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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Just the thing!, and I can collect from Laaandan PM sent Hamster
  2. Well, presuming its not a maple fretboard, you can use a lemon type oil for that. If the neck/body is really filthy then try a small amount of flash cleaner on a damp cloth. Hamster
  3. Hamster

    oh Hai!

    Hi IMHO the best thing to do is hook up to a bass tutor so you get a solid start - whe're you based? Hamster
  4. Hi - as we're heading towards Christmas now, I think an early prezzie in the form of a Markbass LM II amp is quite overdue Welcome! Hamster
  5. Hi Buff - and welcome to the forum! Hamster
  6. The eviction of the tortoise, and the flattening out of its shell to make a pickguard is the next obvious step. Hamster
  7. IIRC most SPL meters don't read under 31.5Hz, so just keep it all below that and you'll be fine I suppose you could go in for the 5Hz - 9Hz range and try and hit a few 'brown' notes - that way the neighbours will be too busy in the lavatorium to give a sh*t about sound levels Hamster
  8. Easy - 1, Invite the neighbours and load up their Pims No 1's with large amounts of Absinthe and their mushroom canapes with something a little more 'magic' 2. Banjo the sound meter and make it trigger at 154dB or 540dB depending on how loud you want to play Hamster
  9. So are we talking about combos only, or do you have your own cabs?
  10. Well, it's still there. When I innocently tried to sell 2 train tickets I couldn't use anymore (a breach of listing rules I'm told) my auction got pulled within 4 hours and I got a very sh*tty warning mail from ebay telling me that if I did not strictly adhere to rules my account would be pulled. Maybe with this (and other similar auctions) if the item sells and the buyer later finds out they've bought a fake they might have a valid claim against ebay because ebay let the auction run having been informed the goods are fake - ergo, they have knowingly allowed and facilitated counterfeit goods to be sold on their website - and profited from it. Hamster
  11. [quote name='peted' post='231283' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:14 PM']I'm building the 500 Watt Deltalite 2510 version. I'm paranoid that if I go with a resister that can handle less thermal wattage then I'm going to end up cooking it. I've ordered a 50watt 4R7 (I think that means 4.7 Ohm???) resistor to see how I get on.[/quote] With the 500 watt version it's imperative to use a flux capacitor - [url="http://www.shopneo.co.uk/flux-capacitor-free-shipping--pr-16735.html"]http://www.shopneo.co.uk/flux-capacitor-fr...--pr-16735.html[/url] - in series with the 50 watt 4R7, or else the interrossiter won't differentiate at low frequencies. Hamster
  12. It would be worthwhile for the seller to remove the neck to check the neck number, IIRC that's an 8 digit number and will give a clea indication as to how old the bass is likely to be. Hamster
  13. FWIW, I've reported it as "a counterfeit and breach of copyright", with a "potential trademark infringement" which "includes a disclaimer about the authenticity of the item" Hamster
  14. I don't think sellers can leave buyers bad feedback now? - I'll raise the highest bid by £50k Hamster
  15. I've looked at a few Fender serial number sites, and it does seem wrong - too many numbers? Hamster
  16. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='230322' date='Jul 1 2008, 09:50 AM']apologies for hijacking but the seems to be the best point to ask, where does it tell you in the plans about the wiring,in particlar about things like resistors etc,i fancy a go at an Omni 10 but the electronic side of things is a bit daunting. apologies again. [/quote] The plans have diagrams to show you how to wire the speakers / tweeters in series and/or parallel, and tell you where to put the resistor in the circuit. Hamster
  17. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='230266' date='Jul 1 2008, 07:44 AM']Hey all. if i want to run two speakers from my Lmk ll do i use the extension socket from the first cab or do i use the secondary output on the amp ?? thanks in advance. ps,both cabs are 8 ohm. [/quote] Use whatever is convenient, the load on the amp will be 4 ohms either way. Hamster
  18. I'll take the CD Shadow of Motown book and the DI - is it the Ultra Di100? Hamster
  19. So you've wound your own pickups and made some control pots? - I'm officially impressed! Dunno about making your own strings or using string substitutes though Hamster
  20. [quote name='clauster' post='229829' date='Jun 30 2008, 04:28 PM']I'm hoping to come and (so long as they're finished) will bring an Omni15 (probable) and Omni10 (possible)[/quote] Crumbs! - if I get mine finished we'll have a mini BFM bash Perhaps the man himself will pop across and give us a speaker design masterclass - you reading this Bill? Hamster
  21. I think you might get quite a few replies to this! Don't buy either until you have played them both. Otherwise you are just buying a name and an appearance. Hamster
  22. This is a rhetorical question right? - ALL basses are owned by Chuck Norris. He allows you to play HIS basses. Also, everytime you play a song on your bass, the original manufacturer has to pay Chuck Norris 99cents. Hamster
  23. I'm in I'll bring my Lakland and hopefully a couple of completed BFM cabs. Hamster
  24. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='228446' date='Jun 28 2008, 09:44 AM']Sorry for the lack of info over the last few days; it's been the 'week from hell' at work! Anyway, very brief update is that the SE Bash is going to be taking place here: [b]HOLIDAY INN[/b] EGERTON ROAD GUILDFORD, GU2 7XZ ENGLAND on [b]Saturday 27th September[/b] Probably going to go for 10am to 6pm. Other details such as which function room, masterclasses (hopefully??) costs, raffles etc, to be added over the next few weeks. I've started a new thread which is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=post&do=new_post&f=13"]here:[/url] Just wanted to thank Merton especially for his help in pulling this together! Nik[/quote] Nik - the link to the new thread is wrong. Hamster
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