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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. If I had that many pedals on a board I'd have to learn to tap dance whilst playing!
  2. Hamster


    [quote name='KERMITNT' post='383806' date='Jan 18 2009, 10:48 AM']The only way is to put a cable splitter in output and split to headphones and put the other in the audio card line in but is too much of doing it...[/quote] That's what I do - it seems easy to do it this way. Are you having a problem with this way of connecting it?
  3. Damn! - too late to partake in this investigation, I'll buy the doughnuts for the BassChat BentBass PoliceSquad
  4. Come clean Stuart - I just know you have this in the pipeline. I'll buy one now!
  5. Hi I've got quite a few mates in NZ who've deserted this sinking ship called the UK! Welcome!
  6. [quote name='Kev' post='382864' date='Jan 16 2009, 10:37 PM']in my opinion, of course[/quote] .........and mine. Very nice, and I'd love to play one, but it's not [i]right[/i]
  7. Hi Martin The CS-3 has a very good compressing effect but it's a bit too noisy for me. You do loose some low end running a bass through it as it's circuit is designed for the higher register of a guitar.
  8. Finishes like that usually leave me a bit cold - but that is really stunning :wub:
  9. Thanks guys I usually learn by ear but I'm usually surprised by something in the tab that I've never noticed while listening - that's why I'm re-learning notation!
  10. Can anyone point me towards an accurate tab for this song? - I've got the basic structure but I think there's a lot I'm missing. I'm learning notation again as a new year's resolution but I'm not there yet!! Ta
  11. [quote name='ShaunB' post='380032' date='Jan 14 2009, 10:07 AM']Thanks for that - no takers... and no offers as yet...[/quote] I don't think it will be on here past a week - very nice
  12. Nice bass. The colour's a bit dark on my monitor - is it a solid gloss black?
  13. Nice cabs - where are you based?
  14. Cheers guys - I've just dropped them an e-mail.
  15. It's got to be #1 - As it came out of the factory.
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='378328' date='Jan 12 2009, 09:59 PM']What on EARTH is that?[/quote] It looks like two of those prototype 3 string Fender basses that have been glued together? A bit of work with a power sander and drag it behind a car for a few miles and you have a relic'ed 'Roadworn' 6 stringer.
  17. As this is purely for academic research please send me the lot to academically research too!
  18. I signed on the dotted cyberline - and I do believe in miracles
  19. You should be able to make a paper template up and then get a blank sheet to make one from your fave colour/finish. [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/category/Pickguards/Blank_Pickguard_Sheets"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/category/Pickguar...ickguard_Sheets[/url]
  20. Some fine basses there - I feel your pain!
  21. [quote name='Buzz' post='376232' date='Jan 10 2009, 04:06 PM']Leave it fretboard down in the sun for a few weeks?[/quote] Won't that mean leaving the UK! - Mind you, a damn fine excuse for a month in the Maldives
  22. I don't think bleach will touch it because the orange dye is under a coat of laquer. I sanded my SX neck down to the wood and then just put a coat of clear laquer on top of the natural wood. It looks much better.
  23. Hamster

    obbm's feedback

    Got another cable from Dave - it arrived quicker than me popping down the shops - and Dave's cables are always 'in stock' because they're handmade
  24. I've got an Audere preamp fitted which is really good. It was a big improvement on the stock board. The standard pickups are Bartolini Mk1 split-coil soapbars. Maybe I just have a few quid burning a hole in my pocket? I'm still toying with the idea of a fatstack and a big single - or maybe EMG's?
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