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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Are there supply problems with these? Very few shops list them and I would like to hear them in action too. Who's going to be the first to take the plunge? Hamster
  2. Most scams are obvious. I sell stuff to anyone, anywhere - as long as I get the cash first! I agree about putting detail on the listings though - 9/10 questions I get about items are about info that I've already stated! Hamster
  3. IMHO save your pennies for something better.
  4. If it came with a book of chord fingerings I might be interested
  5. Hi Nino - and Welcome! Some nice work there Planetheads gonna be a happy bunny! Enjoy our forum Hamster
  6. Ahhhhh - the dark road of cab building After hearing one, be prepared to build another one and V plate them :brow: I'm sure that not only will one of Bill's subs out-perform a PA bass bin, it'll be cheaper and lighter too. I'm just a few weeks away from building my BFM cabs - but I want to get the house move out of the way first! If you do the build (and looking at the T24 plans, it doesn't look too hard) be sure to do a build diary in the forum Hamster
  7. Hamster


    I see a Warwick
  8. [quote name='The Burpster' post='211719' date='Jun 3 2008, 12:27 PM']OK.... (years of modelling experience coming thru...!) waterslide transfers need to be applied onto a clean (no dust) fingermark and greasefree surface. Take some time doing this as one piece of dust can ruin the whole effect. soak the transfer in shallow warm water unitl it seprates from the backing paper, and carefully lift it out of the water with flat faced tweazers. hold vertical over a piece of KITCHEN towel with the lower end just touching it to soak any excess water from it. hold over your bass the same way (vertical) and slowly roll it onto teh surface from the dangling end unitl it is in place (this needs to be thought about before application). Once in place gently apply a rolling pressure to it with the kitchen towel enusring you are rolling out any trapped water NOT pressing it in to place. Once in place leave it at least overnight at room temperature to harden and dry. Dont rush it. Once dry you can either spray pver the whole transfer with Acrylic laquer or carefully (depending upon your skill with a paint brush) paint a band 5-6mm wide all around the outside edge of teh transfer to seal the edges. Complete overspaying with the appropriate laquer is the method that gives teh best results tho'[/quote] Burpy forgot to say that it's also essential to stick your tongue out during the careful bits of the above process Hamster
  9. You'll find a few links to decal suppliers in the spare parts sticky above, and IIRC there's an application guide on the Axesrus website Hamster
  10. [quote name='peted' post='211594' date='Jun 3 2008, 09:54 AM']......but also try the Line6 Studio 110. ................I have used the Line6 Studio at band practices (with a well behaved drummer) and a couple of gigs with P.A. assistance.[/quote] +1 on the Line 6, it's impressive for its size - 12" cube and 1 finger carry! Hamster
  11. You'll find plenty of Old Age Precisions here Welcome!
  12. Not being privvy to the esoterica of Warick basses, what would have been a more realistic price for this bass?
  13. Oooooo baby! - The Walrus of Lurve [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hPd9ETUF2TI&fmt=18"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hPd9ETUF2TI&fmt=18[/url] Easy to download and convert to MP3 Hamster
  14. Have a go - even if it doesn't work no one will notice the small trial screw hole Hamster
  15. Hi I'm not familiar with your bass, but maybe this trick will work for you? - [url="http://www.lysator.liu.se/~wizkid/music/thunderbird_mod/"]http://www.lysator.liu.se/~wizkid/music/thunderbird_mod/[/url] Hamster
  16. [quote name='TRAYNOR' post='209916' date='May 30 2008, 11:52 PM']Thanks for-the welcome were all broke here too question what the hell is a footie?[/quote] Footie is the very british game we love loosing at - soccer, although we did enjoy a rare win at the expense of the US of A Hamster
  17. I spent some time doing an A/B on these. In the shop I preferred the sound of the 55/02 over the 55/01 - but I didn't prefer the price. IMHO spending a few quid on a decent pre-amp (I chose an Audere) makes the 55/01 sound better than the stock 55/02. Hamster
  18. Hi Traynor, & Welcome! Hands up to being a Lynyrd Skynyrd fan, I'm also a fan of The Outlaws who you may have heard of? We're all broke in the UK - please send lots of bass guitars over here! Hamster
  19. Just inform your local plod that you've been offered an expensive piece of stolen property?
  20. Don't get hammered before the gig! Also, if you practice in your bedroom, wear different clothes on stage - the dressing gown/slippers look is ok for The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, but may detract from the Rock 'n Roll spectacle the audience are expecting Hamster
  21. [quote name='bassjamm' post='207611' date='May 27 2008, 09:42 PM']Hi mate, just wondered what the scale length is?[/quote] [quote name='sshorepunk' post='201632' date='May 18 2008, 06:08 PM']34" scale[/quote]
  22. Hi Hugh, and welcome! You should start here by asking advice! The Yammy is, IMHO a great bass to start with. You don't have to buy new - the for sale forum here has some really great bargains to be had in that price range on a regular basis. I'm sure other forum members will chip in with some more recommendations! Hamster
  23. [quote name='ahpook' post='207159' date='May 27 2008, 12:07 PM']any ideas ?[/quote] I have a great idea - call Steve Rowse [url="http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/"]http://www.stevesamps.co.uk/[/url] Hamster
  24. I don't know that particular amp, but on the early Marshall non master volume amps it was just a way to use the volume control on each channel to produce a wider range of tone. Hamster
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