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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Hi & Welcome! Some nice looking wood on his bench!
  2. There is a difference between the Skylines and the US series, but imho a well set up Skyline is 9.5 out of 10 on the scoresheet and I can't justify spending another wheelbarrow full of money on a US version for that tiny .5 bit more to get the full 10 out of 10 The US and Skyline Laklands are fantastic basses with excellent customer support, but as someone has pointed out a custom build Shuker is very very tempting.
  3. If you want an off the shelf cab then have you considered an ACME Low B-4 and an ACME Low B-4W? They're lighter than the Ampeg equivilent and handle more power, but being less sensitive require more power to drive them - but you seem to have 1100watts to spare [url="http://www.acmebass.com/products/b4.html"]http://www.acmebass.com/products/b4.html[/url] [url="http://www.acmebass.com/products/woofers.html"]http://www.acmebass.com/products/woofers.html[/url]
  4. Give Steve a ring. Not only is he a first class valve amp tech, he's also a pretty good harp player - [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url]
  5. Forgive me for saying this - but that's a keeper if ever I saw one!
  6. You might pick up a Musicman Sub4 for £300 - fantastic basses.
  7. I might be free to pop into Camberley. I presume all basschatters will be on the guest list and get a free Jack 'n Coke on entry?
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='422616' date='Mar 1 2009, 08:13 PM']Dave Wilson of Haltwistle, Northumberland, now has a website with contact details: [url="http://www.dwilsonguitars.com"]www.dwilsonguitars.com[/url][/quote] Cheers for that - I've updated his details on the list
  9. Roqsolid did a custom cover for my BFM cab - it was millimeter perfect to my measurements - very good quality & service
  10. They haven't kept their side of the verbal contract. Ask for a full refund of your deposit and take your business to a shop with better service.
  11. Hi - and welcome to the forums! There are quite a members here from your nek of the woods - get connected!
  12. Has anyone sent the seller the consensus of opinion of the Basschat Spot a Forgery a Mile Off Police Squad?
  13. You can't sell what doesn't belong to you - lock the topic please Mr Moderator.
  14. [quote name='ARGH' post='421878' date='Feb 28 2009, 07:02 PM']Who cares,f***ing sh*t rag fit only for the budgies cage.[/quote] You'll teach your budgie to have poor taste in music if you do that - it'll be tweeting crappy songs in no time
  15. [quote name='Marcus' post='421491' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:57 AM']How's he get such a crap sound with such nice gear ?!?!?[/quote] Nice to find another bass player I have something in common with!
  16. I reckon a Boss FS-5 footswitch would do the job - but you'll have to read the DD-20 manual to see if it requires a latching or unlatching footswitch.
  17. The one I've just sold - a Vintage V4, excellent quality for the money.
  18. [quote name='2x18' post='420757' date='Feb 27 2009, 11:46 AM']Quick link Here [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160318456997&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm37%26satitle%3D160318456997%2B%26fvi%3D1"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...97%2B%26fvi%3D1[/url] Will.[/quote] and here:- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=42446&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=42446&hl=[/url]
  19. Whatever you do, don't let anyone in your band make a big issue about it - the day belongs to the happy couple, explain about the limiter and do your best to keep them happy.
  20. Very nice - a sort of Mu-tated OCD for collecting pedals!
  21. Ashdown make some nice amps, and the guys at Ashdown are really helpful. You can get a nice sound from an Ashdown but I personally don't like the mix of rotary and slider EQ. There are also well documented QC issues with several of their products. The LMII can also be really warm, I like the simple EQ, they're much lighter and their QC is very good. For me it's a no-brainer
  22. Very tough news Steve. I think the only place more screwed than here is Zimbabwe.
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