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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='MB1' post='370759' date='Jan 5 2009, 11:34 AM']MB1. Limehouse Lizzy! by any chance?[/quote] Indeed - a true tribute. If anyone hasn't seen them they're missing a really great show.
  2. I only saw Phil live once, which is a real shame. I'm glad that there's a fantastic tribute band out there that does Thin Lizzy justice - I've seen them loads of times
  3. Nearly finished the kitchen, so BFM cab build drawing closer I can't wait to try the cabs with my 'new' MkIV AH500 Trace Elliot head I'm also thinking of trying different pickups in my Lakland 55/01 Some more cables from OBBM Maybe a couple of pedals - not extra ones, just upgrading to better models Some bass lessons to sort out all my self-taught bad form
  4. I suppose it could launch a new rash of ebay scams? Knowing the skill of most home relic'ers with a power belt sander surely they'll just run over the bass with a van or drag it behind one for a few miles for that 'road worn' look!
  5. Welcome Bob - quite an introduction!
  6. From memory...... A TV interview. Gay Byrne..... Phil, what's it like being black and Irish? Phil..... It's a bit like being a pint of Guinness. R.I.P
  7. Hi and welcome. A quick use of the search function will give you lots of info and ideas. If you don't ind the particular answer you're looking for, then ask away. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=Search&CODE=show&searchid=2ba2224f34d52c18ee8743c4c9308972&search_in=titles&result_type=topics&highlite=%2Bwireless"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=Search...ite=%2Bwireless[/url]
  8. [quote name='Linus27' post='370090' date='Jan 4 2009, 05:03 PM']I really like that. Anyone know where I can buy Stingray scratchplates from?[/quote] Think about a brown/gold Tort :wub: [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/STINGRAY_BASS_-_TORTOISE_SHELL_STGB-5305"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/STINGRAY_...SHELL_STGB-5305[/url]
  9. Hamster

    1st timer...

    Hi Ian - welcome to the forums!
  10. The bass market is very fluid. You can get some stonking bargains and then see some basses sell for more than you'd think. - It's just the timing/luck of you selling what someone else has suddenly got massive GAS for.
  11. Hi Gundog - welcome to the forums!
  12. If you add your location to your profile we can see where you live and therefore tempt you with cheap secondhand kit that you can save the courier charges on
  13. Hamster

    Hi All

    Well hello and welcome! Enjoy - glad to have you here
  14. I have one - they're excellent VFM. I have a Wizard Thumper waiting to be installed in place of the stock Wilkinson - I'll post an A/B in the reviews section when I get round to it .
  15. [quote name='ednaplate' post='369345' date='Jan 3 2009, 04:30 PM']I have a bass and bassless backing track for this if you are interested.[/quote] Yes please - post here or e-mail me too
  16. Guitar Village in Farnham might be worth a visit too
  17. Get the Stingray. Have a love affair with it, stay happily married to it for the rest of your life or dump it and get a young French mistress!
  18. [quote name='Beedster' post='368779' date='Jan 2 2009, 07:51 PM']Thanks mate. Slight problem though - when I open the page I just get a black screen with 'Norman Plays Rhythm Stick' in the corner and no sound. Am I being stupid? Chris[/quote] Works for me? - it's on this page - [url="http://www.theblockheads.com/audio_video.php"]http://www.theblockheads.com/audio_video.php[/url]
  19. [quote name='Golchen' post='368510' date='Jan 2 2009, 02:58 PM']I realise that this is a bit of a daft question as 99.9% of you will probably think it's a pile of poop, but I was wondering if it would be of any use as a cheap practice amp? I need something small enough that the wife won't even see it when I sneak it into the house and hide it in the utility room, and I quite like the idea of the cd/mp3 input for practice purposes. Do you think it would be any good for this? Link to one here: [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG03424"]LINK HERE[/url][/quote] This is miles better, and smaller - [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG01507"]http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG01507[/url]
  20. I don't have a tab, but because of the number of requests Norman recorded his bassline for us all to download and copy. It must therefore be the 'definitive' version. 99% of tabs I've seen are wrong. [url="http://www.theblockheads.com/audio.php?a=norman_plays_hit_me&t=Norman+Plays+%27Hit+Me%27"]http://www.theblockheads.com/audio.php?a=n...ys+%27Hit+Me%27[/url]
  21. [quote name='ped' post='368489' date='Jan 2 2009, 02:23 PM']Thanks everyone and keep the thoughts on designs etc coming - also any other products you would like to see (key rings, badges, USB drives, jackets, bags etc) ped[/quote] I'll get a lot of use out of a nice baseball cap, and some 36" scale basschat condoms
  22. It's not laid out or presented too bad for a "first" ebay ad? Maybe the seller is good with IT etc - my first ebay ad was crappy. Looks like a nice bass - maybe we can get it safely to it's prospective new owner between us?
  23. After seeing in the New Year with some German friends and doing 2 bottles of Friesengeist (google it!) the only antidote was copious bacon butties dripping with butter, fat and brown sauce. Made me feel sound as a pound! If you want to do Friesengeist you chill it to almost freezing, put it in a large shot glass from the freezer, set fire to it, wait until the rim of the glass is too hot to touch, blow it out and knock it back in one - Prost!
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