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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='420952' date='Feb 27 2009, 02:42 PM']Your observations are correct, but not the conclusions drawn. If you were to stack a pair of 4x10s and a pair of 1x15s, or a pair of anything for that matter, similar results would always ensue. Unplug the bottom cab and the bass response will fall. Two reasons. First. the raised impedance and reduced cone area reduces output by at least 5dB. When output drops you don't hear bass as well, see: Fletcher-Munson equal loudness curves. Second, when run alone the height of the top cab above the floor is sufficient to de-couple the system from the boundary reinforcement offered by the floor, and it does so in the midbass where bass impact is perceived to originate from. With both cabs plugged in the cones in the top and bottom cabs operate as one in the low frequencies and there's no coupling loss. Unplug the top cab and the midrange and high-frequencies will fall. Again, two reasons. The first is that same cone area and impedance situation as before. The second is that mids and highs are very directional. and if the source is on the floor they simply pass you by unheard. The notion that adding a 15 will fill in the bottom with a 4x10, or vis-versa, gains credence when one performs the same exercise as you did. But assuming you don't happen to have a pair of 1x15s and a pair of 4x10s lying about to perform the same experiment with different combinations of cabs you simply have no way of knowing that you'll get similar results no matter which combination you may use, including putting a 1x15 atop a 4x10.[/quote] I may be a mere bassist with the intellectual capacity of a squashed apricot, but that makes sense [i]and [/i]I understood it according to the laws of noisyness that I've observed with my MkII ears!
  2. [quote name='karlbbb' post='420561' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:19 AM']Hi mate, whats the B string like on these? I know 'Ray5s have a nice B (for a 34") and wonder if this is translated into the SUB range? Currently playing a Spector Legend 5 (which would appear to be perfect for a trade) and it has a B I'm very fond of! The Stingray is something that always draws me back and this could be a very good trade![/quote] I've played both, and the Sub plays easily as well as a proper 'Ray - the electronics are identical.
  3. Thinking again, - I quite often just use a pair of quality headphones and a Korg PX4D for home practice - just dial in a tone from one of hundreds.
  4. [quote name='budget bassist' post='420552' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:08 AM']reminds me of tobias, looks bloody nice, though some bigger pics would help you immensely, good luck with the sale[/quote] +1 - looks like a nice bass but better definition piccys will get the GAS flowing. May I also suggest that you put your location in your profile so prospective buyers can see whether this is a walk around the corner for them or a courier job? Good luck!
  5. [quote name='machinehead' post='420524' date='Feb 26 2009, 11:56 PM']I always learn something from these type of disagreements.[/quote] I think it's more rabbit cleaving than disagreeing
  6. Don't worry what they smell like - did they get hot?
  7. Don't bother with the technical stuff for doodling away at home - just buy one of these - they're excellent - [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/35051/"]http://www.dv247.com/invt/35051/[/url]
  8. Hamster


    [quote name='Subhuman' post='420080' date='Feb 26 2009, 02:01 PM']Into loads of types of music, specially house, funk, groove, soul stuff.[/quote] Funk, Groove, Soul? - you'll get on just fine here - Welcome!
  9. Hamster

    hi everyone

    Hi Steve, welcome to the forums
  10. I've read some nice things about Villex pickups, but I'll be surprised if Andy can't sort you out something.
  11. Geishas Aloud? (Japanese tribute band) The Emporer Chiefs? (another tribute band) Billy Sheehan?
  12. Yes, red is always regarded as the 'hot' wire which carries the signal.
  13. Ah, sunny Dorsetshire - I think 'paul,the' lives close to you - haven't seen him here for a while though.
  14. Great guy to deal with, excellent communications and fast payment - cheers!
  15. Hi Mal, and welcome to the forums If you put your location in your profile information it'll appear in the left-hand panel so people can see if you're a neighbour Enjoy
  16. Hamster


    Hi Raef - and welcome to the forums!
  17. I'm not sure that that's the problem? - have you tried putting a mic into the input to see if there's a difference in output?
  18. Funnily enough I was listening to Graham Central Station as I read this post - so listen to Larry as well!
  19. Hamster


    To show how ridiculous manufacturers (or sellers) claims are have a look at this PA / DJ amplifier: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1200W-POWER-NEW-DJ-PA-Amplifier-Nightline-Pro-400-black_W0QQitemZ300295065739QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL?hash=item300295065739&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1701|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1200W-POWER-NEW-DJ-P...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url] PMPO-Power: 2 x 600 Watt and Music-Power: 2 x 200 Watt If you download the .pdf data sheet and zoom into the back panel you'll see it has a 1.5 amp fuse rating. Now my math is a bit crusty but assuming it's not an uber-efficient class D amplifier we're looking at around 55% efficiency, therefore: watts = current x voltage - 1.5A x 240 = 360 x 55% = 198watts. So, all of a sudden this 1200 watt PMPO amp can only produce 100 watts per channel - or am I missing something?
  20. Ummmm - I wouldn't mind a doodle with the Warmoth
  21. It's either a reversed pickup (swap the wires) or the pickups don't match and the combined (50:50) lower impedance of the pickups in parallel have reduced the output - maybe
  22. Hello and Welcome! Seems like you've picked it up again quite well!
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