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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Hamster

    Hi there

    Hi Andrew - welcome to the forum we call home!
  2. [quote name='Smash' post='325628' date='Nov 10 2008, 12:57 AM']Think this has been my biggest dilema, I bought a Lowdown 110 which I kinda thought its good for what it does but I want more natural sounding combo, so I trotted down to a local retailer and tried these various combos: Peavey microbass Ashdown After 8 Roland Cube 30 Roland Cube RX Orange Crush 35B I played around with all but come to the conclusion none sounded good enough, weirdly I found the smaller Ashdown the best but didn't have the volume. What I need is a small combo that has a natural sound and can be played against light drums. Should I either bite the bullet and buy a Markbass CMD121 or a single 10" cab and use my existing Markbass head, or anyone know of another combo that isn't over 15Kg and has great tone and is under £200 Thanks[/quote] IMHO you're asking a lot for a combo with those provisos. If I were you, I'd get a lightweight quality 10" cab and use your existing Markbass head. There's a very good cab here that I think you'll find will be perfect for what you want - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30365"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30365[/url]
  3. Looks like it could be a good'un, I just wish I could get on with the "classic Ashdown 'rotary plus slider' EQ"!
  4. [quote name='cd_david' post='325397' date='Nov 9 2008, 05:19 PM']LOL, Nothing more incriminating than the wife, she didnt like the way she looked and refused to have her pic on tinternet! [/quote] Ummmmm, perhaps time for a forumites wifes/partners thread
  5. I'm curious about the brushed out image in the mirror - was this some un/intentional reflectoporn (to go with the bassporn)
  6. 'ere we go, 'ere we go 'ere we go........etc +3 OBBM
  7. Shame it's a bit toooo far for me However I expect a full report and loads of pictures!! Also, if anyone is going who lives anywhere near the Staines massive can get me a Basschat T shirt in a large, I'll be obliged and settle up with you on your return. Safe journey all
  8. [quote name='owen' post='324713' date='Nov 8 2008, 10:42 AM']I have an Audere pre which is not voiced correctly for what I want it to do with a specific pick up (no fault of the pre-amp, it is a nice bit of kit) but I LOVE what the Low Z switch does. Is there any other way of getting this particular attribute going? Thanks Owen[/quote] There are very tiny trim pots on the pre-amp PCB that adjusts the sweep on each of the tone pots. Not sure if you can adjust the impedence with a trim pot though? - Shoot a mail off to Dave Meadows at Audere - he's very helpful
  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='324605' date='Nov 7 2008, 11:40 PM']How did you all get into my room? [/quote] It's pronounced womb
  10. Looking forward to the South East Easter Bash! - hopefully next time I won't have to leave early for an audition. I now have access to a school with a purpose built 200 seat auditorium/theatre in Addlestone which might be a very good venue as long as members don't mind the next bash being so close to the last one?
  11. [quote name='bassbloke' post='324350' date='Nov 7 2008, 05:27 PM']Can't say I'm surprised. See, you should have asked for loads more.[/quote] Well I got them at a very good price from you, so I'm just passing on the love :wub:
  12. If I do end up splitting them, then I suppose £175 for the 2x12 and [s]£150 for the 1x15.[/s] 1x15 now sold As for running them together, I've not found it a problem as I don't run the amp much past 50% power. When I do use the 1x15 I position it to get some boundary reinforcement from a wall or corner to increase the sensitivity. Used this way it makes quite a good difference to the low end.
  13. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='324183' date='Nov 7 2008, 01:34 PM']I know that Jamerson's discography is comprehensive but is there a definitive list anywhere (Bilbo sees another opportunity to root around)?[/quote] There's a few here - [url="http://www.bassland.net/jamersonhits.htm"]http://www.bassland.net/jamersonhits.htm[/url] I wanted to really get into more Jamerson magic and went through my collection using that list. I was quite surprised to find I already had 95% of those tracks! I burned them all onto an mp3 CD which has never left my car CD player in 18 months
  14. Impossible! - but a couple of my fave's....... I was Made To Love Her - Stevie Wonder What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
  15. [quote name='Perry' post='324076' date='Nov 7 2008, 11:23 AM']Hi guys & girls. I have not been on here for a long time now as I don't play bass anymore. I am thinking about selling some of my gear but I don't know how much to sell it for. The main worry is my David Eden 4X10 cab, I don't know if it's XLT all I do know is that it's a 20th anniversary model and in good condition. As for the rest of my gear I wll probally stick it on the 'bay. For those interested it will be: David Eden WT500 cab Korg Rack Tuner David Eden 1X12 cab[/quote] XLT has a rectangular port top and bottom. I don't know what bells & whistles the 20th anniversary model adds to it, but a standard cab should go for very close to £400
  16. Warm welcomings! Always nice to get a little input from a well respected luthier. ...and the skj is pronounced sh, so Skjold = Shold? - do I win a free bass?
  17. Now back on sale as the first deal didn't happen (no fault of the buyer) The second deal also fell through due to unfortunate circumstances! (again no fault of the buyer) - or mine come to think of it!! ======================================================================================= This cab is made by Techsoundsystems and is in very good condition. It has a thick fabric/felt covering and comes with a quality custom made slip-on thick protective cover. It has Neobidium magnet bass drivers and a tweeter that can be switched to off / half / full depending on what sound you prefer. The 2x12 is rated 600watts @ 4 ohms and the cab is around 25kg. I have relined the interior of the cab with new and denser acoustic “egg crate” foam which has it a tighter and more focussed sound. Bought new, this would cost you around £480 shipped - I’m looking for £175 plus shipping at cost. Collection is free & gratis, and I’ll even throw in some refreshing tea & biccys. I’m happy to travel up to 25 miles to deliver them to your door, or meet you that distance from my home with them. I’m more or less at the M.25, Junction 11. I can also ship them at cost as I just happen to have piles of cardboard boxes at home from Mrs Hamster’s new kitchen. Looking at Interparcel, the shipping will be around £35 with next-day fully insured delivery. If you can find and arrange cheaper shipping, then that’s groovy. It's the same as this one:- [url=""][/url] I can find some photos of the actual cab and put it on here if wanted. edited to show better shipping rates - thanks for the pm's
  18. Hamster

