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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Hamster

    A Favour...

    The trick is to remember that depending on how you turn the board over to inspect your work everything in the circuit is upside down or reversed linky - [url="http://www.zen22142.zen.co.uk/Prac/vero_circ/vero.htm"]http://www.zen22142.zen.co.uk/Prac/vero_circ/vero.htm[/url]
  2. Seeing as how "what small practice amp" is a regular forum question, I'll bring down my Line6 Lowdown 110 for peeps to play with
  3. [quote name='gilmour' post='260643' date='Aug 12 2008, 10:01 AM']You can do this, but I think I'm right in saying that you'll get uneven power distribution, with more power going to the 4 ohm cab (and thus more volume), but the head should be fine.[/quote] With a 4ohm and 8ohm cab with the amp putting out 675w, the 4ohm cab will produce approx 450w and the 8ohm cab approx 225w.
  4. Yes you can, at a guess the amp will put out around 675w
  5. I run my Wt550 with 2 x 4ohm cabs. The cooling fan is on most of the time, but I've never had any problems.
  6. [quote name='ash2008' post='252196' date='Jul 31 2008, 05:41 PM']bit of a long shot but would it be possible to turn it into a 4ohm cab?would i have to replace all the speakers?[/quote] Well, you could replace 2 of the speakers with speakers of 500 ohms resistance each and wire it in paralell to give you 3.93 ohms, but the two replacement speakers would only give you .79 watts each. Or you could replace all 4 speakers with 16 ohm ones, and wire it in paralell to give 4 ohms, or 4 x 1ohm speakers wired in series. Hope that helps Hamster
  7. Nights eh? - hate them myself. It's so hard having a few pints followed by a curry on the way home! Welcome to the forum of the daywalkers Hamster
  8. "Fretted neck from an abandoned project" Abandoned because of the awful neck methinks!
  9. Hi Shteevo Welcome to the forums! Hamster
  10. I've listened to both the Epifani UL410 and the Bergantino AE410. Imho, and to my ears the Berg gives a better tone and projection. I've also listened to the Shuttle 6.0, which isn't bad at all. A few more tweaks to the controls and it will be really nice. For the warmness you're after I'd also consider the MarkBass LMII or SA450 PM Funkmunky - he uses a Berg AE410 and a Markbass SA450 head. Hamster
  11. Have you tried asking the very pleasant chaps at Eden? Hamster
  12. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='249916' date='Jul 28 2008, 08:30 PM']Mark Percy, musical instrument repairs. Web address www.markpercy.co.uk to see visuals. Contact numbers 07804 289794 or 07956 611811.[/quote] Cheers Nik - added
  13. Guthrie is simply a stunning guitarist. As soon as I have a free Thursday night I'm off to Chelmsford for this! Maybe if enough of the Surrey massive want to go we can car share & have a few beers? Hamster
  14. Have you contacted a moderator and asked them to check out the sender? Hamster
  15. I laughed and laughed until I saw the handy pick pocket - now I want one!
  16. A few possibilites. A bad solder joint when you swapped the pickups - probably the earth as it effects any pickup configuration? Line the pickup/control cavity with tin/copper foil. Change the hook up wires to shielded ones. Good luck! Hamster
  17. [quote name='ste_m3' post='248237' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:52 AM']I still want to start a "Basschat Steve Club" Im a Stephen, and ive messaged five steves in the last two weeks! [/quote] As long as it's open to those who are 'Steve' to their regular weekday friends and workmates but are 'Stephanie' at the weekend.
  18. [quote name='thebeat' post='248236' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:49 AM']On the other hand, Americans and i mean the man on the street, not artists/writers/musos etc, seem disconnected from reality in some ways. They live in one of the largest and most advanced countries on the world but the majority have never been outside the state they were born in...[/quote] So you mean Americans are like North Koreans in some ways?
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' post='248218' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:15 AM']I think this is great bass playing, not for all but still sooo musical!!!!!!!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JClWLsuJIn0! Sorry people i dont know how to link.??[/quote] [ y o u t u b e ]JClWLsuJIn0[ / y o u t u b e ] - enter the code in the youtube url link after the = and remove the spaces within the brackets for it to work. Hamster
  20. Hi Kev - and Welcome! You can post your band's gigs in the gigs forum - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=11"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=11[/url] And you can plug your band in your "signature" - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=22"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=22[/url] Hamster
  21. [quote name='thebeat' post='248222' date='Jul 26 2008, 01:19 AM']Read a book.[/quote] I will, after I've watched re-runs of Star Trek, The Simpsons and Yes Minister
  22. People from different cultures are - different. Doesn't mean they're wrong or right or strange. They may be [i]strange[/i] compared to our comparatively small life experience. My work has meant me coming into contact with people from a huge number of cultures, and I find it absolutely facinating!
  23. Any reason you're not considering the Schroeder 12+L? It's pretty capable and easily in the same league. For something "outside of the box" consider the BFM OmniTop 12 [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/OmniTop12.html"]http://billfitzmaurice.com/OmniTop12.html[/url] Hamster
  24. [quote name='beerdragon' post='247387' date='Jul 24 2008, 11:10 PM']no close ups! damn.[/quote] Who would want to be close up!
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