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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Group hug! [url="http://www.clipartof.com"][/url]
  2. ...........or this might be ideal with lightweight head of your choice [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40971&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40971&hl=[/url]
  3. If self build is out, have you considered an ACME 2x10 Low B-2?
  4. The Stax Story DVD is also pretty good
  5. Are you still using the same cab? Have you checked your speaker cables? Is it the stereo/bi-amp model head?
  6. Sensitivity makes such a huge difference to a cab. Alex's and Bill Fitzmaurice's designs really show how mainstream cabs are poorly designed.
  7. Hamster

    hi all

    Eh up - crap bass player or amateur paleontologist? Welcome anyways
  8. I have the same bass and I didn't think the stock pickups were that bad. The Wizard Thumper is very highly regarded but the SD 1/4 pounders are also a worthwhile upgrade and probably a lot easier to get your hands on. If you're just noodling away around the barbie then I would leave it as it is and spend the money on more beer to go with the Tiger Prawns!
  9. I borrowed my friends Status S2 Classic headless to see if I liked it with a view to buying it. I played it quite a bit, the sound was ok, I liked the look of it but I really hated the feel of it, didn't like the graphite neck and gave it back to him. I know I've only played one Status, but my cheapo P bass clone feels miles better to play.
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='408461' date='Feb 13 2009, 12:29 PM']If you haven't got it, check out the soundtrack to Standing In The Shadows Of Motown, the deluxe 2-disc version. One disc of the concert that's shown in the film and another disc full of original Motown tracks minus the vocals. Great to hear the band exposed, especially with the bass pushed higher in the mix - and the best karaoke backing tracks you'll ever get to sing along with. Alex[/quote] I've been playing that double CD almost non-stop for the last week! It certainly sounds like Mr Jamerson, and as suggested maybe a bit liefted by the desk.
  11. There are few hard & fast rules, so mess them around and see what your ears like. However you should put the Octabass first so it has a clean note to track. Personally I would put the delay after the fuzz/distorion or whatever the Llama is classified as as I think delayed fuzz is better than a fuzzy delay.
  12. There's no doubting his talent and I like most of his stuff. Shame about the drugs and his untimely demise at the hands of a bouncer
  13. [quote name='ARGH' post='408083' date='Feb 12 2009, 10:05 PM']I like Topaz.... Dont sneer,if you know the sh*t both him and Warr have had to go through,that guy is the chief historian upon 'tap' style on guitars... And the Megatar,is in theory 'easier' that the Stick to play.[/quote] I'm not sneering, the product name and his name made me smile a little and I just can't get my head around anything more than 5 strings! Here's a few more smilies for you!
  14. The QC isn't very good, but if you find a good one they're as good as any of their peers.
  15. [quote name='4000' post='407894' date='Feb 12 2009, 06:52 PM']The best laid plans of Wylie Coyote...[/quote] ....... sounds like you should buy ACME cabs!
  16. Another sweet purchase from OHM - a loverly P bass! - Cheers
  17. I've PM'd him with a few questions about whether his straplocks could be used as a temporary measure to fix my garden gate to the wall with coachbolts
  18. A 12 string upright piano? My brain is melting :wacko: [url="http://www.vimeo.com/747568"]http://www.vimeo.com/747568[/url]
  19. Of the 3 you're considering I'd go for the Vintage V940 without any hesitation. You might also consider the Vintage V4 Precision copy - [url="http://www.jhs.co.uk/vintagebass.html"]http://www.jhs.co.uk/vintagebass.html[/url]
  20. [quote name='ahpook' post='407126' date='Feb 11 2009, 11:15 PM']well, i think the modding cost something like £30, so maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe....um....£60 posted ? pm me.[/quote] That's a steal! - buy it now before I do!!
  21. T R A C T O O O O R !!!! That's proper farmer metal that is!
  22. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='406929' date='Feb 11 2009, 08:33 PM']Listen and learn.... [/quote] Ummmmmm - if that's you, it's not to bad for a beatnik!
  23. [quote name='RayFW' post='406612' date='Feb 11 2009, 04:47 PM']I was at junior school with a girl called Elizabeth Clegg who was a little on the er... chubby side. I thought it would be funny to tell her that she should form a rock band and call it Fat Cleggy (rather than Thin Lizzy). She kicked me in the nuts. I learnt a valuable lesson that day.[/quote] I bet she's on facebook now and a complete stunner!
  24. With the amount of bass trading on this site alone, I don't think anyone has found their Ultimate Bass quite yet! - I haven't but I've decided to stick with 3 basses - a Fender P, a Stingray amd a Lakland 5 string
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