit the current flow if there is negative voltage on it. The more negative volts, the more the current is limited. More negative volts on the grid is like turning the tap down. This negative voltage is the 'bias' voltage. It sets a standard current flow. Without this bias voltage the current would flow too much, overheating the plates and destroying the valve. The more bias voltage you apply, the less current flows through the valve. If you let too much current it destroys the valve as it can't dissipate the heat. Too little and it doesn't start cooking. More current gives you more volume and clarity but shorter tube life. Less current gives you less volume but more distortion and longer tube life. Pick your bias to achieve what you want.
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' post='446743' date='Mar 26 2009, 11:41 PM']P.S. That's the RIM Custom 5 being abused through a Peavey Mk IV which in turn is upsetting [u]an old TE 4x10[/u]".[/quote] Apostasy!! So you don't like your own cabs then!
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='446692' date='Mar 26 2009, 11:13 PM']You are so lucky. Just a short drive to Bristol, have a play around in Reverb whilst Eltham Jones sorts it for you [url="http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/index.htm"]http://www.edgeguitarservices.co.uk/index.htm[/url][/quote] Ah, I've often wondered about where the many times recommended Eltham sits and sips his tea! - I'll update the luthiers section with his complete contact details
  21. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='446545' date='Mar 26 2009, 09:51 PM']Not all amps have an adjustable bias, Mesa don't, and Peavey 5150 amps don't for example. These can be converted for what should be a small fee by any decent tech, from which point on you can bias your own tubes. The job basically involves replacing a fixed resistor with a variable resistor.[/quote] I think you might be talking about just the Peaveys here, because I've had a long & hard look at my Mesa's schematics and as far as I can figure out the only way to convert Mesa's to adjustable bias is by a substantive board re-design, not a resistor swap-out.
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='446656' date='Mar 26 2009, 10:47 PM']...did anyone spot Yolanda Charles on bass duties and singing?[/quote] will that be the show that finishes in 4 minutes on ITV2? No, missed her
  23. Seller - meet buyer - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44944&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44944&hl=[/url]
  24. I buy quite a lot of CD's and music DVD's from various sources including ebay. You can quite often buy them new with free postage for cheaper than they go for secondhand from an unknown quantity on ebay. It's just very impulsive buying - which can be a good thing if you're selling!
  25. Go for either the Trace Elliot dual band or a Monte Allums modded Boss CS-3
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