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Everything posted by thebassist

  1. I'm just saying, it is a free economy and a person can choose to either pay the amount being asked or not. It's quite simple. And, just for the record I didn't call you a communist.
  2. Maybe go live in a North Korea? I reckon you'd love it.
  3. I'd go for a second hand one mate - they pop up quite a bit for between £300 and £350.
  4. I play in stereo with two heads/two cabs and it works well for what I primarily do but I don't think I'd play stereo if I was playing "normal" bass for the reasons already provided.
  5. It’s a walnut back. I’m super happy with it.
  6. I've been after the six-string version of this bass for years now. GLWTS.
  7. Had a huge blast with the Fodera folks picking up my new Emperor Elite 6 last Tuesday. A dream instrument crafted by wonderful people with the deepest passion.
  8. Rothko had three bassists but the last time I saw them perform, they had two - great band - so much power.
  9. Electro Harmonix EHX Freeze Pedal - SOLD
  10. I have this MXR M87 Bass Compressor Pedal for sale. Has some velcro on the bottom but I've not really used this much at all since buying it in June 2018. Take a look at the photographs and please let me know if you have any questions. Sorry no trades please. £125 shipped. I'm based in Bournemouth.
  11. I have two Aguilar TH350s for sale. I've bought them new in March 2018 and used them in stereo with two Aguilar SL112 cabinets which are also listed here. Take a look at the photographs and please let me know if you have any questions. Sorry no trades please. £300 each collected or £310 shipped. I'm based in Bournemouth.
  12. Aguilar SL112 - SOLD
  13. These are absolutely superb basses but out of my price range unfortunately. GLWTS.
  14. If you're really struggling and aren't happy with what you're getting from the TH500 but still want to stick with Aguilar and funds allow, then consider an AG700.
  15. I have: Drive - completely off Gain - about 8 o'clock (more or less pointing at the -10db button) Master - wherever depending on the room/space (I've never had to go above 2 o'clock though)
  16. Thanks for posting this Ambient. This Saturday - bass giants Rothko headlining.
  17. A very good read. I looked at these and I'm rather embarrassed to say that, ultimately, I was a little put off by the looks and went for two second hand SL112s.
  18. It looks brand new. Amazing! And I love that it fits in a guitar case too!
  19. Yes - and now you need to spill the beans.
  20. If bassdirect, the bass gallery, etc. had that FMT, I suspect I’d buy it because it’d be priced accordingly - although bassdirect do have an Emperor II that is so eye wateringly expensive, you could buy a new Fodera to your spec and go to NY to pick it up for more or less the same money - I digress, I’ve been after that exact FMT spec for a while now and I could actually afford it but I’m not dumb enough to pay way over the value and lose a lot of money on possible future sale.
  21. Hmmm bargain! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F153180410422
  22. I got through a Morley M2 which broke and a couple of Dunlops which were okay to begin with but then stopped running smoothly. I figured I would bite the bullet and just spend the extra money for this Lehle and they are just brilliant - £125 shipping for this is amazing.
  23. Its nice reading a lot of folks more or less have their perfect set up already and wouldn't change much. That's where I am too... I wouldn't say no to a post-2012 American Standard Fender Jazz mind.
  24. Pictures coming tonight when I'm home. I bought it a little over month ago but just haven't used it. As new condition - I've got the box, papers, etc. £115.
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