    obbm's feedback

    Another fast hassle free purchase from Dave, I got the Thumper this morning, Cheers!
  19. [quote name='grossey' post='321086' date='Nov 3 2008, 04:56 PM']I don't know how much but please be aware that there are two shops in that area of Surrey. Candlers in Kew and Charlie Chandlers Guitar Experience in Hampton Wick. Both have a Plek machine (I believe the only two in the UK). The two shops are unrelated (in a business sense) but are by family blood I understand. Anyway CCGX as they are commonly known as have a high opinion of the Plek system. Both have websites, google Chandlers Guitars and CCGX respectively and you should find them.[/quote] IIRC only the Hampton Wick shop has a plek machine, and the bloke who knows how to get the best out of it left the shop over a year ago. As for the family blood ties between the two shops, I'm advised it's bad blood!
  20. Aynsley Lister (stonking guitarist) 11 Nov Farnham Maltings The Hamsters (my spiritual home gig ) 20 Nov Hayes Middx Never The Bride 24 Nov Bull's Head Barnes London Limehouse Lizzy 27 Nov The Brook Southampton New Found Glory 28 Nov at the Brixton Academy Mostly Autumn 16 Dec The Brook Southampton
  21. [quote name='Higgie' post='320576' date='Nov 2 2008, 11:15 PM']Digitech Bass Synth Wah - Can be used as a stand alone octave pedal, the tracking is awesome. Boss OC-2 - Not as good tracking as the BSW, but I've owned both and it's the OC-2's tone that kept it on my board. EHX Micro POG - Haven't tried it, but gets very good reviews. Tracks anything you can throw at it, including chords, but a bit more expensive than the other two options. Those are the three I feel would be the best bet![/quote] Yeah, what he said/I said
  22. [quote name='umph' post='320610' date='Nov 3 2008, 12:20 AM']buy mine so i can make my dream head [/quote] I'm intrigued - what's your dream head?
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='320608' date='Nov 3 2008, 12:13 AM']Might want to look at reviews section and Dave Halls own forum section in Basschat sponsors. Would link but about to sleep.[/quote] Happy to link - eating cold curry with warm beer [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=42"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=42[/url] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=60"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=60[/url]
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