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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. [quote name='ShaunB' post='217391' date='Jun 12 2008, 09:20 AM']Just caught up with this thread - my local shop, Absolute Music used to stock 'em - had a few if I remember correctly (guitars that is). [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_product.php?product=rksso&searchlink=yes&search=1249&page=1"]http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_p...1249&page=1[/url][/quote] A guitar - and it looks like its wearing a mankini!!
  2. [quote name='clauster' post='217738' date='Jun 12 2008, 04:14 PM']Tranny's will quite hapily work with anything down to their minimum load.[/quote] It depends on the tranny. My Auntie Bernard doesn't feel she's done a good days work unless she's shifted over 200 sacks of coal on her shift >coat > go
  3. A bit strange this - where's the proviso that you must be aged 17 - 19 and "no fat ageing balding lorry driver types" bit :wacko:
  4. Too Much, Too Young - The Specials Missing Words - The Selecter Hamster
  5. Here it is:- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5572"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5572[/url] Hamster
  6. Look Edward! - he has wood! Don't worry Tubbs - he's going to make a precious thing, we won't burn him,........................yet
  7. I stumbled across this and found it to be a reasonable explaination if you're starting from scratch with effects. It's an e-book with a .pdf guide and .mp3 sound files of all the effects explained. It's written for guitarists, but the effects are basically the same. [url="http://rs156.rapidshare.com/files/54299538/Getting_your_Sound.zip"]http://rs156.rapidshare.com/files/54299538..._your_Sound.zip[/url] Hamster
  8. [quote name='gilmour' post='216550' date='Jun 11 2008, 12:49 AM']I'm up for it if i'm about. How's Reading for everyone, I can probably sort out a deal at Plug'nPlay studios given enough notice. Nice big live room with a stage, also seperate rooms should needs be, and a bar [url="http://www.plugnplay.tv"]www.plugnplay.tv[/url][/quote] The Madejski Stadium might be better - they do hot dogs too
  9. +1 - that's what I do at the moment. Just make sure you get a decent jack-to-jack cable. Speak with our very own forumite OBBM and he'll make some up for you Hamster
  10. Pah! - why have that when this is at least 20% better!
  11. Welcome to the forum for kindred skint bass players! Hamster
  12. Taverymuchindeed Dood - added to the list
  13. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='215360' date='Jun 9 2008, 12:31 PM']The Bass Gallery's URL has changed from the one listed on the first post. [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com"]http://www.thebassgallery.com[/url] is the correct one. Is that a good place for getting pickups installed / screening / set up done? how about Dave Wild?[/quote] Thanks for that - I've updated the link They can certainly do the work for you - give them a call. They haven't done any work for me, but I've seen their work and it's top notch. Cheers Hamster
  14. I'm sitting here looking at the very key you need on my desk but I'm buggered if I know what size it is - 1.58mm IIRC??? Hamster Edit - just measured it with my micrometer - 1.58mm it is!! I seem to remember just having to take the edges off it with a few strokes of emery paper to get an easy fit.
  15. [quote name='bassjamm' post='214941' date='Jun 8 2008, 03:58 PM']That looks a bit quirky...not sure i'd get taken seriously using one of those on my gigs!!![/quote] Well, you can always put a grill on - this is an Omni 2x10 (courtesy of DLP)
  16. BFLD OmniTop 12 I bought the detailed plans from Bill. Very comprehensive and easy to follow. You can order them from Bill here - [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/Ordering.html"]http://billfitzmaurice.com/Ordering.html[/url] For a vintage tone I'm temped to build without the tweeters. Now just gotta decide whether to build a 2x12 or two 1x12's. Hamster Edit: David L Perry did an A/B with a few 12" cabs not so long ago - [url="http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5322&highlight=aguilar"]http://billfitzmaurice.com/phpBB2/viewtopi...ghlight=aguilar[/url]
  17. [quote name='The Funk' post='212577' date='Jun 4 2008, 04:10 PM']You normally pay 22.5% on top of the price (excluding shipping) in customs and duty. It still works out not that badly.[/quote] IIRC you also pay VAT on shipping costs, so you have to factor approx 22% of the total cost [i]including[/i] shipping to guesstimate your final cost. Not a bad scam for C&E to charge you UK VAT on a service sourced and provided outside the UK eh! Hamster
  18. At the top right of each topic page - on the same line as the topic title, there is an options button. You might be tracking topics which would generate an e-mail to you when someone posts in it? Hamster
  19. Hi Jo As you know, I've been to see you play gigs with Aynsley loads of times, and IMHO you are a pretty tight and fluid player. See you again at the Putney gig on 22 June - I think it's your round Hamster Edit: Just wanted to add this having viewed the gentleman's myspace........... " Hi i'm Fergie Fulton i play Bass Guitar, also collapsor of scrums, tigers tamed, virgins de-flowered, bar room philosopher, crocodiles castrated, defender of dwarfs rights, parties parted, drinks drunk, honks tonked, fighter of injustice, space traveler, explorer, inventor of the remote control, and discoverer of string theory, not neccesarly in that order....... or true. I was born in Gourock Scotland..........................," I knew there had to be a reason
  20. Hamster

    South East Bash

    Now I'm really confused with 2 threads live about the SEBB!
  21. Post up a few gig dates when you're going to be using the cab - a sound excuse to pop along for a pint & listen! Hamster
  22. [quote name='TRIBU2E' post='214157' date='Jun 7 2008, 12:26 AM']Hi Thanks for all the replies and responses to the advert. We hired our ideal guy last night.[/quote] and it was....................?
  23. Can we make it a Saturday? - I try and keep Sundays as a family day with the wife & kids, whereas on Saturdays the kid's are always out doing something. I hope to have my BFM cabs built by then, so will bring them along. Hamster
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