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Posts posted by thebassist

  1. Anyone here have experience or paid a luthier to switch a fretless into a fretted bass?

    I've found a super rare bass I've been after for years but it's fretless. For info fretted versions of the bass do exist but I've not seen one come up in years on here, eBay or Talkbass. They're crazy rare.

  2. Aguilar Tone Hammer 350 - £325 with free shipping.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bought new less than 6 months ago. [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I got it from [/font][/color]taste_2000 pretty recently.

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Amp is in mint condition. Sale only.[/font][/color]


  3. I only mentioned the Mac because I was dead against them until my last two PCs had issues after four months and then the replacement went just four weeks before I started getting problems.

    Not being in any way technical I took them both back to PC World who were great to be fair. They replaced the first one but when the second one went as well, I paid the extra and bought a brand new iMac. I remember driving home with the computer boxed up in the back of my car really angry with myself about how much money I'd just spent on a computer. This was 2010 and I still run this iMac as my main machine today. So far, touch wood, it has needed to be restarted maybe five times due to slowing down but it's never actually crashed or needed any outside work from anybody so in the long run I'm really pleased I switched.

    And last year, I bought a year old 13-inch MacBook Pro from a fellow bassist here for £750 that my wife uses everyday and I use for recording/gigging. Again, touch wood, but it's not given any grief yet.

    I'm not saying every Apple product works as well as this and I do think I have been fortunate so far but I don't recall hearing any horror stories from Mac users.

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