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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. Another thumbs-up from one of Greg's happy customers. I bought an excellent value P bass - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19144&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19144&hl=[/url] and am really pleased Cheers Hamster
  2. [u]EVERY[/u] time someone needs a bass player and I know 3/4 of the set list I'm effing miles from them!
  3. Is this a "red" tort or more of a "brown" with yellow/gold flecks? Hamster
  4. I must admit, it takes a big difference for my poor abused ears to notice one wood from the next. For the more educated or younger ears on here, this may help - [url="http://www.warmoth.com/bass/options/options_bodywoods.cfm"]http://www.warmoth.com/bass/options/options_bodywoods.cfm[/url] Hamster
  5. [quote name='jjl5590' post='204957' date='May 23 2008, 01:47 PM']..... and I could add another Neo 212 cab to the combo if i wanted.[/quote] You can also do that if you go for the stack All down to personal preference really. You can always change the wheels on the cabs to something more user friendly like David Nimrod fits on his BFM cabs. Hamster
  6. Is your paypal linked to your current account or a credit card? You might get some protection if you paid via the latter. Hamster
  7. [quote name='spychal' post='204682' date='May 22 2008, 11:46 PM']Maybe it is just a mexican neck on a squier body...[/quote] I don't think so. It's a probably a sticker from a Stratocaster, and it looks like whoever applied it didn't even bother taking off the film backing paper. Hamster
  8. I think you can get a Pedulla Rapture in 17.5mm spacing, some Warwick Fortresses come in at 16.5mm, Modulus Flea, Yamaha TRB1005, SR5's, early Yamaha BB5000A all are pretty narrow IIRC. Hamster
  9. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='201096' date='May 17 2008, 04:12 PM'][center][color="#FF00FF"][size=6]Happy 1st Birthday Basschat[/size][/color][/center] [center][/center] Don't forget my OT posts don't count - if they did, instead of a post count of 298 it would be 4689298 [/quote] Hey Terri! - you said you'd never use thoses naked pictures of me!!!! Hamster
  10. From the sticky: Eltham 07971 240296 Bristol Jonny Kincade 01179 243279 www.kinkadeguitars.co.uk Bristol Frank Aust 01179 603589 Bristol
  11. The Line 6 110 is a cracking little - and I mean [i]little [/i]amp Hamster
  12. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='195726' date='May 9 2008, 10:36 PM']Just to add, ive played this the last time I saw Alun, and its a real stonker of a bass - someone please buy this before my overdraft takes an uneccessary battering![/quote] I think it sold earlier today Hamster
  13. Runaway by Jamiroquai. Why that one? - 'cos it's the easiest! Hamster
  14. Welcome aboard! [u]Never [/u]sell that bass Enjoy the forums Hamster
  15. [quote name='kdphysio' post='173324' date='Apr 9 2008, 04:32 PM']Hammy, sounds like the start of a 'trigger finger' or 'dupuytren's contracture' !!! (google them.......don't be too scared!! )[/quote] I went to see a consultant about it and he gave me an injection of corticosteroid? with what looked like a sharpened Maccy D's milk shake straw - it didn't half smart! Now half my left hand is all sort of warm/numb/tingly. Doc reckons it's trigger finger caused when I broke my pinkie when I got knocked off my T595 a couple of years ago. Now eating chocs as a sort of painkiller Hamster
  16. I use mine a lot until it clicks down (and stays down until I shake my hand out or click it back with my right hand.) I'm guessing some kind of carpal tunnel syndrome? Hamster
  17. I changed from the TU2 to the Korg DT10 - which IMHO, is miles better for a 5 string Hamster
  18. [quote name='Jono' post='167315' date='Mar 31 2008, 10:15 PM']Very good pedal. Only slight problem is a little bit of volume drop. Not really into mods but always fancied having this one modded. I think Keeley and Analogman do it.. Think I prefer it to the PN2 but that does do rather good stereo panning..[/quote] Cheap cheerful and it works very well once you clip the C4 capacitor off the back of the PCB - it solves the common volume drop. Hamster
  19. Hamster


    Hi Mic - welcome to the forums Hamster
  20. A few places on this sticky - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=248[/url] Hamster
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' post='155975' date='Mar 12 2008, 01:59 PM']Of The Top Of My Head[/quote] You were close - it's Off The Top Of My Hamster
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