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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. All Night Long - Rainbow, a bit of a blast from the past
  2. Whatever line up you end up with just make sure you bring them all to the next SE Bass Bash!
  3. Is he thinning a bit on top or wearing a Kippah? - if it's the former then Woot! - I've got more hair than Wooten!
  4. They're really nice basses but out of my price range. I'm pretty sure I can find something that I like better for less than half the price - which is why I think I'll like it better!
  5. Hamster


    Now provisionally sold awaiting payment.
  6. I usually just ask them what their best price is and go from there. As has been said, it's useful if you live near a decent shop and are a regular customer!
  7. Hamster


    It's off to ebay by the weekend if no-one wants this.
  8. Hamster

    Hi there

    Gear Acquisition Syndrome
  9. Just copy and paste the ebay url from the address bar - it should show up as a link
  10. Hamster


    Bass is under offer, awaiting payment.
  11. Hamster


    [quote name='rOB' post='412347' date='Feb 17 2009, 07:17 PM']Do you mind me asking why you're selling? Have been looking for a backup bass and have heard the V4 is really nice for the money.[/quote] I bought it to see how I got on with a Precision bass - and I liked it so much I bought a USA P bass last week so this has got to go. I can't justify having two, no matter how hard I try!
  12. Hamster


    Thanks for all the kind comments - bumpy
  13. [quote name='Clockworkwar' post='412048' date='Feb 17 2009, 03:07 PM']What will they actually do in the service? (never sent one for service before)[/quote] I know what I think they'll do, but why not drop them a quick e-mail and ask them what their standard service entails?
  14. [quote name='cheddatom' post='412106' date='Feb 17 2009, 04:01 PM']Yeh, but these look like the same people giving contradictory answers? I'm not looking for any answers on the subject for myself, just interested in why someone would think an octave pedal should go first in the chain if before the amp, but after distortion if in the amp's loop.[/quote] Purely because with the pedals I have at the moment [i]I think[/i] it sounds better after the distortion in the amp loop - but my ears have been known to be wrong. I dare saw if you listened to it you might think it's better the other way around? I ran all the pedals into the front of the amp for ages, but I had a play around - and I think I'm going to have another play around soon!
  15. [quote name='cheddatom' post='411982' date='Feb 17 2009, 02:07 PM']I find it weird that two people have suggested putting pitch/octave effects in the loop with distortion before the input. This compared to the effect order threads where people say "always put your pitch fx first".[/quote] All things being equal logic dictates you put an octaver first so it has a clean signal to track, however all pedals are not made equal I suppose - that's why there's no definitive order? A case of 100 people = 100 different answers I suppose. Now if we all had the exact same fingers/style/bass/leads/pedals/patches/amps/cabs/hairdos etc it might be a closer call!
  16. Hamster

    Hi there

    Hi Ian Welcome to the site! There's a lot here to whet your appetite!
  17. I've played around with this a bit - not that I know why one way sounds better than the other. What I've settled with is I don't put any distortion/fuzz/overdrive pedals through the amps loop - I put those straight into the amp input and I put stuff like chorus/octaver/filters/delays etc through the amps effects loop. I seem to get a better sound like this, and I'm guessing that it's something to do with how the preamp handles a distorted signal?
  18. [quote name='Clockworkwar' post='411841' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:58 AM']Ashdown have quoted me £69 to get a head serviced, that seems a little steep but it does include carriage. Where can I get it serviced for a lower cost? I live in Worcestershire.[/quote] The guys at Ashdown are really nice and to be honest, if that price includes carriage I think it's very good.
  19. Go on then - someone add me to the list please
  20. Hamster


    [quote name='Linus27' post='411818' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:27 AM']HAHAHA selling babies. Thats not a bad idea I have a Jazz, I have a fretless, I have a Stingray and I have a EUB. The only one missing is a Precision to make my collection complete. So I am on the look out for a Precision but I love your Sub [/quote] .......you have [u]2[/u] Jazz basses - that's excessive!
  21. Hamster


    [quote name='Linus27' post='411809' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:11 AM']....... she said ok but if you get anymore then it will cost me a baby :)[/quote] You mean you've got to sell one to get one, or castration!
  22. Hamster


    A bit more detail added
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